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研究生(外文):Jung-Tsung Lai
論文名稱(外文):The Study of the Relationship between Service Recovery,Customer Satisfaction and Brand Equity
指導教授(外文):Shao -Cheng Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Service failureservice recoverycustomer satisfactionbrand equity
  • 被引用被引用:33
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Service failures occur avoidlessly in a service delivery process and service recov-ery might be adopted to response to the affair. Therefore, this research primarily dis-cusses the effects of the service recovery upon the customer satisfaction and brand eq-uity.
This research targets on college students and retail department stores. Referenced with some relevant literatures, nine distinct situations are concluded upon three different kinds of service failures against three different degrees of service recoveries. Then this research explores customer’s appraises on the customer satisfaction and brand equity. Statistic analysis of one-way ANOVA and regression are used to test the hypotheses of this research.
According to the test result, service recoveries have obvious positive effects on customer satisfaction. Customers will have higher satisfaction if firms have some re-sponses regarding service failures than if they do nothing to the failures. Also, this re-search discovers that customer satisfaction has noticeable effect on brand equity. However, the service recovery a firm adopts to compensate for a service failure will have no effect on the brand equity.
Thus, a firm who pay more attention to customer satisfaction should take appropri-ate actions of service recovery against a service failure. At first, the firm increases their customer satisfaction., but they enhance the brand equity of the corporation at last.
中文摘要 ..................... iii
英文摘要 ..................... iv
誌謝辭  ..................... vi
內容目錄 ..................... vii
表目錄  ..................... ix
圖目錄  ..................... xii
第一章  緒論................... 1
  第一節  前言................. 1
  第二節  研究問題............... 3
第三節 研究目的............... 4
註 釋 ................... 5
第二章  文獻探討................. 6
  第一節  服務補救之相關文獻.......... 6
  第二節  顧客滿意度之相關文獻......... 10
  第三節 品牌權益之相關文獻.......... 23
第三章  研究方法................. 40
  第一節  研究架構............... 40
第二節 研究假設............... 41
第三節 研究變數的操作型定義與衡量...... 42
第四節 實驗設計............... 44
第五節 抽樣設計與資料蒐集.......... 46
第六節 資料分析方法............. 47
第七節 問卷效度與信度分析.......... 48
第四章 研究結果................. 50
第一節 服務補救與顧客滿意、品牌權益之關係.. 50
第二節 不同失誤情況服務補救與顧客滿意、品牌權
益之關係............... 52
第三節 顧客滿意與品牌權益之關係....... 56
第五章 研究結論與建議.............. 60
第一節 研究結論............... 60
第二節 研究建議............... 63
第三節 研究限制............... 65
參考文獻 ..................... 67
附錄A 政策失誤的問卷.............. 79
附錄B 找錯錢的問卷...............85
附錄C 產品具有瑕疵的問卷............91
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