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論文名稱(外文):An Energy Saving Study of Air-Conditioners with Ice-Packed Evaporators
指導教授:柯 明 村
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Traditional window-type or split-type air conditioners have several defects such as latent heat re-gain due to the condensed water on the evaporator is sent back to the room and the compressor is not energy-efficient with this reason, etc. These major shortages result in the difficulty in controlling comforts in the conditioned space as well as consuming much more peak electricity load. From the energy point of view, these must be improved to save more unnecessary wasted-electricity.
An original idea which using ice-packing evaporator to avoid the defects mentioned above is proposed in this thesis. This brand new concept is to have the condensed water on the evaporator frozen through careful operation of compressor and fan. This will in turn prevent the condensed water from being carried back to conditioned space and keep on providing cold air by melting the ice on the fin arrays of evaporator. It is evident that the compressor can be re-start with lower load for there is no latent heat regain due to ice packing on the evaporator. Therefore the electricity consumption of household air conditioners will be cut down and the comforts of conditioned room will be improved for the relative humidity is well controlled.
This thesis will survey the feasibility of this innovate idea. Window-type and split-type household air conditioners will be re-arranged to service as ice packing experiments. Thorough inspections will be performed to establish this technology. A theoretical model will also be established to analyze this ice packing phenomena. Finally the energy-saving ability of this kind air conditioners will be examined.
If this innovate idea can be proved technically useful through our research, the peak demand of 40% caused by air-conditioning at the peak time will be cut down remarkably and the electricity-shortage of Taipower will be relieved naturally. The present research will be a great contribution to our country and economic growth.

摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iii
目 次 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 窗型機的年產量 2
1.1.1 台灣地區 2
1.1.2 其他地區 2
1.2 窗型機的使用情形 6
第二章 研究背景及目的 9
2.1 研究背景 9
2.2 研究目的 14
2.3 研究之重要性 14
第三章 研究方法及進行步驟 16
3.1 實驗儀器與配置 17
3.1.1 窗型空調機 17
3.1.2 溫度與溼度量測儀器 18
3.1.3 變頻器 19
3.2 實驗進行程序與步驟 19
3.2.1 蒸發器冷卻管排性能量測與傳統模式運轉測試 19
3.2.2 依室內設定溫度之盤管凍結與傳統運轉測試 20
3.2.3 依ASHRAE舒適區定義設定之盤管凍結與傳統運轉測試 21
3.2.4 不同啟動週期N之運轉測試 22
第四章 實驗數據分析 24
4.1 由乾球溫度Tdb和相對濕度φ換算濕度比ω和熱焓值 24
4.2 風量量測 25
4.3 部份負載(盤管凍結)時暫態效應分析 25
第五章 結果與討論 27
5.1 蒸發盤管凍結可行性及控制方式 27
5.2 盤管凍結運轉與傳統運轉比較 28
5.3 盤管凍結運轉依室內舒適控制儲冰運轉之比較 32
5.4 壓縮機啟動週期N之影響 33
5.5 顯熱與潛熱比暫態變化 34
第六章 結論與展望 38
6.1 結論 38
6.2 研究展望 39
參考文獻 41

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12.Henderson, H.I., “Simulating combined thermostat, air conditioner, and building performance in a house”. ASHRAE Transactions 98(1), 1992.
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14.ASHRAE Handbook, Fundamentals, 1997.
15.ASHRAE Handbook, System and Equipment, 1992.
16.ASHRAE Handbook, Refrigeration, 1998.

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