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研究生(外文):Yi-Ju, Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between the contact and identification of cigarette advertising and the students’ smoking behavior in vocational high schools in Taipei County
指導教授(外文):Lan-Lee, Yen
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The purpose of this study was to uncover the relationship between cigarette advertising on magazines and smoking behavior in vocational high school students. 823 valid questionnaires from two vocational high school students in Taipei County were used as secondary data analysis. First, by factor analysis, we learned that four dimensions compose the latent structure of cigarette advertising identification in study subjects; they are stereotype, traditional impression, additional value, and gender identity. Second, by cluster analysis, study subjects could be divided into positive identification group and negative identification group. Last, related factors of smoking behavior were explored using logistic regression and proportional odds regression models. The major results in this study were: 1、The smoking rate in male(29.81%) was higher than that in female(21.16%) and students(39.64%) in private vocational high school was higher than those(21.78%) in public school. 2、The most frequent channels of exposure of cigarette advertising in study subjects were cigarette sales stands and magazines. They paid much more attention to pictures than to characters in cigarette advertisements and their extent of impression and identification with the contents of cigarette advertisements were relatively high. 3、There were several variables significantly correlated to the smoking behavior of study subjects, including sex, school, number of smoker in family, number of peer smoker, the level of attention of cigarette advertising, impression, and its identification cluster group. Since the level of attention of cigarette advertising, impression and identification with cigarette advertising were significant correlated with smoking behavior of vocational high school students, one should point out the wrong messages delivered in cigarette advertising to eliminate adolescents’ myth toward cigarette advertising when conducting education of smoking prevention.
第一章 緒 論1
第一節 研究動機2
第二節 研究目的3
第二章 文獻探討4
第一節 青少年之吸菸行為及影響因素5
第二節 廣告之效果6
第三節 香菸廣告對青少年吸菸行為之影響8
第四節 小結13
第三章 研究方法15
第一節 研究對象15
第二節 研究架構16
第三節 研究假設17
第四節 研究工具19
第五節 資料收集21
第六節 資料處理21
第六節 統計分析22
第四章 研究結果23
第一節 研究樣本之描述23
第二節 研究樣本之吸菸行為24
第三節 研究樣本之香菸廣告接觸情況27
第四節 研究樣本之香菸廣告認同結構32
第五節 研究樣本依香菸廣告認同之集群分佈42
第六節 香菸廣告接觸情況、香菸廣告認同情況與吸菸行為的關係47
第五章 討論57
第一節 北縣高職學生之吸菸行為57
第二節 北縣高職學生接觸、認同香菸廣告的情況58
第三節 香菸廣告與北縣高職學生吸菸行為之關係62
第四節 研究限制65
第六章 結論與建議67
第一節 結論67
第二節 建議68
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附錄二 研究樣本資料收集時間表86
附錄三 香菸廣告認同之兩兩變項相關係數矩陣87
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