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研究生(外文):Cheng Chieh Wang
論文名稱(外文):A Kinetic Study of the Anodic Dissolution of Platinum in Hydrochloric Acid Solutions
指導教授(外文):Jin Yih Hwang
外文關鍵詞:PlatinumHydrochloric AcidAnodic DissolutionA Kinetic StudyHexachloroplatinic AcidCyclic VoltammetryHydrogen PeroxideAtomic Force microscope
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本論文主要在研究鉑在鹽酸溶液中陽極溶解之動力行為。本文內容可分為三個部分,第一部份探討鉑在有無過氧化氫之鹽酸溶液的氧化還原行為,透過循環伏安法得知鉑陽極溶解之最佳操作溫度為60℃,鹽酸溶液濃度為8至12M以及陽極電位控制在0.624V(vs. SCE)。而添加過氧化氫之鹽酸溶液其循環伏安圖中之0.5至0.7V範圍內的陽極波峰比未添加過氧化氫溶液時明顯。
Platinum is widely used in industry, however, the prices of platinum are so expansive. Several micron thickness platinum is plated on workpieces, which increase its surface areas and still owns the property of the original platinum. The cost of the chloroplatinic acid among all the platinum salts is the lowest in platinum electroplating solution. This work is to investigate the effect of concentration of hydrochloric acid, temperature and anodic potential on the anodic dissolution of platinum by the electrochemical methods such as cyclic voltammetry.
The object of this paper is a kinetic study of the anodic dissolution of platinum in hydrochloric acids. The contents of this paper can be divided into three parts. The first part, the redox reaction of platinum in the hydrochloric acid solutions with and without hydrogen peroxide was studied. The best condition of anodic dissolution of platinum in hydrochloric acid solution was obtained.
The second part, the dissolution of anodic platinum in hydrochloric acid solution was studied by potentiostat method. And then the concentration of platinum ion in anolyte was measured by atom absorption spectrometry. Meanwhile, the kinds of species in the solutions were analyzed by Ultraviolet-Visible spectrometry. The surface of platinum was also measured by both scan electron microscope and atomic force microscope.
The last one, a divided cell separated by an anion exchanging was assembled in order to selective passing the PtCl62- ion formed in the anolyte by anodic dissolution of platinum and the PtCl62- ion diffused through the anion exchanging membrane to catholyte for the deposition of Pt on the cathode.
1.1 鉑之特性…………………………………………………………………1
1.2 鉑在水溶液中之熱力學特性……………………………………………3
1.3 鉑溶解王水化學生成氯鉑酸之文獻回顧………………………………7
1.4 本研究動機與大綱………………………………………………………12
2.1 陽極溶解與電極動力學…………………………………………………14
2.2 循環伏安法(Cyclic Voltammetry, CV)的原理……………………17
2.3 電化學系統的特性………………………………………………………23
2.4 原子吸收光譜法(Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, AA)原理…25
2.5 紫外光-可見光吸收光譜法(Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrometry, UV)原理………………………………………………………………………27
2.6 原子力顯微鏡(Atomic Force Microscope, AFM)原理……………27
3.1 儀器………………….…………………………………………………32
3.2 藥品………………………………………………………………………32
3.3 實驗流程、步驟與分析方法……………………………………………40
3.3.1 鉑之前處理步驟………………………………………………………42
3.3.2 循環伏安法實驗………………………………………………………42
3.3.3 定電位法陽極溶解鉑…………………………………………………44
3.3.4 定電位法鉑沈積於陰極………………………………………………45
4.1 鉑在不同濃度鹽酸溶液之循環伏安行為………………………………46
4.1.1 溫度效應………………………………………………………………46
4.1.2 濃度效應………………………………………………………………52
4.1.3 添加過氧化氫溶液效應………………………………………………59
4.2 定電位法陽極溶解鉑……………………………………………………63
4.3 定電位法鉑沈積於陰極.………………………………………………76
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