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研究生(外文):YuHsiang Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The Economic Effects of Working Hour Reduction─The Case of the Japanese Manufacturing Industry
外文關鍵詞:Reduction of Working HoursOutputEmploymentLabor ProductivityOvertimeProfit
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我國於2000年修改勞動基準法第三十條,法定正常工時由每週四十八小時縮減到每兩週八十四小時,並自2001年起開始實施,各界對此政策頗有疑慮,學者們的論點也難以得到共識。因此本研究擬採時間數列分析(time series analysis),透過對日本實證資料的研究,釐清縮減工時對經濟之正、負面影響。
The Republic of China had updated the 30th clause of Labor law to reduce the work hours from 48 hours per week to 84 hours biweekly in 2000 and it had been effective in 2001. The public and academia concern the new policy, but there is no consensus appeared. We hope to find out the effect of reducing work hours to the economics by using time series analysis upon the historical data from Japan.
We first collected relative historical data of reducing work hours from Japan so that we could realize the background of this policy and the effect to the enterprises. Then we made our thesis structure by combining the model from relative research about product, hire, manpower, overtime, profit in business and the factor of legally reduced work hours. The reduce work hour policy has been carrier out in Japan since 1988 and its background of industry development is pretty similar and far more advanced in business operation to Taiwan. The Japanese example could make up the practical incompetents of the reducing-working-hour theory and lessen the doubt from the public as well as do some help to our government in making reasonable policies.
According to the analytical result from the Japanese industry, reduction of working hours could increase the number of hiring and the manpower product, but no significant effect was found in output, overtime and profit. We could generally conclude that reduce of work hours policy might have some positive effect to the Japanese economic by these 5 important index. At least we don’t have sufficient evidence to prove any negative effect to the economic. It’s generally believed that the manufactory industry would sustain more impact than other industries by this policy, so we may believe that the impact would be smaller in other industries. By the experiences from Japan, we could conclude that the enterprises in Taiwan could be less doubt on this policy if the government would take appropriate actions.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機
第二節 研究目的
第三節 章節結構
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 工時及縮減工時的定義與型態
第二節 日本歷年工時之趨勢型態與制度演變
第三節 縮減工時的經濟影響效果
第三章 研究方法
第一節 理論模型與變數定義
第二節 研究對象與資料來源
第三節 研究分析方法
第四章 實證分析
第一節 日本歷年工時與相關經濟指標之趨勢
第二節 縮減工時對日本製造業經濟影響之實證分析
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 縮減工時對日本的經濟影響
第二節 可提供臺灣縮減法定工時之建議
第三節 研究限制與未來發展
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1. 黃同圳 (1997)「日本縮短工時對生產力的影響」,人力發展月刊,(45):4-8。
2. 黃同圳 (1996)「工時縮短之因應措施─日本之借鏡」,勞工之友,(544):16-19。
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