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研究生(外文):Yi-Lan Chang
論文名稱(外文):A New Image Watermarking Technique Based on Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees
指導教授(外文):Shih-Hsuan Yang
外文關鍵詞:SPIHTdigital watermarkingopyright protectioninformation securityJPEG
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在本論文中,我們研究並開發架構樹集合分割編碼影像的數位浮水印嵌入技術,使其能抵抗JPEG壓縮攻擊。電腦與通訊網路的進步,使得電子文件交換、電子商務、隨選視訊、數位圖書館等數位服務蔚為風尚。但是,由於數位化資料具有容易且精確地被複製的特性,所以需要有效的保護機制來防止竊取或篡改,數位浮水印(digital watermarking)就是產學界高度重視的技術之一。數位浮水印將不容易被移除或破解的數碼隱密地嵌入原始影像中,以做為確認版權歸屬的依據。由Said與Pearlman所提出的架構樹集合分割(Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees, SPIHT)技術,由於具備優良影像編解碼器所需的多數條件,所以成為新一代影像壓縮標準MPEG-4與 JPEG-2000的核心技術。在本論文中,我們針對SPIHT編碼方式提出其數位浮水印的嵌入構想。不同於過去多數研究改變轉換係數的方法,我們將數位浮水印有效嵌入於SPIHT的量化結果中,在不影響原來SPIHT的壓縮及解碼程序的情形下,可以提高浮水印的強韌性並降低系統的複雜度。實驗結果顯示,我們所提出的方法在維持影像品質的情形下,對於JPEG壓縮具有高度的強韌性,此外,我們亦採用錯誤更正碼保護數位浮水印數碼以更進一步地增進系統的強健性。

In this paper, we develop a watermarking technique for SPIHT-coded images. The advances of computer and communication networks make possible digital economics such as E-commerce, video on demand, and digital library. Since digital data can be easily replicated without any loss, security becomes an imperative requirement for digital services. Digital watermarking has been proposed as one of the most important resolving skills to prevent data piracy and plagiarism. A digitally watermarked image contains invisible code that is difficult to remove by offenders and therefore copyright can be confirmed by extracting and verifying the embedded watermark. The SPIHT (set partitioning in hierarchical trees) method proposed by Said and Pearlman is a very successful image compression algorithm, and has become the core technology of MPEG-4 and JPEG-2000. In this paper, we develop a new watermarking technique for the SPIHT-coded images. In contrast of the conventional approaches that incorporate watermarks into the transformed coefficients, the proposed method embeds the watermarking signal directly on the bitstream generated in the quantization process. By a joint optimization of quantization and watermarking, the robustness of the system can be enhanced with minimal complexity. Experiments show that our method can survive the attack of the JPEG compression. We also apply error-correcting codes to further improve the robustness of the system.

第一章 緒論1
1.1 數位浮水印1
1.2 影像壓縮簡介2
1.3 研究動機和目的4
1.4 論文組織架構4
第二章 數位浮水印的基礎6
2.1 資訊安全6
2.1.1 傳統加密技術6
2.1.2 數位浮水印與加密技術8
2.1.3 數位浮水印與數位簽章8
2.2 高效能數位浮水印機制必須具備的條件10
2.3 常見的數位浮水印技術12
2.3.1 空間域數位浮水印技術12
2.3.2 轉換域數位浮水印技術14 以轉換域為基礎的數位浮水印系統之一般化架構14
2.3.3 壓縮資訊流數位浮水印技術16
2.4 數位浮水印所受到的挑戰與攻擊17
2.5 結論18
第三章 植基於架構樹集合分割影像編碼器之浮水印基礎19
3.1 小波相關知識19
3.1.1 小波轉換19
3.1.2 多層解析度分析20
3.1.3 小波分析的離散信號的分解與重建21
3.1.4 二維影像的小波分析23
3.2 零樹嵌入編碼法28
3.3 架構樹集合分割影像編碼法介紹36
3.4 靜態影像壓縮45
第四章 架構樹集合分割影像的數位浮水印系統48
4.1 數位浮水印嵌入機制48
4.1.1 數位浮水印的結構48
4.1.2 浮水印嵌入演算法49
4.1.3 嵌入演算法之選擇性參數52
4.2 浮水印偵測演算法57
第五章 實驗結果60
5.1 通透性與強健性的估測60
5.2 變動參數的數位浮水印機制模擬測試60
5.2.1 原始影像嵌入浮水印後且未受到攻擊的模擬測試66
5.2.2 以門檻值參數調整的數位浮水印系統測試61
5.2.3 以截頭去尾參數調整的數位浮水印系統測試69
5.2.4 以錯誤更正碼保護浮水印數碼的數位浮水印系統測試72
5.3 架構樹集合分割數位浮水印系統的推廣測試75
5.4 系統參數的探討及與參考文獻[26]之比較78
第六章 結論82

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