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研究生(外文):Jin-Ying Ku
論文名稱(外文):Relationship among Worker Autonomy, Job Characteristics and Organizational Commitment-A comparative Research of Electronic Industry among Taiwan, U.S.A., and Japan
指導教授(外文):Prof. Tsai-Mei Lin
外文關鍵詞:organizational commitmentneed for autonomyemployee ownership satisfactionjob autonomyjob flexibilitycross-cultural comparative research
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In order to (1) explore the differences of independent variables, such as need for autonomy, employee ownership satisfaction, job autonomy, job flexibility; and the dependent variable - three dimensions of organizational commitment (affective commitment, normative commitment, and continuance commitment) among em-ployees of electronic industry in Taiwan, U.S.A., and Japan; (2) understand the re-lationship between the above mentioned independent and dependent variables; (3) Find the moderating effect of different culture on these relationships, 179, 54, 55 questionnaires from electronic industrious employees of Taiwan, U.S.A., and Japan separately were analyzed.
The results find that the perceived meanings of organizational commitment were different among employees of three countries. The continuance commitment was found significantly higher for Japan’s employees than that of the other two countries. The perceived job autonomy was more consistent between Taiwan and America’s employees, and significantly differed between Taiwan and Japan’s em-ployees, and between America and Japan’s employees. For employee ownership satisfaction, the differences were manifest among employees of three nations. As to need for autonomy, Taiwan and Japan’s employees were similar, but there were significantly different between Taiwan and America’s employees, and between America and Japan’s employees. However, America’s employees had the highest means of employee ownership satisfaction and need for autonomy among that of three nations’.
The results showed that the influences of need for autonomy, employee ownership satisfaction, job autonomy, and job flexibility on three dimensions of organizational commitment were not quite the same. The relationships of these ex-plaining and explained variables in three countries were not quite the same too. While using total samples for analyzing, the results showed that job autonomy, employee ownership satisfaction, and need for autonomy were the antecedent vari-ables of affective commitment; job flexibility, employee ownership, and need for autonomy were the antecedents of normative commitment, and only job autonomy would influence the second dimension of continuance commitment — low-alternative. The results supported most of hypotheses of this study. It sug-gested organizations had to face the fact that employees had different kind of or-ganizational commitment, and it was necessary for organizations to actually under-stand the antecedents of different dimensions of organizational commitment. Oth-erwise, when analyzed separately, the results suggested that in order to master the motives of commitment of memberships and complete organizational goals, it was necessary for multinational organizations to understand different culture, and de-cide an appropriate managerial model of commitment.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景
第二節 研究問題與目的
第三節 研究重要性
第四節 研究限制
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 員工自主性及工作特徵
第二節 組織承諾
第三節 員工自主性、工作特徵與組織承諾
第四節 中、美、日文化之比較
第三章 研究方法
第一節 觀念性架構
第二節 變數定義與衡量
第三節 研究假設
第四節 樣本與資料蒐集
第五節 資料分析方法
第四章 研究發現
第一節 員工自主性、工作特徵變數與組織承諾間關係分析
第二節 員工自主性、工作特徵與組織承諾變數在中、美、日三國間
第三節 假說檢定結果
第五章 研究重點深入分析
第一節 員工自主性、工作特徵變數與組織承諾間關係假說檢定結果
第二節 員工自主性、工作特徵變數對於組織承諾不同構面之相對重
第三節 中、美、日三國員工在員工自主性、工作特徵變數及組織承
第四節 員工自主性、工作特徵變數與組織承諾間關係受國家文化之
第六章 結論與建議
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