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研究生(外文):Teh-Chuan Chen
論文名稱(外文):Efficient Image Algorithms for Detecting Shapes and Their Implementations
指導教授(外文):Kuo-Liang Chung
中文關鍵詞:Affine 轉換圓形偵測橢圓形偵測哈克轉換影像處理影像演算法線偵測隨機演算法
外文關鍵詞:Affine transformationCircle DetectionEllipse DetectionHough transformImage ProcessingImage AlgorithmLine DetectionRandomized Algorithm
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在影像中經常出現線、圓及橢圓。所以在影像處理中,偵測這三種形狀是很重要的。而偵測這些形狀所最常使用的方法為哈克轉換 (HT) 及以 HT變化而來的相關方法。本質上 HT是一個投票程序。票是累積在一個用來代表形狀的參數空間的累積器上。當累積器中的某一單元有足夠的投票數時,我們便可擷取出所要找的形狀。基本上,當要偵測由n個參數所表示的形狀時,使用 HT測該形狀需要 n 維記憶體陣列的累積器。所以哈克轉換的主要缺點是需要花用來表示多維參數空間的大量記憶體空間及執行投票時所需的大量時間。特別地,在 Risse 的研究中指出,當進行哈克轉換時,參數空間中許多地方是多餘不會被使用到的。這種較低的記憶空間使用率也造成了許多記憶空間的浪費。
Xu 等人 曾提出一個隨機式哈克轉換 (RHT) 來改進 HT。當我們要偵測有n個參數的形狀時,RHT每次取出n 個邊點像素並求出通過這 n 個邊點形狀所對應的該 n 個參數的實際值,然後依該值在參數空間中投票。由於 RHT 仍是一種 HT 式的方法,所以施行 RHT 時,仍需花不少記憶空間及計算時間。
本論文首先提出一個新的 affine 轉換為基礎的測線 HT。它將線的斜線-截距參數空間轉換到一個可100%被使用的記憶空間。此外,本論文也提出該方法的三個有效的執行方式。之後,本論文還提出了用來測線、測圓及測橢圓的隨機演算法。這些隨機演算法並不需要在累積器所表示的參數空間上投票,而這也因此可達成於偵測這些形狀時的記憶空間及計算時間上較節省的效果。本論文所進行的一些實驗結果也證實了理論上的分析。

Since lines, circles, and ellipses occur in the image frequently, detecting the three types of shapes is very important in image processing. The commonly used method
for detecting those shapes are the Hough transform (HT) and its variants. The HT is essentially a voting process. These
votes are accumulated in an accumulator which represents the
parameter space for the shape. When one cell in the accumulator
has a satisfactory score, we can retrieve the desired shape.
Basically, to detect a shape of n parameters requires an
n-dimensional array for the accumulator. Therefore, the
principal disadvantage of the HT is that it needs a huge amount of storage to represent the multidimensional parameter space and some amount of executing time to carry out the voting process.
Specifically, Risse points out that there are much redundant memory in the parameter space. The low memory utilization of HT leads to waste much memory space.
In order to reduce the large storage and heavy computation needed
in the HT, Xu et al. proposed a randomized Hough transform (RHT) which randomly selects n edge pixels for detecting the shape of n parameters each time and maps them into one point in the parameter space. But, the
RHT still needs some amount of storage and executing time due to
the disadvantage existing in the HT-based method.
In this thesis, a new affine-transform based HT for detecting
lines is presented first. The proposed method transfers the
slope--intercept parameter space into a fully (100%) utilized
memory space. In addition, three efficient implementations are
presented. Then some efficient randomized algorithms for detecting
lines, circles, and ellipses are presented. These randomized
algorithms do not need to vote in the accumulator and it leads to
memory- and computation-saving effects. Experimental results
confirm the theoretical analysis.

Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Motivations and purposes2
1.3. Organization of the thesis3
Chapter 2. Memory-Saving Hough Transform for Detecting Lines Based on Affine Transformation5
2.1. The slope-intercept parameter space and
memory utilization5
2.2. The affine transformation to reach 100%
memory utilization9
2.3. Three implementations12
2.4. Experimentations and comparison19
Chapter 3. Fast Randomized Algorithm for Detecting Lines 25
3.1. Background25
3.2. The lines detection randomized algorithm27
3.2.1. The basic idea27
3.2.2. Determining the candidate line28
3.2.3. Determining the true line32
3.2.4. The randomized algorithm33
3.2.5. Two remarks about the algorithm34
3.3. Experimentations and comparison35
Chapter 4. Fast Randomized Algorithm for Detecting Circles 41
4.1. Preliminaries41
4.2. The circles detection randomized algorithm42
4.2.1. The basic idea42
4.2.2. Determining the candidate circle43
4.2.3. Determining the true circle47
4.2.4. The randomized algorithm48
4.3. Experimentations and comparison49
4.4. Discussion59
Chapter 5. Fast Randomized Algorithm for Detecting Ellipses64
5.1. Preliminaries64
5.2. The ellipses detection randomized algorithm66
5.2.1. The basic idea66
5.2.2. Finding the center of the ellipse69
5.2.3. Determining the remaining three parameters of
the ellipse70
5.2.4. Determining the candidate ellipse71
5.2.5. Determining the true ellipse72
5.2.6. The randomized algorithm74
5.3. Experimentations and comparison75
Chapter 6. Conclusions and future works80

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