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研究生(外文):Ya-Hui Feng
論文名稱(外文):A Study of High-rise Office Buildings’Plans─circulation types in New York and Chicago
指導教授(外文):Chih-Ming Shih
外文關鍵詞:office buildingplan typeplan space
  • 被引用被引用:3
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In behalf of the obvious volume and huge amount, office building emerges as one of the significant and representative elements to develop the urban space in the modern time. With the shifting of times, it brought a great change on the plan space of office buildings that possess practical and economical values, as well as the noticeable centered phenomenon that occurred in the process of the turning upward height. To discuss the reasons why the plan space of office buildings
change has become a subject that is worth researching.
Owing to the complete and coherent reservation of the high-rise office buildings in each historical period, researching the samples in New York and Chicago becomes meaningful. This thesis selects the samples of New York and Chicago cities in a hundred years from 1880 to 1999 as case study range, and adopts the methods of generalization, comparing, and analysis. Initially, it analyzes the relative subjects involves in the changing plan space and centered phenomenon of those bibliographies, and generalizes the main factors which influence the plan. Within the abstract thinking from the vertical and horizontal angles, the thesis sets up the plan type. Moreover, it theorizes about the samples in plan space and analyzes the centered phenomenon that was formed in the process of plan space developing. Then, it decentralizes the reasons why the plan space of office buildings was formed, compares and contracts the forming of plan space under the impact on different factors in these two cities. The thesis attempts to theorize the factors influence the forming of office building space and analyze the policies and ways be taken to against the same problem in these two cities as the basement for logical thinking toward the future development of office building plan
Space researching.
圖目錄 4
表目錄 6
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 研究方法與範圍界定 2
1-3 研究流程 3
1-4 相關文獻 4
2-1 平面主要演進與發展 6
2-1-1 平面空間 6
一、1880-1910年 6
二、1910-1940年 8
三、1950-1965年 9
四、1965-1980年 10
五、1980-1999年 11
2-1-2 背景環境 12
一、1880-1910年 12
二、1910-1940年 13
三、1950-1965年 14
四、1965 -- 15
2-1-3 相關事件 17
2-2 主要文獻探討 19
2-2-1 經濟性平面 20
2-2-2 設計原則 22
2-2-3 法令 25
2-2-4 設備 32
2-2-5 相關比較 34
2-3 小結 37
3-1 分類系統之建立 40
3-1-1 分類架構 40
一、分類架構 40
二、平面類型的層級與構成 41
3-1-2 定義與表示 42
一、定義界定 42
二、代表符號 42
三、分類關係 43
四、表示方式 43
3-2 基本類型的產生 44
3-2-1 垂直動線基本類型 44
3-2-2 水平動線基本類型 45
3-3 平面類型建立 46
3-4 分類準則 48
一、類型Voc- 48
二、類型Vis- 49
三、類型Vms- 50
四、類型Vic- 51
五、類型Vmc- 53
4-1 案例類型研究 56
4-1-1 紐約的平面類型 56
4-1-2 芝加哥的平面類型 57
4-2 類型的集中現象 62
4-2-1 以時間的觀點 63
4-2-2 以地域的觀點 63
4-3 集中現象說明 66
4-3-1 基地特性 66
4-3-2 法令政策 67
4-3-3 技術設備 68
5-1 平面類型分析 70
5-1-1 以時間的觀點 70
5-1-2 以地域的觀點 73
5-2 類型集中現象分析 76
5-2-1 基地特性 76
5-2-2 法令政策 78
5-2-3 技術設備 80
6-1 結論 81
6-2 後續研究與建議 86
案例參考來源 87
參考文獻 88
附錄一 案例目錄 附錄 - 01
附錄二 平面類型 附錄 - 03
附錄三 研究案例─1880年∼1999年 附錄 - 14
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