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研究生(外文):I-Cheng Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Determinants and Effects of Embeddedness on MNCs' Subsidiaries-An Exploratory Study of MNCs' Subsidiaries in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Huei-Fang Chen
外文關鍵詞:Multinational CorporationsStructural EmbeddednessRelational Embeddedness
  • 被引用被引用:1
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A ubiquitous phenomenon as witnessed in the recent research on multinational corporations (MNCs) has been the proliferation of network organizational forms notably characterized by informal social systems rather than by bureaucratic structures within firms and formal contractual relationships. As there is a dearth of studies on network relationship of MNCs’ subsidiaries in Taiwan and their effects on these firms, this paper attempts to explore the relationship of embeddedness and its effects on the firms embedded therein.
This paper synthesizes transaction cost economics, resource dependence theory and social network theory to explore the determinants and effects of embeddedness on MNCs’ subsidiaries in Taiwan. The empirical findings of this paper suggest that firms investing in specific human assets would be more likely to embed into this relationship with the other firms. As a result of embeddedness, these firms are more likely to trust each other, share information, jointly solve their problems and share common values.
Keywords: Structural embeddedness, Relational embeddedness.

A ubiquitous phenomenon as witnessed in the recent research on multinational corporations (MNCs) has been the proliferation of network organizational forms notably characterized by informal social systems rather than by bureaucratic structures within firms and formal contractual relationships. As there is a dearth of studies on network relationship of MNCs’ subsidiaries in Taiwan and their effects on these firms, this paper attempts to explore the relationship of embeddedness and its effects on the firms embedded therein.
This paper synthesizes transaction cost economics, resource dependence theory and social network theory to explore the determinants and effects of embeddedness on MNCs’ subsidiaries in Taiwan. The empirical findings of this paper suggest that firms investing in specific human assets would be more likely to embed into this relationship with the other firms. As a result of embeddedness, these firms are more likely to trust each other, share information, jointly solve their problems and share common values.
Keywords: Structural embeddedness, Relational embeddedness.

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION..................................... 01
1-1 RESEARCH BACKGROUND.................................01
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW.................................05
2-1 MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION...........................05
2-2 EMBEDDEDNESS........................................06
2-3 DETERMINANTS OF EMBEDDEDNESS........................12
CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHOD...................................32
3-1 RESEARCH FRAMEWORK..................................32
3-2 HYPOTHESIS..........................................34
3-3 MEASUREMENT.........................................37
3-4 RESEARCH SAMPLE.....................................41
3-5 RESEARCH TOOLS......................................41
CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH FINDINGS.................................43
4-1 BASIC INFORMATION OF SAMPLES........................43
4-2 FACTOR ANALYSIS.....................................44
4-3 RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY............................47
4-4 HYPOTHESIS TESTING..................................49
5-1 CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSIONS.........................55
5-2 RESEARCH LIMITATIONS................................58
5-3 IMPLICATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH....................59
Table 2-2-1 Different Terms and Definitions for Network
Table 2-4-1 Comparison of the Behavioral Definitions of
Table 2-4-2 Macroculture and Restricted
Table 3-3-1 Measurement of the Various Variables........37
Table 3-3-2 Measurement of the Determinants Variables...39
Table 3-3-3 Measurement of the Effects Variables........40
Table 4-1-1 Basic Information...........................44
Table 4-2-1 Determinants Analysis.......................45
Table 4-2-2 Embeddedness Analysis.......................46
Table 4-2-3 Effects Analysis............................47
Table 4-3-1 Average Mean, Reliability and Validity......48
Table 4-4-1 Regression Analysis-Dependent Variable:
Table 4-4-2 Regression Analysis-Independent Variable:
Table 4-4-3 Regression Analysis-Independent Variable:
Table 4-4-4 Regression Analysis-Independent Variable:
Table 4-4-5 Regression Analysis-Independent Variable:
Table 4-4-6 Result of Hypothesis Testing................54
Figure 2-2-1 A Model Embedded Relationships Of A MNC’s
Figure 2-3-3 Model Of A Firm Completing A Particular Task
Through Its Embedded Relationships With Other
Figure 3-1-1 Research

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