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研究生(外文):Te-Nien Chien
論文名稱(外文):Constructing Corporate Distress Diagnosis Model for Intellectual Capital Dimensions-Applications of Neural Network, CART and Discriminant Analysis
指導教授(外文):Chih-Chou Chiu
外文關鍵詞:Enterprise Distress DiagnosisIntellectual CapitalCARTDiscriminant AnalysisNeural Networks
  • 被引用被引用:63
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  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:8
 In order to forecast the financial distress, companies always establish a predictive model of financial distress by expanding the samples and the definition of financial distress. However, judging from the definition of financial distress, the meaning of financial distress company lies on the stock companies listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporations. The main reason for this incorrect judgment is the ignorance of some valuable indicators. We have witnessed a growth in ‘knowledge-based companies’, those that have realized that the knowledge encompassed within the organization is a valuable asset, and its demise can represent a significant risk to the continued safe operation of the company. ‘Intellectual Capital, IC’ is defined as the difference between the book value of the company and the amount of money which someone is prepared to pay for it. Intellectual capital represents intangible assets which frequently do not appear on the balance sheet. Today, to measure the assets of companies, it is very important to notice that IC’s value and strength tend to vary depending on the goals of the organization. The objective of the proposed study is to explore the performance of enterprise distress diagnosis by two different approaches.
 In the first approach, we integrate the artificial neural networks with Classification and Regression Trees (CART) technique. And then, the traditional statistical method, discriminant analysis, is integrated with neural network. The results indicate that the IC indicators are very important in the enterprise distress diagnosis, especially in high-tech enterprise, by using the first proposed combined approach. In additions, we find out that both traditional financial indicators and IC indicators significantly influence the diagnostic correctness of enterprise distress by applying the second approach. Moreover, results from the present study indicate that the proposed combined approaches predict much more accurate and converge much faster than that the conventional neural network approach. In other words, without such good initial estimate from CART or discriminant analysis, a neural network takes a long time to achieve an accurate result.
第一章 緒論1
第二章 整合分類迴歸樹與類神經網路建構企業危機診斷模式4
 2.1 緒論4
 2.2 文獻探討6
  2.2.1 企業危機6
  2.2.2 智慧資本7
  2.2.3 分類迴歸樹9
  2.2.4 類神經網路11
 2.3 研究方法13
  2.3.1 分類迴歸樹14
  2.3.2 倒傳遞類神經網路15
 2.4 實證研究18
  2.4.1 所有企業19
  2.4.2 電子資訊相關產業25
 2.5 結論與建議33
第三章 整合鑑別分析與類神經網路在企業危機診斷之應用34
 3.1 緒論34
 3.2 文獻探討36
  3.2.1 智慧資本36
  3.2.2 企業危機38
  3.2.3 鑑別分析39
  3.2.4 類神經網路40
 3.3 研究方法42
  3.3.1 鑑別分析42
  3.3.2 倒傳遞類神經網路43
 3.4 實證研究46
  3.4.1 研究設計46
  3.4.2 實證結果47
 3.5 結論與建議53
第四章 結論55
 附錄A 研究企業樣本總表65
 附錄B 研究變數總表66
 附錄C 電子業企業資料分配表67
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