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研究生(外文):Chu-Yuan Chen
論文名稱(外文):Bleaching Kinetics of Soy Oil
指導教授(外文):Chen-I Lin
外文關鍵詞:activated rice hull ashbleaching kineticssoy oilabsorbance spectraclayrice hull ashbleachingkinetics
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Rice hull was ashed in a box furnace and then activated by sulfuric acid. Soy oil was then bleached by the ash produced. A spectrophotometer was then employed to determine the concentration of β-carotene in the oil before and after bleaching. An elemental analyzer, an inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer, an X-ray diffractometer, a scanning electron microscope and a surface area meter were used to determine the composition and physical properties of rice hull and activated rice hull ash.
This study was divided into two parts. Bleaching capabilities of different rice hull ashes and clays were compared in the first part. Bleaching kinetics of soy oil with activated rice hull ash was studied in the second part.
The results of the first part indicated that there was no new products generated during the bleaching with the rice hull ashes or clays. It also demonstrated that the bleachings with rice hulls ashed in nitrogen stream were generally more efficient than those ashed in air stream. Acid activated ashes showed higher bleaching capability than unactivated ones. Moreover, unwashed activated ashes were found to be more effective in adsorption than washed ones.
The results of the second part indicated that the bleaching rate was found to be increased by increasing the ratio of activated rice hull ash/soy oil or bleaching temperature and by decreasing the particle size of activated rice hull ash. Following is the expression of the bleaching rate obtained by regression of experimental data. The applicable ranges of the expression of the bleaching rate are particle size of activated rice hull ash 44.3~193.0μm, ratio of activated rice hull ash/soy oil 0.02~0.04 and bleaching temperature 100~140℃.
2-1 吸附劑的種類2
2-2 稻殼的灰化4
2-3 稻殼灰的活化6
2-4 植物油的脫色8
2-4-1 吸附機制9
2-4-2 植物油脫色過程的描述9
2-4-3 脫色條件對脫色速率的影響11
3-1 藥品、氣體及吸附劑16
3-1-1 藥品16
3-1-2 氣體16
3-1-3 吸附劑17
3-2 實驗儀器及設備23
3-2-1 稻殼灰化裝置23
3-2-2 稻殼灰活化裝置25
3-2-3 脫色實驗裝置27
3-2-4 β-胡蘿蔔素濃度測定儀器31
3-2-5 稻殼灰組成及物性測定儀器32
3-2-6 其他儀器與設備36
3-3 實驗步驟38
3-3-1 稻殼的前處理38
3-3-2 稻殼的灰化38
3-3-3 稻殼灰的活化39
3-3-4 脫色實驗41
3-3-5 分光光度計之分析42
3-3-5-1 檢量線的製作43
3-3-6 元素分析儀之分析45
3-3-7 感應耦合電漿質譜儀分析45
3-3-8 X光繞射分析46
3-3-9 掃描式電子顯微鏡分析47
3-3-10 比表面積、孔隙體積、平均孔徑大小及孔徑分佈分
析 48
3-4 實驗工作項目49
3-4-1 不同吸附劑的吸附能力評比49
3-4-2 脫色動力學50
3-4-2-1 稻殼灰粒徑大小50
3-4-2-2 稻殼灰/大豆油重量比51
3-4-2-3 脫色溫度51
4-1 不同吸附劑的吸附能力評比52
4-2 稻殼灰的組成及物性測定56
4-2-1 元素分析儀之測定結果57
4-2-2 感應耦合電漿質譜儀之測定結果58
4-2-3 X光繞射儀之測定結果58
4-2-4 掃描式電子顯微鏡之測定結果58
4-2-5 比表面積、孔隙體積、平均孔徑大小及孔徑分佈的測
4-3 脫色動力學66
4-3-1 分光光度計之吸收光譜圖67
4-3-2 各種變數對吸附速率之影響67
4-3-2-1 ARHA粒徑大小的影響72
4-3-2-2 ARHA/大豆油重量比的影響72
4-3-2-3 脫色溫度的影響73
4-3-3 脫色速率式73
第五章 結論88
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