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研究生(外文):Min-Hsien Hwang
論文名稱(外文):An Improved Algorithm for Dense Disparity Estimation Using Two--Level Dynamic Programming Approach
指導教授(外文):Kuo--Liang Chung
外文關鍵詞:Depth mapDisparity estimationDynamic programmingStereo matching
  • 被引用被引用:1
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在本篇論文中,假設兩部相機採取平行的方式排列,並且標記可接受之最大視差為 d。若給與兩張立體視覺影像,L and R, Tasi and Katsaggelos 最近發表一個新而且快速的演算法去解決稠密的視差估測的問題。為了解決相同的問題,本篇論文發表一個改良的兩階段動態規劃之方法,期望得到較快速且精準的結果。 在第一階段,從 L and R
兩張影像中的每一列去獲得主要的特徵點,然後針對每一組對應列,運用動態規劃的技術及三個消除的規則, 去準確地獲得那些特徵點的匹配關係。在第二階段,根據第一階段的結果進一步將每一列切割為數個子區域。 然後,有範圍地動態規劃的技術被利用以加速決定兩對應列之間子區域中每一個的點匹配關係。 上述之兩階段的方法是從中間列往上下兩邊界列執行,直到所有列都已完成為止。本論文有一個實驗被實做,以
介紹本方法之快速及準確。本論文所提出之方法相對於 Tasi and katsaggelos 所發表的方法是具有相當之競爭性的。最後,將本論文所提出之方法與 Tasi and Katsaggelos 之方法在速度上相比較可以得到 53% 的改善。

Suppose two cameras are arranged in a parallel-axis configuration and the maximal disparity allowable is assumed to d. Given two stereo images, say L and R, recently Tasi and Katsaggelos presented a new and efficient algorithm for solving the dense disparity estimation problem. For solving the same problem, this paper presents an improved two--level dynamic programming approach in fast and robust manners. In level 1, the main feature points are extracted from the rows of L and R, then we apply the dynamic programming technique associated with three elimination rules to find the matched feature pairs for any two corresponding rows in a robust manner. In level 2, for that two rows, based on the matched feature pairs obtained in the first level, each row is further divided into some small
subintervals. Then a banded dynamic programming technique with respect to d is employed to speed up the determination of the matched point pairs between the corresponding two subintervals. The above two-level process is performed from the middle rows to the boundary rows until all the rows in L and R are processed. An experiment is carried out to demonstrate the computational and robust advantages of the proposed algorithm. The proposed improved algorithm is quite competitive with
the current result by Tasi and Katsaggelos. Experimental results reveal that the execution time improvement ratio is about 53%.

中文摘要 ...............................................I
英文摘要 .............................................III
誌 謝 ...............................................V
圖表索引 .............................................VII
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................1
4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS ...............................17
5. CONCLUSIONS ........................................19
6. REFERENCES ........................................20
7. 作者簡介 ..........................................23
8. 授權書 ............................................24

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