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研究生(外文):C. H. Lee
論文名稱(外文):Polyelectrolytes for the Conditioning and Dewatering of Waste Activated Sludge
指導教授(外文):J. C. Liu
外文關鍵詞:conditioningdewateringextracellular polymers (ECPs)floc strengthpolyelectrolytesludgebridgingcharge neutralization
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本論文探討聚電解質對污泥調理、脫水行為之影響。研究內容包括以雙重聚電解質調理污泥、鹽分對污泥調理脫水之影響、聚電解質電荷密度對污泥調理脫水之影響。文中以毛細虹吸時間(capillary suction time)與過濾比阻(specific resistance to filtration)等,作為污泥脫水性之評估。
在離子強度效應研究中,以陽離子性聚電解質調理含鹽污泥,討論污泥外加不同濃度的NaCl,或固定離子強度下比較不同價數離子(Na+、K+、Mg2+、Ca2+)對污泥調理脫水之影響。結果顯示,離子強度會使細胞外高分子(extracellular polymers)釋出,導致污泥膠羽破碎;當NaCl濃度高於0.2M,會使污泥脫水性惡化。在不同金屬離子效應中,二價離子比一價離子更容易使污泥脫水性惡化。
Effects of polyelectrolyte on the sludge conditioning and dewatering behaviors were studied. Specifically, it included sludge conditioning by dual polyelectrolytes, effects of high-salinity, and effects of charge density of polyelectrolytes on sludge conditioning and dewatering. Capillary suction time (CST) and specific resistance to filtration (SRF) were utilized to assess sludge dewaterability.
In dual polyelectrolytes conditioning, both cationic and non-ionic polyelectrolytes were utilized simultaneously in the conditioning. Sludge dewatering behaviors resulted from single and dual polyelectrolytes conditioning were compared. It was found that sludge conditioned with dual polyelectrolytes showed a better dewaterability and less chance of overdosing. In addition, floc strength could also be enhanced. Reaction mechanisms in dual polyelectrolytes conditioning were proposed.
The cationic polyelectrolyte was used in high-salinity sludge conditioning. Sludge was prepared with the addition of NaCl or with different salts (Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) at various concentrations. Results showed that salts caused the release of extracellular polymers (ECPs) into aqueous solution, and structure of flocs was subsequently destroyed. Sludge dewaterability was insignificantly affected by salts until salt concentration was higher than 0.2 M. The divalent ion caused more significant deterioration of sludge dewaterability than the monovalent one under identical concentration.
Effects of charge density of polyelectrolyte on the dewaterability of pulp and paper sludge were examined. Three cationic polyelectrolytes with similar molecular weights and different charge density were used in sludge conditioning, respectively. It was found that the higher charge density of polyelectrolyte, the better the sludge dewaterability. Reaction mechanisms were explored based on charge neutralization and bridging.
第一章 緒論
第二章 理論基礎與文獻回顧
2.1 污泥來源及特性
2.2 污泥中水份分佈
2.3 膠羽結構與細胞外高分子
2.4 聚電解質
2.5 調理
2.6 膠羽強度
第三章 實驗方法
3.1 污泥樣品
3.2 污泥與聚電解質特性方析
3.3 污泥調理及脫水測試
第四章 污泥雙重調理
4.1 雙重調理
4.2 膠羽結構與強度
第五章 離子強度與電荷密度效應
5.1 離子強度效應
5.2 不同離子效應
5.3 電荷密度效應
第六章 結論
第七章 參考文獻
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