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研究生(外文):Tain-Jinn Wang
論文名稱(外文):Effect of ozonated water and spraying time on keeping quality of pork
指導教授(外文):Yun-Chu Wu
外文關鍵詞:ozonated waterporkTPCPPC
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本研究旨在探討使用3種濃度清水、臭氧水濃度1.5和3.0 ppm,配合2種噴灑時間30和60秒進行對豬屠體清洗殺菌效果之比較。並於噴灑處理後,將豬隻腹脅肉取下,以保麗龍淺盤和保鮮膜包裝後貯存於4℃低溫櫃中,進行貯存性試驗,於0、3、6和9天進行各項分析。
實驗結果顯示:臭氧水1.5和3.0 ppm水中無法檢測出生菌數、低溫菌、大腸桿菌和大腸桿菌群。經臭氧水噴灑後,臭氧水濃度1.5與3.0 ppm噴灑30和60秒後能顯著降低屠體表面總生菌數、低溫菌數和沙門氏桿菌(p<0.05)。臭氧水3.0 ppm噴灑處理所降低之大腸桿菌群顯著較其他處理組高( p<0.05 )。經清水噴灑60秒與臭氧水1.5和3.0 ppm噴灑30和60秒後能顯著降低屠體表面大腸桿菌數( p<0.05 )。經噴灑處理均能降低屠體彎曲桿菌數( p<0.05 )。臭氧水噴灑處理對屠體表面微生物之除菌效果隨臭氧水濃度增加而增加。在貯存性試驗中,以臭氧水1.5和3.0 ppm噴灑30和60秒後總生菌數和低溫菌數上升較控制組和緩。病原性微生物在低溫貯存期間並無顯著變化( p>0.05 )。在貯存期間,臭氧水1.5 ppm噴灑60秒和3.0 ppm噴灑30和60秒處理組TBA值上升較清水噴灑30和60秒處理組緩慢( p<0.05 )。臭氧水3.0 ppm噴灑30和60秒處理組在貯存第0天表皮亮度值顯著較其他組高( p<0.05 ),而紅色值顯著較低於其他組( p<0.05 );但經3天貯存後各組間並無顯著差異( p>0.05)。pH值、表皮黃色值、脂肪與精肉色澤無顯著變化( p>0.05 )。臭氧水噴灑處理對官能品評和剪力值沒有顯著影響( p>0.05 )。
The purpose of this experiment was to study the effect of water only, 1.5 and 3.0 ppm ozonated water spraying for 30 and 60 seconds on keeping quality of pork. Belly from swine were storaged at 4℃ for 9 days for self life test. Samples were analyed at 0, 3 and 9 days for total aerobic plate count, psychrotrophic plate count, Coliform, E. coli, Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., TBA value, pH, color, sensory evalution and shear value.
The results indicated that total aerobic plate count, psychrotrophic plate count, Coliform and E. coli were not detected in ozonated water of 1.5 and 3.0 ppm for. The treatments with 1.5 and 3.0 ppm ozonated water spraying for 30 and 60 seconds had significantly reduction in total aerobic plate count, psychrotrophic plate count and Salmonella spp. ( p<0.05 ). The treatment with 3.0 ppm ozonated water spraying for 30 and 60 seconds had lowest counts in colliform ( p<0.05 ). The E. coli was reduced significantly with treament of water only spraying for 60 seconds, 1.5 and 3.0 ppm ozonated water spraying for 30 and 60 seconds ( p<0.05 ). The treatment of spraying alone reduced Campylobacter spp. significantly ( p<0.05). The decontamination effect of ozonated water was promoted with the concentration of ozonated water increased. In self life test, the total aerobic plate count, psychrotrophic plate count treated with 1.5 and 3.0 ppm ozonated water spraying for 30 and 60 seconds were lower than water only spraying for 30 and 60 seconds treatments (p<0.05). During the storage, the TBA value of treatments with 1.5 ppm ozonated water spraying for 60 seconds and 3.0 ppm ozonated water spraying for 30 and 60 seconds were lower than water only spraying for 30 and 60 seconds treatments. The pathogenic organisms were not changed during chilled storage ( p>0.05 ). The treatment of 3.0 ppm ozonated water spraying for 30 and 60 seconds had significantly higher L-value and low a-value of pork skin at 0 day of storage ( p<0.05 ). After 3 days of storage, there was no significantly difference in the color of pork skin. There were no significantly difference in pH, b-value of skin and color of fat and lean among treatments ( p>0.05 ). No significantly differences were found in sensory evaluation and shear value among treatments ( p>0.05 ).
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