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論文名稱(外文):Seismic retrofit of existing circular RC bridge columns using steel jacketing
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Corresponding to the identified weakness of RC bridge column details, retrofitting strategies were proposed for the cyclic loading tests of scaled-down specimens in previous studies. These retrofitting strategies have been proved to be effective in enhancing the seismic resistance of the RC bridge columns. In this study, a full scale retrofitted RC bridge columns with identified weakness will be tested. The concrete strength will be extremely low in the first phase test. Thereafter, the low-strength concrete surrounding the lap splice at the plastic hinge zone will be replaced by high strength concrete and the test will be repeated. Based on the comparison of the test results, it is concluded that the column with extremely low strength concrete may performed satisfactorily with the steel jacketing. In addition, the replacement of low strength concrete surrounding the lap splice at the plastic hinge zone together with steel jacketing can dramatically increase the ductility ratio and energy dissipation capacity of the column.
In addition to the full scale model test, the test results from the previous study will be evaluated for their shear strengths based on the softened strut-and-tie model. It is found that the softened strut-and-tie model may be used to predict the shear strength of the retrofitted columns.
目 錄
第一章 緒論1
1.1 前言1
1.2 研究目的與內容1
第二章 圓形橋柱之韌性分析3
2.2.1 Manader et al.之圍束混凝土應力-應變理論4
2.2.2 Hoshikuma et al. 之圍束混凝土應力-應變理論7
2.3 鋼筋之應力-應變曲線9
2.4 橋柱斷面分析11
2.4.1 斷面彎矩-曲率曲線11
2.4.2 橋柱之位移韌性比14
第三章 圓形橋柱之補強設計17
3.2.1橋柱剪力補強設計原理17塑鉸發生後柱所引致的剪力 18橋柱剪力容量 18
第四章 試驗規劃與設計36
4.1 試驗規劃36
4.2 試驗參數37
4.3 試體分析與補強設計38
4.3.1 橋柱之剪力(水平力)耐震評估與補強38
4.3.2 橋柱之韌性評估與補強40
4.3.3 橋柱之預防主筋挫屈評估與補強41
4.3.4 橋柱之主筋搭接長度不足之評估與補強41
4.3.5 鋼板補強之最小厚度及高度41
4.4 修復設計42
4.5 試體材料強度42
4.6 試驗裝置43
4.7 試驗程序44
第五章 試驗結果與分析45
5.1 前言45
5.2 試體實驗觀察45
5.2.1 試體FSCL10045
5.2.2 試體FSCL100-R46
5.3 側向力-位移(水平變位角)遲滯迴圈47
5.4 外部量測系統49
5.5 橋柱斷面曲率50
5.6 柱主筋之行為51
5.6.1 試體FSCL10051
5.6.2 試體FSCL100-R52
5.7 柱箍筋之圍束應變52
5.7.1 試體FSCL10052
5.7.2 試體FSCL100-R53
5.8 鋼板之圍束應變53
5.8.1 試體FSCL10053
5.8.2 試體FSCL100-R54
5.9 理論分析與試驗結果比較54
第六章 結論與建議56
6.1 結論57
6.2 建議53
附錄A 圓柱橫向箍筋有效剪力強度公式推導
附錄B 橋梁圓形短柱剪力軟化壓拉桿模型計算例
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