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研究生(外文):Wen-hsin Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Galactomannans on Rice Curd Processing
指導教授(外文):Cheng-yi LiiSu-yi Lin
外文關鍵詞:Rice CurdGalactomannan
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碗粿的主要原料是高直鏈澱粉秈米,碗粿的製造過程需要一「預糊化」步驟,此步驟費時且不易控制。因此,本論文旨在利用都是由半乳醣聚甘露醣構成之關華豆(guar)膠或刺槐豆(locust bean)膠來促使秈米榖粉懸浮液在蒸煮過程中不會發生沉澱現象,藉以取代碗粿製程中的「預糊化」步驟。實驗中以台中在來1號當樣品,利用示差掃描熱分析儀和快速連續黏度測定儀來分析秈米榖粉與半乳醣聚甘露醣混合系統的糊化行為;另外,藉由物性測定、色差測定、離水性實驗與掃描式電子顯微觀察來探討添加不同濃度的關華豆膠或刺槐豆膠所製造的碗粿之理化特性。由實驗結果顯示,半乳醣聚甘露醣可以減少台中在來1號米榖粉的糊化熱焓值與成糊溫度,並提昇尖峰黏度,而且以關華豆膠作用的效果會比刺槐豆膠的作用顯著;另一方面,添加關華豆膠或刺槐豆膠的碗粿,會得到較高的物性測定值與色差測定結果,以及較低的離水性,其中又以添加0.3%與0.5%的關華豆膠以及0.5%的刺槐豆膠的碗粿樣品在官能品評得到較高的分數。

Rice curd is made from high amylose indica rice. During the preparation, pregelatinization is required to prevent from the sedimentation of rice flour particle. The objective of this investigation was tried to apply the galactomannan, either guar of locust bean gum, as the thickener to substitute the tedious and uneasy to control process of pregelatinization. During the study, Taichung Native 1 was used as the raw material. The pasting behaviors of the mixed rice flour and galactomannan batter were determined by the differential scanning calorimeter and the Rapid Visco Analyser. The effects of galactomannan on the quality and texture of rice curd were examined by the static rheometer and color difference meter, syneresis test and scanning electron microscope. The results indicated that galactomannan decreased the gelatinization enthalpy and pasting temperature, and increased the peak viscosity of the rice flour. The effectiveness is more pronounced with guar gum. Meanwhile the rice curds with galactomannan would have high texture values and color difference results, and low syneresis. The better sensory evaluation was scored for the rice curd with 0.3%, 0.5% guar gum, or 0.5% locust bean gum.


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