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研究生(外文):Wang, Chieh-ming
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of Soft Food Chewing Efficiency with Chewing Gum
指導教授(外文):Shiau, Yuh-yuan
外文關鍵詞:Chewing efficiencySoft foodChewing gum
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本研究之目的在於觀察完整齒列者與局部缺牙者對於咀嚼軟質食物之咀嚼效率及肌肉活動量是否具差異性。為此本實驗室設計一種將不透光物質Hydroxylapatite (HA) 細粒置於市售口香糖中所製成之軟質測試食物,分別讓20位具有完整齒列及11位具有單側缺牙之受測者咀嚼,依咀嚼後口香糖中HA細粒之分佈來判定其咀嚼效率。並記錄受測者咀嚼時之左右兩側前顳肌和咬肌的肌肉活動量、最大咬力及咬合接觸面積,以觀察其與咀嚼效率之關係。
咀嚼效率的GEE模型顯示咬合接觸面積及咀嚼次數兩因子對於咀嚼效率的影響最巨,而t-test及Paired t-test也分別顯示完整齒列組之慣用側與非慣用側和缺牙組之慣用側的咬合接觸面積大於缺牙組之非慣用側(p<0.05),且咀嚼效率值的比較結果顯示在20及25次之咀嚼次數時,完整齒列組與缺牙組之咀嚼效率具有顯著的差異(p<0.05),但於30次之咀嚼次數時,即無顯著差異。因此推論缺牙者對於此軟質口香糖之咀嚼效率較完整齒列者為差,且可藉由增加咀嚼次數以補償因缺牙而造成咀嚼效率不佳之情形。總肌肉活性的GEE模型顯示咬力較低者於咀嚼過程中有較低之肌活動量。另外,完整齒列組與缺牙組在分別以其慣用或非慣用側咀嚼時,其兩側之總肌肉活性無明顯的差異。咬力的GEE模型顯示非慣用側與低咬合接觸面積是影響咬力降低的兩項最主要因子。另外,咬力與咀嚼效率之相關性也不高。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in soft food chewing efficiency and muscle activity between complete natural dentition and partial edentulous patients. For this purpose, a soft test food was designed which was hydroxylapatite (HA) particle contained chewing gum. Twenty subjects with complete natural dentition and eleven subjects with at least one posterior tooth missing in one quadrant without restoration were asked to chew the test food. Distribution of the HA particles in the chewed chewing gum was defined as the chewing efficiency. Moreover, simultaneous EMG of the right and left anterior temporalis and masseter muscle during gum chewing was recorded. Centric occlusion contact area and maximum bite force were also measured to relate to the chewing efficiency of gum chewing.
It was found that occlusal contact area and chewing stroke were the more powerful factors to effect chewing efficiency than others when GEE model was applied to analyze the variables in chewing efficiency. Habitual and non-habitual sides of complete dentition subjects were higher than the non-habitual side of incomplete dentition subjects (p<0.05) when t-test was used, and the habitual side was higher than non-habitual side of incomplete dentition subjects (p<0.05) when Paired t-test was used. It is also found that there was a significant difference (p<0.05) after 20 and 25 chews but there was not a significant difference after 30 chews between complete natural dentition and incomplete subjects. We suggested that the poor chewing efficiency of incomplete dentition subjects caused by lower occlusal contact area which is due to teeth missing could be compensated via increased chews during gum chewing. It is found that the lower total muscle activity during gum chewing accompanied with lower maximum bite force when the GEE model applied to analyze the variables in total muscle activity and there were not significant difference within the habitual and non-habitual sides of complete natural dentition and incomplete dentition subjects. It is also found that one chewed on non-habitual side or who had lower occlusal contact area were main to cause lower bite force when the GEE model applied to analyze the variables in maximum bite force and there was not highly relationship between bite force and chewing efficiency.
It was concluded that jaw-closing muscle activities were applied to pulverize and mix the content of chewing gum but highly bite force was not critical on it during gum chewing. Teeth essentiality was important during gum chewing. Finally, the HA contained chewing gum could be popular used to evaluate soft food masticatory function.
一、 受測者……………………………………………...16
二、 軟質測試食物……………………………………...17
三、 肌電圖記錄器……………………………………...18
四、 其他材料及儀器…………………………………...18
五、 咬力記錄器………………………………………...19
六、 測量咬合接觸面積之材料及儀器………………...19
一、 標準測試食物的製作……………………………...21
二、 咀嚼食物之肌活動記錄…………………………...21
三、 咀嚼效率值之測取………………………………...22
四、 最大咬力施出之測取……………………………...23
五、 咬合接觸面積之量取……………………………...24
六、 統計方法…………………………………………...26
5.1 (一)測試食物之選用………………………….37
5.2 (二)對於此測試方法之建議………………….38
5.3 (三)統計分析方法之探討…………………….39
5.4 (四)各種實驗誤差產生之評估……………….40
5.5 (五)影響咀嚼效率之因素…………………….41
5.6 (六)影響肌肉收縮量之因素………………….42
5.7 (七)影響咬力之因素………………………….44
5.8 (八)影響咬合接觸面積之因素……………….45
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