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研究生(外文):S-San Peng
論文名稱(外文):A random Vibration Analysis on PCBs with Moving Supports
指導教授(外文):Sen-Lin Lu
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本論文主要在研究移動點或邊界支撐之印刷電路板的隨機振動,文中將引用疊加法來處理具不同約束邊界之印刷電路板的固有值問題(Eigenvalue Problem),同時也提出一遞迴演算法來計算印刷電路板在白噪音及非白噪音穩態過程加速度激振下板的橫向位移均方值。本數值結果與蒙地卡羅模擬法之模擬值也做了比較,結果顯示相當吻合。由此我們可以發現,對點支撐印刷電板而言,支撐點最好不要位在低頻模態的節線上,反之板上的質量則最好放在此節線上,對匯流槽夾持或楔形夾持而言,夾持剛度增加可提高印刷電路板的自然頻率並降低板的位移均方值。
The electronic devices are often mounted on the Printed-Circuit-Boards (PCBs), which may be exposed to severe vibration and shock environment. Therefore, how to protect the devices and how to increase the reliability of the PCBs have become an important task in the research.
The random vibration of PCBs with moving point or edge supports is studied in this thesis. The superposition method will be introduced to deal with the eigenvalue problems of PCBs constrained by different edge conditions. The mean square value of the relative transverse displacement of plate element is evaluated for the white and non-white stationary random process acceleration excitations by using the proposed recursive algorithm. Furthermore, the numerical results are also compared with those using the Monte Carlo simulation approximations, and the excellent agreement between the two results is obtained. It is found that the constraint point had better not be located on the nodal line of low mode for the case of point supported PCBs; on the other hand the attached mass had better be put on it. It is further found that for the case of plug-in connector supported PCBs or wedge retainer supported PCBs, the increment of connector or retainer stiffness will promote the natural frequencies and lower the mean square value of displacement of PCBs.
1.2 文獻回顧2
第二章 矩形平板疊加原理7
2.1 自由振動矩形平板之運動方程式7
2.2 疊加法(Superposition Method)12
第三章 印刷電路板的模態分析22
3.1 四點支撐印刷電路板模態分析22
3.4 印刷電路板上電子元件之模擬40
第四章 印刷電路板統計響應43
4.2 印刷電路板在隨機激振下之位移均方值45
4.3 響應關聯方程式(Correlation Equation)47
4.4 遞迴法49
第五章 數值範例58
5.1 印刷電路板模自然頻率及自然模態58
5.1.2 範例二:匯流槽印刷電路板66
5.2 印刷電路板位移均方值78
5.2.1 範例四:印刷電路板在穩態白噪音過程激振下的位移均方值78
5.2.2 範例五:印刷電路板在穩態非白噪音過程激振下的位移均方值85
第六章 結論與未來展望91
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