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研究生(外文):Wen-Jay Wu
論文名稱(外文):Implementation of Platform for Virtual Equupment Diagnosis
指導教授(外文):Ching-Kong ChenJung-Tang Huang
外文關鍵詞:Virtual PrototypingFault Warning-ModeRotor SystemSpur Gear PairDie-attaching MachineFault Reconstruction Simulator
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In order to predict a potential fault that might be about to occur, and to understand what causes the fault of manufacturing equipment, the strategy of predictive maintenance is very important. Taking semi-conductor equipment as an example, for the purpose of sustaining the overall performance, the strategy should be aimed to instantly provide the conditions of equipment in order to prevent any errors during the manufacturing process, and to immediately provide the related information and diagnosis as the guidelines for regular maintenance as well as preventive maintenance.
To realize the strategy as mentioned, this paper applies the well-known dynamic simulation software-ADAMS to develop a virtual equipment platform to generate fault warning-mode through virtual prototyping instruments. This virtual equipment platform can generate predictable fault symptoms. Therefore, the main purpose of this virtual equipment is to develop a predictable fault mode for the real machine, and then to proceed diagnosis reasoning in order to determine what causes failure. The advantage of developing virtual equipment is to generate parametric faults instead of intentionally making destructive faults in the real machines. It leads to clearly relate the causes and the characteristics of faults. Therefore, it becomes very easy to identify the faults. In other words, the main purpose of this study is to apply CAE to assist the fault diagnosis in order to reduce the maintenance problems for the equipments in operating. This study has also taken a rotor system, spur gear pair and a die-attaching machine as examples to verify the feasibility of this virtual-equipment diagnosis platform, and establish a fault reconstruction simulator to simulate the condition when a fault occurs.
英文摘要.................... iv
第一章 緒論.......................1
1.1 研究動機與目的.............1
1.2 文獻探討...................2
1.3 研究方向與目標.............3
1.4 論文架構...................6
第二章 診斷設計與故障模式.........7
2.1 以診斷為基礎的設計原則.....7
2.1.1 機構................7
2.1.2 控制元件............8
2.1.3 動力源..............9
2.2 故障模式與發展過程.........9
2.2.1 故障模式............9
2.2.2 故障的發展過程......10
2.3 故障預知模式...............11
2.3.1 定義................11
2.3.2 內容................12
第三章 虛擬原型與診斷原理........15
3.1 虛擬原型技術...............15
3.1.1 簡介................15
3.1.2 多體動力學的分析理論16
3.2 動態系統的診斷.............17
3.3 診斷程序的建立.............21
3.4 故障樹分析方法簡介.........23
第四章 徵兆模式設計..............27
4.1 旋轉機械...................27
4.1.1 旋轉機械的故障原理..27
4.1.2 徵兆的設計方法......29
4.1.3 模擬設定與分析結果..31
4.1.4 故障的評定標準......35
4.2 齒輪對.....................33
4.2.1 振動原理.............39
4.2.2 齒輪對的建構與嚙合剛性設計..41
4.2.3 振動訊號的調變.......44
4.3 晶片置放對準機.............46
4.3.1 動作原理.............46
4.3.2 模型建構.............47
4.3.3 徵兆模式.............49
4.3.4 元件剛性的徵兆模式...54
第五章 故障重現的建立............63
5.1 故障重現...................63
5.2 故障重建模擬器的建立.......65
第六章 結論......................71
6.1 研究結論...................71
6.2 後續研究建議...............72
參考文獻 ......................73
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