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論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Determination of Beryllium in Human Hair by Using Microwave Digestion Followed by the Measurement with Graphite-Furnace Atomic Absroption Spectrophotometry
指導教授(外文):Kuo Mao-Sung
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鈹及其化合物應用的範圍相當廣泛,可能會藉由呼吸或飲食的方式進入人體,對人體造成急性或慢性的危害;由於鈹及其化合物對人體可能引起致癌性,因此美國環保署將其列為Group B2。但是,目前我國對環境中鈹之可許濃度及檢測方法尚未公告,故本研究嘗試使用密閉式微波消化法(closed-vessel microwave digestion)配合石墨式原子吸光法(GFAAS)來測定人體頭髮中鈹之含量和濃度,以作為檢測人體受到鈹及其化合物危害的指標。
本研究使用0.050 g頭髮樣品,放入微量分析鐵氟龍瓶(約7 mL)中,加入750 μL濃硝酸,在室溫下靜置1小時後,打開消化瓶瓶蓋,先將反應生成的部分NO2氣體排除。再將消化瓶瓶蓋鎖緊,放入大的鐵氟龍(120 mL)瓶中(內裝有約10 mL的純水),然後置於微波消化的系統中加溫消化。當鐵氟龍瓶冷卻至室溫後,再加入30 µL過氧化氫於微量樣品鐵氟龍消化瓶中,再用微波消化系統做第二階段的消化。當鐵氟龍瓶冷卻至室溫後,以NH3(aq)調整消化液之pH值至5.0-6.0,加入9.0 mL 5.0 M之醋酸銨緩衝溶液(pH=6.0)和60 µL的乙醯丙酮(acac),混合約1 h,流經一個自製的C18 cartridge(填裝有200 mg C18 particle, Waters Co.),用甲醇將[Be(acac)2]之螯合物洗出,並定量至1.00 mL。混合後,取出20 µL注入GFAAS測定鈹之含量。本方法的偵測極限為0.10 ng,相當於2.0 (ng/g);最低可準確被測得的量為0.33 ng,相當於6.6 (ng/g);檢量線之線性可達5.00 ng,相當於100 (ng/g)。以標準添加法測得頭髮樣品(#1)中鈹的含量為0.28±0.04 ng,相當於濃度為5.6±0.8 (ng/g),添加1.00 ng Be2+之回收率約為102±1%。
使用本方法,測試頭髮標準樣品(GBW 07601)中的鈹,所得的濃度為62.4±1.4 (ng/g),落在certified value 63±15 (ng/g)之範圍內,表示本方法之準確度良好。
Beryllium and its compounds have been widely used in recent years and they may enter human bodies by inhalation and diet. Beryllium may cause acute or chronic disease and is probably carcinogenic to human. Hence, beryllium is classified by USEPA in Group B2. However, the maximum allowable contamination level has not been regulated in Taiwan. The purpose of the thesis is to develop a method to determine the contents of beryllium in human hair by using closed-vessel microwave digestion followed by the measurement with GFAAS.
An amount (0.050 g) of hair was placed in a 7 mL teflon micro-reaction vessel. After addition of conc. HNO3 (750 mL), the mixture was digested at 90℃ for 10 min. Then a small amount (30 mL) of H2O2 was added and further digested at 90℃ for another 10 min in order to completely decompose the matrix in hair. The pH of the acidic hair mixture was adjusted to 5-6 by NH3(aq). After adding 60 mL of acetylacetone (acac) and 9.0 mL of 5.0 M ammonium acetate buffer (pH=6), the mixture was sonicated and then allowed to stand at room temperature for about 1 h to form Be(acac)2 chelate. The chelate was preconcentrated on a homemade C18 cartridge (200 mg C18 particle, Waters Co.) and was eluted with methanol and adjusted to 1.00 mL. A portion (20 mL) was introduced into a graphite cuvette and was atomized according to a temperature program. The method detection limit (3 s ) was 0.10 ng [ or 2.0 (ng/g)] of Be(II). The limit of quantitation (LOQ) was 0.33 ng [ or 6.6 (ng/g)] of Be(II).The calibration graph was linear up to 5.00 ng [ or 100 (ng/g)] of Be(II). An amount (0.28±0.04 ng) of Be2+ was measured in human hair (sample #1) by using the standard addition method, which corresponds to the conc. of 5.6±0.8 (ng/g). Recoveries of (102±1)% were obtained after spiking 1.00 ng Be2+ in the hair sample. Concentrations of 62.4±1.4 (ng/g) were obtained when testing a certified reference material of human hair (GBW 07601) with certified values of 63±15 (ng/g). It is concluded that the proposed method provides an accurate technique for the measurement of Be2+ in human hair.
總 目 錄
1. 中空陰極燈管.......................................6
2. Zeeman背景校正系統.................................7
3. 基質修飾劑.........................................9
4. 合適加溫程式......................................10
(1) 乾燥.............................................10
(2) 灰化.............................................10
(3) 原子化...........................................11
(4) 清除.............................................11
1. 微波消化..........................................12
2. 固相萃取..........................................13
1. Condition.........................................28
2. Load..............................................30
3. Rinse.............................................30
4. Elute.............................................30
1. 藥品和溶液之配製..................................37
2. 頭髮樣品之採樣、保存及
3. 頭髮中鈹的測定方法................................39
4. 檢量線之配製......................................41
(1) 使用標準添加法及經微波消化的方式.................41
(2) 直接將鈹配製在甲醇中之檢量線.....................42
5. 本方法應用於測定火力發電廠員工及
6. 頭髮中鈹經C18 cartridge之固相濃縮步驟.............44
7. 石墨式原子吸光儀之設定條件
8. 以添加回收率作為本方法可行性之評估............... 47
1. 酸液用量之選擇....................................49
2. 酸液種類之選擇....................................50
3. 消化溫度及時間的選擇..............................51
4. 過氧化氫用量的選擇................................53
1. 乾燥步驟之探討....................................60
2. 灰化步驟之探討....................................62
3. 原子化步驟之探討..................................64
1. 醋酸銨緩衝溶液pH值之選擇..........................65
2. 醋酸銨緩衝溶液用量之選擇..........................66
3. 乙醯丙酮(acac)用量之選擇........................68
4. 測定頭髮中Be2+的檢量線和方法偵測極限..............70
5. 回收率測試........................................77
6. 使用頭髮標準參考樣品(GBW07601)測試
7. 測定實際頭髮樣品(Samples #2-#5)中鈹之濃度.......79
8. 實際頭髮樣品(Samples #2-#5)之回收率測試.........81
9. 人體頭髮樣品與人體尿液或血清樣品金屬含量之比較....82
附錄一 頭髮標準參考樣品(GBW07601)之成分.............101
表1-1. 溶劑極性強度14
表2-1. 有關頭髮中、土壤中、合金中、尿液中及水中鈹
表2-2. 一些曾使用酸液分解頭髮基質之參考文獻24
表2-3. 逆相材質的固體吸附劑29
表3-1. 使用石墨式原子吸光儀測定頭髮中Be2+(濃縮於
表3-2. 使用石墨式原子吸光儀測定鈹之設定條件46
表4-1. 本實驗所選用SPE的操作條件56
表4-2. 使用兩階段微波消化法所得之檢量線、MDL及
表4-3. 直接將鈹配製於甲醇中所得之檢量線75
表4-4(a) 使用兩階段微波消化法測得頭髮樣品(#1)之回收率77
表4-5. 以頭髮標準參考樣品(GBW07601)測試本方法(兩階段微波消化法)之準確度78
表4-6. 以兩階段微波消化法測得頭髮樣品(#2 to #5)中鈹
表4-4(b) 以兩階段微波消化法測得頭髮樣品(#2 to #5)中鈹之回收率81
圖1-1. 中空陰極燈管之構造圖7
圖1-2. 外加磁場對光譜線的影響8
圖1-3. 以Zeeman效應為基礎作為原子吸收光譜的背景校正系統9
圖1-4. 石墨爐裝置之構造圖9
圖2-1. 鈹與acac螯合物之結構圖27
圖3-1. 微量樣品鐵氟龍消化瓶39
圖3-2. 鎖瓶工具圖40
圖3-3. 固相萃取濃縮步驟裝置圖45
圖4-1. 改變濃硝酸用量對測定頭髮中鈹吸光度之影響49
圖4-2. 改變微波消化酸液種類對測定頭髮中鈹吸光度
圖4-3. 改變微波消化溫度對測定頭髮中鈹吸光度之影響52
圖4-4. 改變加溫時間對測定頭髮中鈹吸光度之影響53
圖4-5. 在0.050 g頭髮中,添加1.00 ng Be2+為例,
圖4-6. 在0.050 g頭髮中,添加8.00 ng Be2+為例,使用
圖4-7. 實驗流程圖58
圖4-8. 在0.050 g頭髮中,添加1.00 ng Be2+為例,流經或不流經一個移除雜質之Sep-Pak C18 cartridge對測定頭髮中鈹吸光度之影響59
圖4-9. 改變乾燥溫度對鈹吸光度之影響61
圖4-10. 改變乾燥時間對鈹吸光度之影響62
圖4-11. 改變灰化溫度對鈹吸光度之影響63
圖4-12. 改變灰化時間對鈹吸光度之影響63
圖4-13. 改變原子化溫度對鈹吸光度之影響64
圖4-14. 改變原子化時間對鈹吸光度之影響65
圖4-15. 在0.050 g頭髮中,添加1.00 ng Be2+為例,改變NH4OAc Buffer之pH值對鈹吸光度之影響66
圖4-16. 在0.050 g頭髮中,添加1.00 ng Be2+為例,改變NH4OAc Buffer之用量對鈹吸光度之影響67
圖4-17. 在0.050 g頭髮中,添加1.00 ng Be2+為例,只用濃硝酸微波消化,改變acac用量對鈹吸光度之影響68
圖4-18. 在0.050 g頭髮中,添加1.00 ng Be2+為例,用濃硝酸+H2O2作兩階段之微波消化,改變acac用量對鈹吸光度之影響69
圖4-19. (a)使用標準添加法將Be2+加入頭髮中,經濃硝酸+H2O2微波消化步驟所得頭髮中Be2+之檢量線與(b)直接將 Be2+配製於甲醇中之檢量線比較71
圖4-20. 使用兩階段微波消化法所得檢量線各點含量之代表吸收光譜72
圖4-21. 使用兩階段微波消化法求得MDL之代表吸收光譜……...74
圖4-22. 直接將鈹(Be2+)配製於甲醇中之檢量線各點含量之代表吸收光譜……………………………………………..…………...76
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