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研究生(外文):Chen-Yu Lee
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Software Protection on the Internet
指導教授(外文):Chu-Hsing Lin
外文關鍵詞:one-time installationtraitorssoftware protectioncryptographic techniquessmart cardinvisible watermarkingone-way hash function
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The progress of the need of software, the concept of Application Service Provider (ASP) will rise gradually. Copyright protection of software program is crucial for the prosperity of ASP market. In this paper, we offer two copyright protection scheme focused on software entity: “A Software Protection Scheme on Internet: One-Time Install Solution”, and “A Software Protection Scheme Based On Smart Cards”. Under these schemes, after purchasing a program from the merchant, the buyer can exactly install once. If being to install twice, s/he has to buy again. These schemes enforce the protection of software from copying and redistribution.
On another part, the paper offers “A Traitor Tracing Scheme for Software Protection” focused on software commerce. After purchasing a program via a legal process from the merchant, if the buyer redistributed the copied, the merchant would be able to identify the traitor.
第壹章 緒論
第貳章 相關研究與文獻探討
第一節 軟體保護之盜版者鑑定機制 (Traitor Tracing of Software Commerce)
1.1、金鑰之註冊與交換 (Key Distribution and Registration)
1.3、盜版者之鑑定與檢驗(Identification and Trial)
第二節 智慧卡之認證應用 (Smart Card Authentication)
2.1、註冊階段(Registration Phase)
2.2、登入階段(Login Phase)
2.3、驗證階段(Verification Phase)
第參章 軟體保護之一次安裝方案 (A Software Protection Scheme on Internet: One-Time Install Solution)
第一節、一次安裝方案(One-Time Install Solution)
第肆章 軟體保護之散播者追蹤機制 (A Traitor Tracing Scheme for Software Protection)
第一節 盜版者之追蹤機制 (The Model of Traitor Tracing Scheme)
第二節 匿名指紋 (Anonymous Fingerprinting)
2.1、起始階段 (Initial Phase)
2.2、註冊及植入指紋階段 (Registration and Fingerprinting Phase)
2.3、購買階段 (Shopping Phase)
第三節 盜版者之鑑定與檢驗 (Traitor Identification and Trial)
第四節 安全性與匿名性之探討 (Security and Anonymity)
4.1、匿名指紋的安全性 (Security in Anonymous Fingerprinting)
4.2、匿名性 (Anonymity)
第伍章 植基於智慧卡的軟體保護機制 (A Software Protection Scheme Based On Smart Cards)
第一節、系統架構 (System Architecture)
第二節、註冊階段 (Registration Phase)
第三節、購買階段 (Purchasing Phase)
第四節、安裝階段 (Installation Phase)
第五節、安全分析與討論 (Security Analysis)
5.1、智慧卡的安全性(Security in Smart Card)
5.2、一次安裝套件的安全性(Security in OTIP)
5.3、抵抗重送攻擊(Against Replay Attack)
第陸章 結論與未來研究方向 (Conclusion and Future Work)
第一節、軟體的安全機制 (The Security Scheme in Software)
第二節、軟體交易機制的安全性 (Security in Software Trade)
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