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論文名稱(外文):Impact of coca production on Peruvian economic and social development (1970-1995)
外文關鍵詞:Perucoca productioncocainemoney-laundryunderground economyguerrillaterrorismdrug abuse
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The culture of coca cultivation since Inca civilization has been a long history in Peru. Until mid-twentieth century, coca in Peru had been cultivated and produced legally mainly for its domestic chewing and medical usage, and to supply foreign demand of pharmacy and beverage market. It was not until the seventies, stimulated by international illegal cocaine demand, that Peruvian traditional legal coca production turned out to be illegal purposed industry, with stronger economic incentives working more powerfully to keep up supply. With profit way above higher than any other legal exports, the dimension of coca production booms vastly in the eighties, forming a special phenomenon called “white gold rush”.
Production and exports of coca and its derivatives have many different impacts on the Peruvian economy and society. On the positive side, “coca economy” not only provides extremely poor peasant and labor families with more incomes, but also adds foreign exchange earnings that, at least in part, flow through to the legal economy and help finance imports. Besides, cash from illegal coca trade makes Peruvian local commerce in rural areas flourish. On the negative side, coca pulls human effort and land into production at the expense of possible alternative food production; holds down the incentives for legal exports; aggravates violence of terrorism and the costs to the society of trying to restrain it; causes Peasant and labor migration and ecological damage from the chemical residues used to process cocaine; and Peruvian drug abuse problems as well.
Under the international anti-cocaine pressure, Peruvian government keeps cooperating with White House intercepting illegal cocaine production and smuggling in Peru. However, there are dilemmas retarding the effect of anti-coca policy, such as: technological problems of coca eradication; difficulty of quantifying area of coca plants and amount of its derivatives; corruption in the military, police, and civilian government. Despite wiped out of the Upper Huallaga Valley in the beginning of the nineties, Shining Path and MRTA guerillas may possibly take advantage of the newly flourishing coca cultivation province in southern Peru to recover their force from the decline in the future. If this should happen, Peruvian anti-coca policy and alternative crops promotion plans might be thwart by the terrorists.

總 目 次:
第一章 緒論..............................1
第一節 研究動機與目的....................1
第二節 研究方法與範圍....................4
第三節 資料來源與限制....................9
古柯膏(Pasta Básica Cocaína, PBC)
古柯鹼底(Cocaine Base, PBL)
鹽酸古柯鹼(Hydrochloride Cocaine,HCI)
第二章 秘魯古柯生產之興起與發展........................................15
第一節 秘魯古柯生產之傳統與爭議........................................15
一. 古印地安文化習俗.....................16
二. 殖民時代之古柯價值........................................18
三. 近代對古柯之爭議.....................22
第二節 七零年代後古柯生產規模之擴展..... 27
一.國內外環境因素.................. 27
二.秘魯古柯種植之熱潮....................................... 31
第三節 非法古柯產品之產銷概況.............42
一. 古柯膏之加工業.........................42
二. 古柯鹼之走私問題.......................48
第三章 秘魯古柯產業對其經濟環境之影響.....57
第一節 毒品外匯對秘魯經濟之影響...........57
一. 毒資流入之洗錢問題....................60
二. 國家外匯收入之補充....................65
第二節 對其他產業發展之影響...............74
一. 傳統農業與產業之衰退...............74
二. 服務業與商業之興盛..................79
第三節 對農工家庭生計之助益................86
一. 從事古柯種植之農民.....................86
二. 古柯採收、搬運與加工之勞工..............91
第四章 秘魯古柯產業對其社會之影響............96
第一節 社會秩序與安全之破壞.................97
一. 游擊隊與毒品走私勢力之互動.............97
二. 毒品恐怖主義與社會暴力.................105
第二節 毒品產業之其他社會效應...........................................115
一. 農工人口之遷移題..............................................120
第三節 對秘魯生態環境之傷害...............................................125
一. 林木資源之破壞.............................125
二. 河川水源之污染...............................................128
第一節 秘魯政府之立場與考量..................132
一. 國際古柯鹼氾濫問題嚴重.........…........133
二. 美國為首之國際反毒壓力..........................................136
第二節 秘魯之古柯抑制政策..............................................142
一. 古柯抑制計劃之實行...........................142
二. 古柯抑制行動之成效.............................................151
第三節 秘魯反古柯政策之評估.............................................163
一. 農民對古柯作物之依賴..............................................163
二. 政府官員心態與執法效能...................166
三. 掃毒技術與司法制度之缺失.......................................170

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