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研究生(外文):Shin-Ping Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Relationships between Compensation Systems and Organizational Performance in Different Strategy Groups
指導教授(外文):Bi-Fen Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Compensation SystemsStrategic GroupsOrganizational Performance
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Compensation is an important motivator to motivate employees in Human Resource Management systems, so it becomes a valid indictor to predict the organization performance. It has been claimed that enterprises must make sure that their compensation systems are aligned with their business strategies in today’s rapidly changing environment, it will be helpful for executing the enterprise’s objective and promoting organizational performance if the strategy is considered. This research is trying to explore the relationship between compensation systems and performance in different strategy groups.
The sample of this study consists a total of 74 enterprises. The empirical results showed that the compensation systems should adopt different contents and practices for different strategies to improve the organizational performance. There are detailed results:
1.In conservative strategic group, compensation systems which emphasis on short-run rewards and would not tend to adjust compensation by the individual performance、tend to adjust compensation by the organization performance and would not emphasis on benefits received as a result of employee’s seniority will be helpful to raise the return of assets and the growth rate in sales in the financial performance;which emphasis on job-based pay and short-run rewards、emphasis on job-based pay and benefits received as a result of employee’s position with the organization、tend to adjust compensation by inflation and would not tend to adjust compensation by the individual performance and would not emphasis on decentralization policy will be helpful to raise human resource performance and job satisfaction, and reduce turnover rate;on the other hand, contents of rewards which emphasis on gift token and warrant、components of compensation which emphasis on higher rates of rewards will be helpful to raise pay satisfaction and the growth rate in capital、profit rate and job satisfaction and turnover rate.
2.In expanded strategic group, compensation systems which emphasis on individual rewards and would not tend to benefits received as a result of employee’s demand and pay secrecy policy、would not emphasis on pay secrecy policy、emphasis on benefits received as a result of individual performance and would not tend to adjust compensation by inflation will be helpful to raise the market share、profit rate and the growth rate in capital;and emphasis on nonfinanical compensation will be helpful to promote human resource performance;on the other hand, contents of rewards which emphasis on gift token and warrant、components of compensation which emphasis on higher rates of rewards will be helpful to raise job satisfaction and market share rate and profit rate、market share rate and reduce job satisfaction.
目 錄
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機1
第二節 研究目的3
第三節 研究問題4
第四節 研究範圍5
第五節 研究流程6
第二章 文獻探討8
第一節 薪酬制度8
第二節 組織績效19
第三節 薪酬制度與組織績效之相關性21
第四節 策略理論部分24
第五節 薪酬制度、組織績效、企業策略群組之間的關係29
第三章 研究方法36
第一節 研究架構36
第二節 研究假設37
第三節 研究變數及衡量方式38
第四節 抽樣設計與資料蒐集42
第五節 資料分析方法43
第四章 研究結果分析45
第一節 樣本資料描述45
第二節 因素分析51
第三節 策略群組分析58
第四節 不同策略群組之下,薪酬制度與組織績效關聯性之分析 60
第五節 薪酬制度之獎金發放內容、薪酬組合相對重要性與
組織績效之關係 66
第五章 結論與建議75
第一節 研究結論75
第二節 研究限制82
第三節 研究建議83
附錄 問卷85
表2-1 不同學者所使用之薪酬分類基礎12
表2-2 不同學者所使用之內容設計觀點15
表2-3 不同學者所使用之管理模式16
表2-4 策略定義之整理24
表2-5 各家學者所提出之策略構面26
表2-6 策略群組之整理28
表2-7 企業策略與薪酬制度之配合32
表4-1 企業基本資料分析46
表4-2 基本薪酬設計依據各衡量項目之平均得分與標準差47
表4-3 樣本薪酬組合各元素占整體薪酬百分比之分配情形47
表4-4 企業薪酬制度基本資料分析49
表4-5 組織績效之敘述統計50
表4-6 企業策略因素特徵值及累積解釋變異量51
表4-7 各因素所包含之企業策略變數及因素命名54
表4-8 各因素特徵值、解釋變異量及所包含之薪酬制度變數55
表4-9 各因素所包含之人力資源績效變數及因素命名56
表4-10 各因素所包含之員工薪酬滿意度變數及因素命名57
表4-11 各群組因素平均數58
表4-12 「保守型」與「擴張型」策略群組之差異比較59
表4-13 保守型策略群組下薪酬制度對組織績效之迴歸分析62
表4-14 擴張型策略訓練制度對經營績效之變異數分析64
表4-15 在保守型策略群組下獎金發放內容與組織績效關聯性分析 67
表4-16 在保守型策略群組下薪酬組合相對重要性與
組織績效關聯性分析 69
表4-17 在擴張型策略群組下獎金發放內容與組織績效關聯性分析 71
表4-18 在擴張型策略群組下薪酬組合相對重要性與
組織績效關聯性分析 73
圖1-1 本研究流程7
圖3-1 研究架構 36
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