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研究生(外文):Jo-Chies Ma
論文名稱(外文):An Adapter Framework for Message Oriented Middleware Solution
指導教授(外文):Winston Lo
外文關鍵詞:Message Oriented MIddlewareMessage ExchangeSoftware AdapterJava Message ServiceEnterprise MessagingWrapperData TransformationPublish/Subscribe
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本論文將提供一個發展以JMS (Java Message Service)為基礎的Adapter Framework並提供給MOM (Message Oriented Middleware)作為連接不同應用系統的解決方案,本論文分析了目前已發展的Adapter架構,並實作出以Thick Adapter為主的架構,和目前現有的許多Adapter不同點在於本論文的Adapter遵照JMS (Java Message Service)規格,並配合Thick Adapter之特性所建構,將會是一個具擴充性、可靠性的動態Adapter架構;此外,本論文中Adapter的實作部分,對於程式的撰寫全數採用物件導向的方式,同時採用Java的相關技術,在Adapter本身的維護及擴充上具有較佳的能力以及具有Java所具備的特性。
目前Adapter的發展僅在於各家廠商自行開發並適用於和本身訊息系統產品相容,而且Adapter的類型又以Thin & Static Adapter為主,本論文預料開發之Adapter具有Thick & Dynamic Adapter的特性,以及遵循JMS標準,所以可以適用任何以JMS所發展的訊息系統,使得本Adapter除了能跨許多目前主流的訊息系統之外,尚能提供與應用程式動態執行自動化的能力。
有鑑於現今一般Adapter的都是以提供MOM與連接的應用系統界面轉換的可程式化介面(Application Programming Interface)為主,所有相關的資料內容轉換都必須以額外開發程式的方式來定義,如果該Adapter處於一個需要經常改變的環境時,除了增加維護上的成本外還增加了複雜性,為了改善這個問題,將發展出一個Adapter Framework,並且具備Adapter管理(Managing)與動態發現(Dynamic Discovery)的功能,進而加強Adapter的功能層次。

In this research, we will provide a MOM (Message Oriented Middleware) solution based on JMS (Java Message Service) for connecting different application system. We analyze several adapter architectures, and come out with the actual Thick Adapter architecture. The Thick Adapter architecture differs from the conventional ones in such a way that our adapter follows JMS specifications. With the addition of the special aspects of Thick Adapter, we are able to come out with extendible and reliable dynamic adapter architecture. Furthermore, we choose to adapt Java object-oriented approach in the adapter implementation, so that we have a adapter that inherits characteristics of Java programming.
Until today, the development of adapter is only limited to Think & Static Adapter, and by MOM vendors that are only interested in developing their own compatible products. In this research, we will develop a Thick & Dynamic Adapter, which follows the JMS specifications, and can be used under any systems implemented with JMS. In addition, our adapter not only can cross different MOM vendor products, but also achieve automated dynamic executions.
Presently, the adapters developed by different MOM vendors only rely on sets of libraries or APIs (Application Programming Interface). There are limitations for this. All extra information and functions need to be hard-coded when necessary. This will increase the cost for maintenances and the complexity of the system if the adapter is under an environment that is constantly changing. In order to solve this problem, we will need an Adapter Framework, that has the Adapter Management and Dynamic Discovery abilities, so that we can have a fully functional adapter.

第一章 導論
1.1 研究動機
1.2 相關研究
1.2.1 Middleware簡介
1.2.2 Message Oriented Middleware簡介
1.2.3 Java Message Service服務規格
1.2.4 Software Adapter架構分析
1.3 論文章節架構
第二章 系統架構
2.1 Adapter Framework概述
2.1.1 Adapter Manager功能簡介
2.1.2 Publish、Subscribe Manager功能簡介
2.1.3 Data Explorer功能簡介
2.1.4 Message Processor功能簡介
2.1.5 Data Wrapper功能簡介
2.1.6 Message Parser功能簡介
2.1.7 Message Handler功能簡介
2.1.8 Message Dispatcher功能簡介
2.1.9 Message Auditor功能簡介
2.1.10 Subscribe Daemon功能簡介
2.2 模組互動關係
2.2.1 定義將要發佈的訊息主題和其內容
2.2.2 執行發佈訊息遞送流程
2.2.3 定義將要訂閱的訊息主題和其內容
2.2.4 執行訂閱訊息接收流程
第三章 系統架構實作
3.1 實作環境
3.1.1 JAVA程式語言
3.1.2 Progress SonicMQ
3.1.3 INTERSHOP enfinity 電子商務平台
3.2 模組設計
3.2.1 系統設計
第四章 結論及未來工作

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2.Gerald C. Gannod, Sudhakiran V. Mudiam, and Timothy E. Lindquist, "An Architectural-Based Approach for Synthesizing and Integrating Adapters for Legacy Software," Proceedings of the Seventh Working Conference on Reverse Engineering , 2000.
3.Antonio, “Architecture for an Event Notification Service Scalable to Wide-area Networks,” IEEE Internet Computing , Sep. 1999.
4.D. Barrett, L. Clarke, P. Tarr, A Framework for Event-BasedSoftware Integration. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering andMethodology, Oct. 1996.
5.S. Ceri and J. Widom. Active Database Systems: Triggers and Rules for Ad-vancedDatabase Processing. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, 1996.
6.Guruduth Banavar, Tushar Chandra, Bodhi Mukherjee, Jay Nagarajarao, Robert E. Strom, and Daniel C. Sturman, “An Efficient Multicast Protocol for Content-Based Publish-Subscribe Systems,” Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 1999.
7.Sun Microsystem, Inc., JavaSoft, Java Message Service specification Version 1.0.2, November 9, 1999.
8.Richard Monson-Haefel, Java Message Service, O’RELLY, 2001.
9.Scott Grant, Professional JMS, Mass Market, March 2001
10.David Linthicum, Enterprise Application Integration, Addison-Wesley, Dec 2000.
11.Ron Zahavi, Enterprise Interorise Application Integration with CORBA, WILEY, Aug 2000.
12.Sue Hildreth, “How New Adapter Technologies Can Provide a Scalable, More Distributed Integration Architecture,” ww.messageq.com, 2000.
13.David Linthicum, “Selecting A Message Broker,” ww.messageq.com, 2000.
14.Progress Software, SonicMQ Programming Guide, www.sonicmq.com, 2000.
15.Progress Software, Getting Started with SonicMQ , www.sonicmq.com, 2000.
16.INTERSHOP, INTERSHOP enfinity White Paper, www.intershop.com , 2000.
17.INTERSHOP, Inside INTERSHOP enfinity, www.intershop.com , 2001.
18.INTERSHOP, Developer Guide: Programming with enfinity Cartridge API, www.intershop.com , 2001.
19.INTERSHOP, Using the Visual Pipeline Manager, www.intershop.com , 2001.
20.http://www.javasoft.com/, Sun Microsystem, Inc.
21.http://www.intershop.com/, INTERSHOP Corporation.
22.http://www.sonicmq.com/, Progress Software Corporation.

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