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研究生(外文):Hui-Chun Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Economic evaluation of Chickenpox vaccination in Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:Chickenpox vaccinationEconomic evaluationCost-effectiveness analysisCost-benefit analysisCost-utility analysis
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方法:使用決策分析方法及馬可夫數學模式以求出各年齡層之水痘流行病學數值,另外,自台灣4個不同地區取樣調查水痘病例之醫療資源使用情形及照護者生產力損失多寡, 並計算預防針接種政策執行時之各項成本, 進而推估其產生之效益、效果及效用。
Backgropund. ─Whether a routine varicella vaccination program is cost-effective has not been fully addressed in Taiwan.
Objective.─To perform an economic evaluation to determine whether it is worthwhile to initiate a routine varicella vaccination program for healthy children at age of 15 months old against varicella in Taiwan from health care payer’s perspective and the societal perspective.
Methods.─Decision analysis using a mathematical Markov model was conducted to compare the balance between costs and benefit/effectiveness/utility for a routine vaccination program against no vaccination. The vaccine efficacy was relied on published and/or unpublished data. Medical utilization rates and costs were collected from an empirical survey in 4 different districts in Taiwan.
Results.─From health care payer’s perspective, the discounted net cost for vaccination program is NT$ 281 millions. The discounted indirect cost saved by vaccination program is estimated at NT$ 733 millions. This yields NT$ 452 millions net saving due to vaccination program from the societal perspective.
The marginal cost-effectiveness ratios are calculated as NT$ 1,417, NT$ 249,556, NT$ 46 millions, and NT$ 92 millions for preventing an additional chickenpox case, major complication, death, and long-term disability, respectively, from health payer’s perspective. The marginal cost-utility ratio for the vaccinated group against the unvaccinated group is calculated as NT$ 461 per QALY gained from health care payer’s perspective. The vaccinated group dominates the unvaccinated group from the societal viewpoint.
From health care payer’s perspective, a varicella vaccination program can only save NT$ 0.34 in discounted costs for each dollar incurred in a vaccination program whereas save NT$ 2.06 from the societal viewpoint.
Conclusions The present study suggests that a routine varicella vaccination program is worthwhile from the societal perspective provided that the vaccine price not beyond NT$2,270
Abstract …………………………………………………...…………….iv
I Introduction…………………………………………………………….1
II Brief Literature Review………………………………………………5
III Materials and Methods13
1. The Disease Natural History, Complications, and Medical Utilization of Varicella…………………………………………...13
2. Markov Decision Model…………………………………………14
3. Empirical Survey for direct costs, indirect costs and medical utilization…………………………………………………………20
4. Cost-effectiveness, cost-utility analysis cost-benefit analysis…………………………………………………………..24
5. The procedure for Markov decision analysis on cost-benefit analysis using tree-age is shown in Appendix A…………….25
IV Results………………………………………………………………..28
1. Empirical survey on the socio-economic consequences of varcella…………………………………………………………...28
2. Effectiveness and cost of vaccination…………………………31
3. Cost-effectiveness ratio, cost-utility ratio, and Benefit-Cost Ratio…………………………………………………………….32
4. Sensitivity analysis………………………………………………34
V Discussion…………………………………………………………….36
VI Reference ……………………………..…………………………….45
Table List
Table 1 Summary of varicella vaccine economic impact models……………..…………………………………………..48
Table 2 Baseline assumptions in varicella-related probabilities and varicella vaccine efficacy parameters……………………….49
Table 3 Assessment of utility in variable status……………………..50
Table 4 Demographics of children and associated events with chickenpox infection…………………………………………. 51
Table 5 Medical utility and school loss or work loss of families among cases with chickenpox infection………………….. …………………………………..52
Table 6 The “willingness to pay” among cases with chickenpox infection……………………………….……………………….53
Table 7 Estimation of health care utilization and productivity loss in varicella Infection………………………………………….54
Table 8 The effectiveness of varicella vaccination program against no vaccination by prevention of chickenpox case, long-term disabilitiy event and death……………….…………………………………………..55
Table 9 Direct and indirect costs in the vaccination and non-vaccination groups………………………………………56
Table 10 The costs, QALY and marginal C/E in vaccination and non-vaccination groups………………………………………57
Table 11 Sensitivity analyses for relevant parameters per life year gained…….……………………………………………………58
Table 12 Sensitivity analyses for relevant parameters per chickenpox prevented……...………………………………...59
Figure List
Fig. 1 The disease natural history, complications and medical utilizations of chickenpox infection………………………….60
Fig. 2 Markov decision analysis on cost-benefit analysis using tree-age. (effectiveness:life-year)…………………………………….61
Fig. 3 Markov decision analysis on cost-benefit analysis using tree-age. (effectiveness: cases of chickenpox)………………………63
Appendix A :The procedure for Markov decision analysis on cost-benefit analysis using tree-age.…………………..65
VI. Reference
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