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研究生(外文):Neng Jia Li
論文名稱(外文):Measurements of Critical Micelle Concentrations of Surfactants and Effective Charges of Proteins by Capillary
指導教授(外文):Chunhung Wu
外文關鍵詞:Critical micelle concentrationSurfactantViscosityProteinEffective chargeDiffusionCapillary electrophoresis
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利用毛細管電泳儀可以有效地測量界面活性劑的臨界微胞濃度及蛋白質的有效電荷。界面活性劑的臨界微胞濃度可經由量測其在單體與聚集時的物理變化而得到,在此我們測量界面活性劑從低濃度至高濃度的黏度變化,得到兩條黏度與濃度的線性關係,將此兩直線外插相交於一點,此即cmc值。藉由毛細管電泳儀及Poiseuille’s law,我們可以量測出流體的黏度大小,而且可以廣泛地運用在各種界面活性劑的臨界微胞濃度測量,包括陰離子型、陽離子型、兩性離子、中性或者是三嵌段共聚合高分子型的界面活性劑皆可適用,cmc測量值不但與文獻值相符,而且可由標準品的測量,將遲滯時間換算成相對應的黏度。此外,我們也可在高濃度區域(即臨界微胞濃度以上)觀察到某些界面活性劑的細微相變化;對於添加有機溶劑及電解質對臨界微胞濃度的影響,也可用此方法測得。

Capillary electrophoresis instrument was used to effectively measure the critical micelle concentrations of surfactants and the effective charges of proteins.
Critical micelle concentrations (cmc) could be obtained by measuring the distinct physical properties of surfactant molecules in the monomer state and in the associate( or aggregate) state. In this report, two linear increments of viscosities were found when increasing surfactant concentrations from dilute to above cmc, which was then decided by linear extrapolation. With capillary electrophoresis instrument and according to Poiseuille’s law, viscosity could be obtained by measuring the retention time of a dilute marker in the hydrodynamic flow of the fluid. This method was verified by the measurements of a set of standards with known viscosities. The cmc values of various types of surfactants including anionic, cationic, zwitterionic, and non-ionic ones were determined and were all in good agreement with those reported in literatures. This method was also demonstrated to be applicable to cmc measurements of aqueous surfactants with organic or electrolyte additive.
Capillary electrophoresis technique also provided a direct access to simultaneous measurements of electrophoretic mobility and diffusion coefficient of charged species, and thus gave a good estimate of their effective charges. In this report the effects of pH and ionic strength on effective charges of proteins with different pI’s and molecular weights were investigated. From the protein’s pI, the protein effective charge increased with increasing or decreasing pH values. This was mainly due to the shift of acid-base dissociation equilibrium occurred on the acidic or basic amino acid side chains when altering the pH of the buffer solution. The larger the ionic strength, the higher the effective charges would be obtained for proteins having high enough charges at certain pH values. The binding properties between Myoglobin and SDS were also studied by using the same method.

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 原理介紹 1
1.3.1 電泳基本原理 1
1.3.2 電滲透流原理 2
1.3.3 黏度 3
1.3.4 擴散 4
1.3.5 Taylor-Aris Dispersion方法 6
1.2 界面活性劑簡介 8
1.3 界面活性劑的基本性質 9
1.3.1 表(界)面吸附性 9
1.3.2 表(界)面膜形成性及排列性 9
1.3.3 表(界)面張力降低性 9
1.3.4 微胞(micelle)的形成性 10
1.4 影響界面活性劑cmc的因素 10
1.4.1 添加電解質(electrolyte) 10
1.4.2 疏水基的效應 11
1.4.3 親水基的效應 11
1.4.4 相對離子的效應 11
1.4.5 添加有機物的效應 12
1.4.6 溫度的效應 12
1.4.7 pH值的效應 12
1.5 測量cmc的方法 13
1.5.1 表面張力(surface tension) 13
1.5.2 導電度(conductivity) 13
1.5.3 光散色(Light scattering) 14
1.5.4 溶解度(Solubilization) 14
1.5.5 自身擴散(self-diffusion) 14
1.6測量蛋白質有效電荷的方法 15
1.6.1 Charge Ladder method 15
1.6.2 毛細管電泳 16
1.6.3 酸鹼滴定 18
1.7 界面活性劑與蛋白質的結合性質 19
1.8 本章參考文獻 20
1.9 本章圖表 21
第二章 利用毛細管電泳裝置測量界面活性劑的臨界微胞濃度 27
2.1 研究目的 27
2.2 實驗部分 27
2.2.1 儀器 27
2.2.2 藥品 28
2.2.3 毛細管內壁塗覆方式 32
2.2.4 實驗方法與步驟 34
2.3 結果與討論 36
2.3.1 標準品與黏度為線性關係 36
2.3.2 遲滯時間與濃度的變化關係 36
2.3.3 各種不同類型的界面活性劑 38
2.3.4吸附的影響 38
2.3.5 界面活性劑SO的細微相變化 38
2.3.6 添加鹽類及有機物 40
2.3.7 磷酸緩衝溶液及溴化鉀 40
2.4 總結 41
2.5 本章參考文獻 42
2.6 本章圖表 44
第三章 蛋白質有效電荷的測量 71
3.1 研究目的 71
3.2 實驗部分 71
3.2.1 儀器 71
3.2.2 藥品 72
3.2.3 毛細管塗覆方式 73
3.2.4 實驗方法與步驟 74
3.3 結果與討論 81
3.3.1 蛋白質擴散係數與流體動力半徑 81
3.3.2 蛋白質的有效電荷 85
3.3.3 Myoglobin與SDS結合性質的探討 90
3.4 總結 92
3.5 本章參考文獻 94
3.6 本章圖表 95

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