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研究生(外文):Jun-Rong Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Structural and Rheological Properties of Immiscible Binary Crystalline Polymer Blends
指導教授(外文):Ching-I Huang
外文關鍵詞:crystalline polymerblendsWAXDSAXSrheology
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本研究主要是利用即時同步的廣角X光繞射/小角X光散射配合雙平行板流變儀對於雙結晶混摻系統:對排聚丙烯(syndiotactic polypropylene, sPP)及乙烯丙烯無規則共聚物(poly ethylene-propylene random copolymer, PEP)之聚摻合物(sPP/PEP),觀察其結構型態以及流變性質。sPP熔點大約132℃,PEP則為168℃。
關於流變性質的研究,我們在穩態實驗中利用加成定律觀察到正負偏差相轉換之溫度,進而決定了binodal line;在動態實驗方面,我們針對溫度與組成做了一系列動態黏彈性之討論。

We study both the crystallization and melting behaviors of binary crystalline syndiotactic polypropylene (sPP) and ethylene-propylene random copolymer (PEP) blends by simultaneous time-resolved synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) and parallel-plate remoter experiments. With the aid of WAXD experiment, we examine the effects of temperature and polymer composition on the crystalline structures as well as the bulk crystallinity of both components. As expected, the crystal structures of both sPP and PEP are independent of crystallization temperature and polymer composition. When the crystallization temperature decreases, the crystallinity of each component increases. For sPP/PEP blends at various compositions quenched to the same temperature, the crystallinity at the late stage of crystallization process increases with the addition of PEP. This is due to the fact that pure PEP has higher crystallinity than pure sPP for our samples studied here. However, the results at the early stage of the crystallization process reveal that even a few amount of sPP added to PEP proceeds the crystallization process.
With SAXS, we study the effects of temperature and polymer composition on the long period, crystalline and amorphous layer thickness. When the blend samples are quenched to a temperature such that only PEP can crystallize, we observe that all of the structural sizes increase just a bit as the amount of sPP increases. This reveals that most of the amorphous sPP added to the samples are expelled outside the PEP lamellar stacks, such that the volume fraction of lamellar stacks decreases with the addition of sPP. When the crystallization temperature is lower such that both sPP and PEP can crystallize, we propose that both mechanisms of lamellae insertion and heterogeneous nucleation occur simultaneously during the isothermal crystallization process. In particular, when the weight ratio of sPP/PEP is in the range of 5/5 and 3/7, most of the lamellae are formed by the heterogeneous nucleation mechanism such that the long period, the crystalline layer thickness, as well as the amorphous layer thickness reach a maximum. During the melting process, we observe that both long period and crystalline layer thickness increase abruptly and then decrease sharply when the temperature is close to the sPP melting point. This is due to the fact that with increasing temperature, the formed sPP lamellae by the insertion model are smaller and melt first; therefore, the lamellar size keeps increasing. As temperature keeps increasing such that all of the larger sPP lamellae formed by the heterogeneous nucleation melt completely, the lamellar size decreases and reaches the value of PEP lamellae. As temperature increases further and reaches the melting point of PEP, both long period and crystalline layer thickness increases, as expected.
In the analysis of rheological behavior, we use the additive rule to compare the zero-shear viscosity from both experiment and theory. We determine the binodal line of sPP and PEP blends.

1.1 前言…………………………………………………………….1
二、 實驗部分…………………………………………………………..10
2.1 樣品製備…………………………………………………….10
2.2 實驗方法…………………………………………………….10
2.2.1 廣角X光繞射/小角X光散射(WAXD/SAXS)…………10
2.2.2 流變儀…………………………………………………….13
2.2.2-1 穩態流變試………………………………………...14
2.3.2-2 動態流變測試……………………………………...15
2.4 實驗原理與分析…………………………………………...15
2.4.1 廣角X光繞射(WAXD)……………………………….15
2.4.2 小角X光散射(SAXS) ………………………………..20
2.4.3 高分子熔融流變行為………………………….…….31
2.4.3-1 穩態剪切黏度…………………………………….31
2.4.3-2 動態流變行為…………………………………...36
三、 結果與討論………………………………………………………38
3.1 廣角X光繞射(WAXD)………………………………….38
3.1.1 137℃等溫結晶………………………………………38
3.1.2 98℃等溫結晶………………………………………41
3.1.3 80℃等溫結晶………………………………………48
3.1.4 80℃等溫結晶後加熱至熔融………………………53
3.2 小角X光散射(SAXS)………………………………….59
3.2.1 137℃等溫結晶………………………………………59
3.2.2 98℃等溫結晶………………………………………..80
3.2.3 80℃等溫結晶………………………………………118
3.2.4 等溫結晶實驗之整理與討論………………………131
3.2.5 80℃等溫結晶後加熱至熔融………………………148
3.3 高分子熔融流變行為………………………………….172
3.3.1 穩態剪切黏度………………………………..…….172
3.3.2 動態流變行為………………………………..…….179
四、 結論……………………………………………………201
4.1 廣角X光繞射(WAXD)……………………………….201
4.2 小角X光散射 (SAXS)…………………………………201
4.3 高分子熔融流變行為………………………………….203
4.3.1 穩態剪切黏度………………………………………203
4.3.2 動態流變行為………………………………………203
五、 參考文獻………………………………………………………..205

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