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研究生(外文):Ting Li-Chung
論文名稱(外文):Structure analysis of Ru-based Sr2YRuO6 2116 Cu-doping system
外文關鍵詞:double perovskitesCuO2 planeimpurity phase
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本篇論文為系統化研究銅摻雜於鍶釔釕銅氧2116雙鈣鈦礦結構化合物的結構特性。鍶釔釕氧2116雙鈣鈦礦結構原本是大家所知的反鐵磁絕緣體,在摻雜少量銅離子後,樣品在電性及磁性量測上出現約50K的超導臨界溫度。一般而言,高溫超導體的共同特徵是具有銅氧平面,而此樣品則不具銅氧平面,因此具有高溫超導機制研究上的貢獻。樣品之X-ray繞射圖形中在2θ=33.1°處出現雜相,可能引起現象解釋上的混淆,因此,對此一新材料而言,製作出無雜相且具超導電性的樣品便是相當重要的工作。在樣品的製作上,銅摻雜量愈大,愈容易燒結出具超導電性的塊材,但樣品的雜相亦愈大。因此在細部研究上,銅的摻雜量從0 mole調整到0.1 mole,改變量為0.01 mole,並使用高鑑別能力之X-ray繞射其雜相區域。此外,為了解樣品晶格常數的變化,利用(004)面的X-ray繞射峰去彌合其位置,藉以換算晶格常數的c值。結果顯示,當銅摻雜量大於0.04 mole時,雜相開始明顯生成,並且c值停止擴張。

This thesis presents a systematic study on the structure properties of Cu-doped double perovskites Sr2YRu1-XCuXO6 (2116). The double perovskites compound is a known antiferromagnetic insulator, and it was observed superconductivity in this compound system with small amount of Cu-doping, a 50K superconducting transition temperature as determined by both resistive and magnetic measurement. The common features of high Tc superconductor is consisting of layered structure with CuO2 plane, however this structure contains no CuO2 plane. An impurity phase was observed at 2θ=33.1° in powder X-ray diffraction pattern. The amount of Cu-doping was adjusted from 0 to 0.1 mole and the impurity phase was scaled by high resolution X-ray. Furthermore for getting the value of unit cell constant, peak of (004) plane was scaled and fitted to determine the c value. A substantial increase of impurity phase was observed and the unit cell constant c stops expanding at Cu concentration is more than 0.04 mole.

第一章 實驗背景與動機 1 1.1 超導物理研究的歷史與背景 1
1.2 實驗動機 2
第二章 實驗儀器裝置與量測分析原理 5 2.1 高溫爐 5
2.2 低溫電阻量測系統與原理 6
2.3 X-ray繞射系統與原理及Rietveld Analysis分析 7
第三章 樣品的製備 11
3.1 樣品的預燒 11
3.2 樣品的燒結 11
第四章 實驗內容、結果與討論 13
4.1 樣品介紹 13
4.2 實驗內容與結果 15
4.3 討論 18
數據與圖表 20
參考文獻 31

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18. 但唐諤 淡江大學物理研究所 碩士論文
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