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研究生(外文):Yi-Chun Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship among Human Resource Management Practices, Service Behavior and Service Quality of The Tourist Hotels
指導教授(外文):Sheng- Hshining Tsaur
外文關鍵詞:human resource management practicesservice behaviorservice qualitymediate variable
  • 被引用被引用:54
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本研究問題是探討觀光旅館業人力資源管理實務(human re-source management practices)、服務行為(service behavior)與服務品質(service quality)三者間的關係,經由文獻之引用及實務上之現狀觀察,發現三者之間的關係有必要進一步釐清。
The purpose of this study is to empirically explore the relationship among human resource management practices, service behavior and service quality in the tourist hotels. The research problem of this study is found in the existing literature. Increasingly, tour-ist hotels in Taiwan are focusing their attention on improving customer service quality. In doing so, they are recognizing that eliciting more kindly service behavior from con-tact-customer employees is critical. In general thinking, a firm’s human resource man-agement (HRM) practices can create an environment that encourages these behaviors, thereby enhancing service quality.
In summary, what is the relationship among human resource management practices, service behavior and service quality in the tourist hotels? Is the service behavior a me-diate variable between human resource management practices and service quality? This is an unanswered question. An analytical approach of methodology is applied to analyze the relationship by the cross-sectional survey.
The data was collected from customers and contact-customer employees in three tourist hotels. Customer contact-employees were asked about their cognition of HRM practices, service behavior and service capability. Customers were asked about their cognition of service quality of the tourist hotel.
Finally, the results indicate that employees perceptions of human resource man-agement practices is positively related to their self-report service behavior. The em-ployees perceptions of service behavior is positively related to customers perceptions of service quality. The employees perception of human resource management practices is positively related to customers perceptions of service quality. In addition, human re-source management practices had partially a direct effect on customers perceptions of service quality and an indirect effect through employees self-report service behavior. This means that service behavior only partially mediate the relationship between human resource management practices and service quality.
中文摘要 .....................iii
英文摘要 .....................iv
誌謝辭  .....................vi
內容目錄 .....................vii
表目錄  .....................ix
圖目錄  .....................xii
第一章  緒論...................1
  第一節  研究背景...............1
  第二節  研究問題...............2
  第三節  研究目的...............4
  第四節  研究範圍與調查對象..........5
  第五節  研究流程...............6
第二章  文獻回顧.................7
  第一節  人力資源管理實務...........7
  第二節  服務品質...............9
  第三節  影響服務品質的因素..........13
  第四節  相關實証研究.............18
第三章  研究設計.................21
  第一節  研究架構...............21
  第二節  研究假設...............23
  第三節  研究變數與衡量方式..........23
  第四節  樣本與資料收集............31
  第五節  信度與效度..............32
  第六節  資料分析方法.............39
第四章  實証研究結果與分析............41
  第一節  樣本基本資料分析...........41
  第二節  人力資源管理實務、服務行為、服務能力與
  第三節  人力資源管理實務、服務行為、服務能力與
  第四節  人力資源管理實務與服務行為之關係...49
  第五節  服務行為與服務品質之關係.......52
  第六節  人力資源管理實務與服務品質之關係...58
  第七節  服務行為之中介效應分析........63
  第八節  研究限制...............69
第五章  結論與建議................70
  第一節  結論.................70
  第二節  建議.................76
參考文獻 .....................79
附錄A  預試問卷.................88
附錄B  正式中文員工問卷.............94
附錄C  正式中文顧客問卷.............97
附錄D  正式英文顧客問卷.............99
附錄E  正式日文顧客問卷.............101
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