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研究生(外文):Jun-Wei Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):Designing Depth-Size Optimal Parallel Prefix Circuit WE4
指導教授(外文):Yen-Chun Lin
外文關鍵詞:parallel prefixprefix circuitsdepth-size optimalfan-out
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前置運算就是對n個輸入數值x1, x2,..., xn與具結合性
的二元運算,求得n個前置值x1, x2,..., xi,1≦i≦n.因為
且深度介於2log n-6與2log n-3之間.在深度的比較上,WE4與扇出為4的最佳前置電路Z4各有小部分比對方多一,
Give n values x1, x2,..., xn and an associative binary operation , the prefix
problem is to computex1, x2,..., xi,1≦i≦n. Because prefix computation has
many applications, many combinational circuits for solving the prefix problem, called prefix
circuit, has been designed. The depth d(D) and the size s(D) of an n-input prefix circuit
D satisfy d(D) + s(D) ≧2n - 2; thus, the prefix circuit is depth-size optimal if d(D) +
s(D) = 2n - 2. A prefix circuit with a smaller size requires less VLSI area, and one with
smaller depth is faster. In addition, a node with a greater fan-out is slower and requires
larger VLSI area. In this thesis, we construct a depth-size optimal parallel prefix circuit WE4 with
fan-out 4, the depth of WE4 between 2log n-6 and 2log n-3.Compared with another depth-
size optimal prefix circuit Z4, the depth of WE4 may be less than or greater than that of
Z4. The depth of WE4 is smaller than all the other known prefix circuits with fan-out 4. 
Compared with QL, a depth-size optimal prefix circuit with unbounded fan-out, WE4 may
have may a greater or equal depth than QL; however, because the fan-out of WE4 is smaller than
that of QL, the VLSI area of WE4 is smaller, and WE$ may be faster.
第 1 章   簡介                     1
 1.1. 平行前置電路的介紹          1
 1.2. 相關研究                    3
 1.3. 論文組織                    4
第 2 章   舊有的前置電路及性質             5
 2.1. 分層式前置電路P   5
 2.2. 扇出最多為4的前置電路Q              6
 2.3. 節點數最佳前置電路W             8
 2.4. 前置電路的合成及節點數最佳前置電路的相關性質  8
 2.5. 最佳前置電路Z4及QL的深度   10
第 3 章   扇出為4的最佳前置電路             11
 3.1. 扇出為4的節點數最佳前置電路WL        11
 3.2. 節點數最佳前置電路WV           16
 3.3. 扇出為4的最佳前置電路WE4           21
第 4 章   最佳前置電路的比較              27
第 5 章   結論與未來研究方向              31
 5.1. 結論                   31
 5.2. 未來研究方向                  31
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