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研究生(外文):Hui-yu Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The Bay of Pigs Invasion: Intelligence Intervention in Politics
指導教授(外文):Anthony Trimarchi
外文關鍵詞:Bay of Pigs
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在遭遇西元一九六一年四月豬灣戰役挫敗不久後,美國總統甘迺迪有感而發:「我從此事件中學到了一個教訓 ─ 那就是我們必須好好的整頓中央情報局。」1此挫敗的確暴露出軍事及政治上的重大疏失。由於事發時甘迺迪方入主白宮不滿三個月,以致未能洞悉此戰役之成功機率非常低。也由於此教訓導致他對於中央情報局和參謀首長聯席會議失去信任。
1 Marquis Childs, Witness to Power(New York:McGraw-Hill,1975), p.63.
馬奎斯 查德,權力的見證(紐約:麥格魯-希爾,1975),63頁。
This thesis examines intelligence intervention in politics using the Bay of Pigs episode as a case study. In theory, intelligence work should be objective, autonomous, and free of political influence. At its best, it should be done solely on the basis of professional intelligence ethics. In reality, however, unavoidable political pressures and bureaucratic and personal interests can influence the conduct of the intelligence work. With its institutionalized secrecy, its special mission, and its vast resources, the CIA has become one of the most powerful bodies in the structure of the American government. The direction of American national security policy is to a large degree dependent on the performance of the CIA.
This study explains the behavior of intelligence organizations and individuals with a focus on how they intervened in politics and the conditions that made such intervention possible. Senior CIA officers overestimated their operation’s likelihood of success in order to elicit presidential support for this venture, believing that the operation should go ahead regardless of the political and operational limitations set by President Kennedy. To that end, CIA planners purposely concealed important intelligence from the President, key cabinet officials, and the Cuban exile force. By so doing, they not only violated professional requirements, but also contributed to the first foreign policy setback facing the Kennedy administration.

Introduction ………………………………….………… 1
Chapter One
Cuba: A Thorn In The Flesh ……………….……….. 10
Chapter Two
The Men Who Counted …………………….……….. 41
Chapter Three
The Cuban Plan: A Hot Potato ……………..…….…….. 63
Chapter Four
Victims of Wishful Thinking …………………..…….…. 98
Chapter Five
Debacle at the Beachhead ………………………….. 132
The CIA: A Rogue Elephant? ………...……….…… 156
Bibliography ……………….……………….…..……. 174
Appendixes ……………………………………………185

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