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研究生(外文):Poly Wang
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Signature Schemes Based on Matrix Rings
指導教授(外文):Chu-Hsing Lin
外文關鍵詞:digital signatureundeniable signature schemematrix ringspublic key distribution systempublic keyprivate key
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在本論文中,我們採用了矩陣相乘的方式(Matrix Rings)來改進兩個已知的系統:一為D. Chaum提出的不可否認的簽章,另一則為由NIST與NSA共同推出的DSA的簽章系統。在這兩者系統中,每次的資料處理單元都是以word為單位,當面臨龐大的資料量時,都普遍存在著效能不彰的缺點;因此,我們利用矩陣運算的原理改良以上兩種簽章系統,使其能在對大量訊息簽章時,大幅減少訊息傳送的次數。

In our paper, we modify two signature schemes by using matrix rings. One of the signature schemes is an undeniable signature scheme proposed by D. Chaum, and the other is DSA. Because the unit to be processed in the two systems is a word, they need enormous transmission especially with huge messages.
We propose USSMR and DSAMR to improve the drawbacks by matrix, in which the unit is a matrix to reduce the overhead of the communication.

目錄 I
圖表目錄 III
表格目錄 IV
摘要 1
Abstract 2
第壹章 緒論 3
第一節 研究動機與簡介 3
第二節 論文架構 5
第貳章 相關文獻探討 6
第一節 背景介紹 6
1.1公開金鑰密碼系統(Public Key Cryptosystem) 6
1.2不可否認的簽章(Undeniable Signature Scheme) 8
第二節 Matrix Rings 的金鑰設計及其應用 11
第三節 基底矩陣(Base Matrix)的設計 13
第四節 DSA與DSS簡介 17
4.1 DSS vs. RSA 17
4.2 DSA細節敘述 19
第參章 植基於Matrix Rings的不可否認簽章 22
第一節 系統設計與概念 22
第二節 系統效能與安全性分析 28
2.1新、舊架構比較表 28
2.2安全及效能分析 29
第四章 植基於Matrix Rings的DSA設計 33
第一節 系統設計概念與架構 33
第二節 安全性與效能分析 36
2.1安全性分析 36
2.2效能分析 37
第伍章 結論 39
第一節 研究結論 39
第二節 未來工作 40
參考文獻 41
附錄 43
DSA簽章驗證證明 43

[1] National Institute of Standard and Technology, http://www.nist.gov
[2] RSA Security Inc., http://www.rsasecurity.com
[3] National Security Agency, http://www.nsa.gov
[4] C. H. Lin and W.C. Wu: “An Undeniable Signature Scheme Against Replay Attacks,” 中華民國電腦學會電腦學刊, 第九卷, 第一期
[5] R. W. K. Odoni, V. Varadharajan, and P. W. Sander: “Public Key Distribution In Matrix Ring,” Electronics Letters, 26th, April 1984, Vol. 20, No. 9
[6] Diffie, W., and Hellman, M. E.: “New directions in cryptography,” IEEE Trans., 1976,
IT-22, pp. 644-654
[7] National Bureau of Standards, “Data Encryption Standard,” FIPS Publ. 46, USA, Jan. 1977
[8] Pohlig, S. G., and Hellman, M. E: “An Improved Algorithm for Computing Algorithm over GF (P) and Its Cryptographic Significance,” IEEE Trans., 1979, IT-24, pp. 106-110.
[9] C. H. Lin, “On the Group Oriented Secure Communication Schemes,” The Third Conference on Information Security, May 1993.
[10] C. H. Lin, and C. C. Chang, “A Method for Constructing a Group-Oriented Cryptosystems,” Computer Communications, Vol. 17, No. 11, Nov. 1994, pp. 805-808.
[11] C. H. Lin. And C.T. Wang, “A New Undeniable Signature Scheme and its Application to Group Communication,” Proceeding of National Computer Symposium, 1995, pp. 397-403.
[12] Mahdi Abdelguerfi, Burton S. Kaliski, Jr. Wayne Patterson, “Guest Editors’ Introduction: Public-Key Security Systems,” IEEE Micro., 1996
[13] B. S. Adiga, P. Shankar, “Fast Public Key Cryptosystem Based on Matrix Rings,” Electronics Letters 23rd. October 1986, Vol. 22. No. 22
[14] Rivest, R. L., Shamir, A., and Adleman, L.: “A Method for Obtaining Digital Signature and Public-key Cryptosystems,” Commun. Assoc. Comput. Mach., 1978, 21, pp. 120-126
[15] Yang Yi Xian, “Improved (Conference) Public-key Distribution System Based on Matrices,” Electronics Letters, 27th, August 1987, Vol. 23, No. 18

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