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研究生(外文):Chi Chui Yun
論文名稱(外文):Development of Coolers for the Central Processing Units
指導教授(外文):Rong Fung Huang
外文關鍵詞:Heat SinkCoolerCentral Processing UnitHeat transfer
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隨著半導體產業的蓬勃發展,各種不同電子構裝產品均朝向高密度、高能量、小體積發展,再加上傳輸速度增快及使用功率的提高,散熱問題便愈顯重要。因此,散熱裝置的開發與設計實為目前最急迫的工作。在二十世紀末,隨著筆記型電腦的發展,CPU晶片的發熱量約為10∼25W。二十一世紀初,推出1.4GHz CPU,發熱量高達35W,加上電腦機殼的輕巧化,散熱問題便顯得更加棘手。本研究以強制對流之傳統散熱手法,針對筆記型電腦1.4GHz CPU散熱之扁平式散熱裝置,以及廣泛應用於筆記型電腦、桌上型電腦以及工業電腦CPU散熱之千層式散熱裝置,進行研究分析與開發設計。經由實驗量測與軟體模擬得知,在矮薄空間內水平鰭片比垂直鰭片效率高,且開發後之扁平式水平鰭片散熱裝置已具備了35W的散熱能力,特別適用於矮薄空間內。千層式散熱裝置散熱性能的提昇,可藉由熱傳路徑的設計而獲得有效的改善。因此,對於傳統散熱裝置的開發,除了流體力學的認知外,更需考慮熱傳的行為與散熱途徑,才能有效且明顯的增加熱傳效率。
Various electron facilities produced by the semiconductor industries are developed toward high density, high energy, and small dimension. With the increase of the operation speed and power density, heat dissipation problems are getting important. Design of the coolers for these high power devices become urgent for next generation products. At the end of the 20th century, with the development of notebook computer, the heat source from the chip of the Central Processing Unit is about 10~25 Watts. Early in the 21st century, the 1.4GHz CPU dissipating about 35 W is produced. It is a challenge to solve the heat dissipation problems. This study applies the traditional cooling method by forced convection, focusing on the optimization and modification of the cooling devices: flat heat sink and multi-layer heat sink. The flat heat sink cooler is used to solve the 1.4GHz CPU of the notebook computer, while the multi-layer heat sink cooler is widely applied to every type of computers. Experiments measuring the flow rate and temperature of a commercial product are conducted to assist verification of the results of simulation by using the I-DEAS ESC software package. Optimization and modification of the cooler are then undertaken to obtain an acceptable design. The results show that the horizontal-fin design is more effective than vertical-fin one for the flat cooling devices. The performance is largely improved by redesigning the heat dissipation runner of the multi-layer coolers.
第一章 緒論………………………………………………………1
1.1 研究動機……………………………………………1
1.2 文獻回顧……………..………………………………2
第二章 研究工具與方法……...………………………………9
2.1 研究方法…………….…………………………………9
2.2 溫度量測實驗…………………………………………10
2.2.1 推力提供與量測系統………………………………10
2.2.2 發熱體………………………………………………10
2.2.3 溫度量測系統………………………………………12
2.2.4 散熱裝置……………………………………………12
2.2.5 熱阻的計算…………………………………………13
2.3 風量量測實驗……………………………………15
2.3.1 熱線風速儀………………………………………15
2.3.2 風量、平均流速與雷諾數的計算………………16
2.4 I-DEAS軟體模擬簡介………………………………18
2.4.1 I-DEAS ESC簡介………………………………18
2.4.2 模型建構程序……………………………………19
2.4.3 有限容積法………………………………………20
2.4.4 熱模型理論………………………………………21
2.4.5 流體流動模型理論………………………………23
第三章 扁平式散熱裝置數值模擬結果與分析……………… 27
3.1 問題闡述與參數定義……………………………27
3.2 先期實驗…………………………………………28
3.3 預估參數…………………………………………29
3.4 原散熱裝置之軟體模擬與分析…………………30
3.5 風扇置中設計之軟體模擬與分析………………34
3.6 水平鰭片散熱裝置之軟體模擬與分析…………35
第四章 千層式散熱裝置數值模擬結果與分析………………38
4.1 問題闡述…………………………………………38
4.2 先期實驗………………………………………………38
4.3 預估參數...………………………………………………39
4.4 軟體模擬與分析…...……………………………………40
4.5 新設計千層散熱裝置….…………………………42
第五章 結論………………………………………………………44
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