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研究生(外文):YingChang Lee
論文名稱(外文):The disquisition on exchange rate and interest rate spread
指導教授(外文):YingChang Lee
外文關鍵詞:exchange rateinterest rate differentialIRPFRU
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1. 遠期匯率為未來即期匯率之不偏估計值。
2. 使用OLS和SUR做估計時,利差是顯著地與風險補償呈負相關。
3. 改變簡單購買力平價發展當期與長期間匯率缺口的量測,發現8個匯率缺口係數中的5個是顯著的。
The foreign exchange market is undoubtedly the world’s largest financial market. It is the market where one country’s currency is traded for another’s. Most of the trading takes place in a few currencies: the U.S. dollar, British pound sterling, Japanese yen and German deutschemark. The many different types of participants in the foreign exchange market include the following: importers, exporters, portfolio, foreign exchange brokers, and traders.
Exchange-rate volatility is the natural consequence of international operations in a world where foreign currency values more up and down. In order to understand exchange-rate change, this paper examines the impact of interest rate differential on exchange-rate trend in U.S., Japan, U.K., and Taiwan.
In the model the risk premiums should be determined by interest differentials and by the gap between current and long-run exchange rate, which examine risk premiums at the 3-, 6-, and 12-month horizons for three currencies relative to the U.S. dollar: the U.K. pound, Japanese yen, and the New Taiwan. The monthly data cover January, 1992 through February, 2000. The risk premiums are calculated as the actual exchange-rate change (log difference) minus the maturity-adjusted, continuous-time interest rate differential. To ensure that the samples were non-overlapping, we use only January, April, July, and October data for the 3-month regressions. For the six-month regressions we use only January and July data. For the annual regressions we use only January data.
The conclusions are as follows:
The forward exchange rate should be an unbiased predictor of future spot exchange rate. Interest differentials are significantly and negatively related to risk premiums in using OLS and SUR. We turn to simple purchasing power parity to develop a measure of the gap between current and long-run equilibrium exchange rate. With this estimation technique we find that 5 of the 8 exchange-rate gap coefficients are statistically significant.
This paper presents a theoretical exchange rate model. Risk premiums are determined, in particular, by interest differentials and by the gap between current and long-run equilibrium exchange rates. If speculators have an alternative to exchange-rate speculation, then there is no presumption that uncovered interest parity holds even approximately in long-run equilibrium. The expected utility of being a trader becomes arbitrarily small when there is sufficient speculative activity in the market. Since speculators can always shift to other financial markets, in the long run there will be a finite equilibrium number of foreign-exchange speculators.
第一章 緒論
第一節、研究動機與目的 ………………………...1
第二節、研究架構 …………………………………2
第二章 文獻回顧
第一節、匯率理論 …………………………………5
第二節、國外相關文獻 ……………………………14
第三節、國內相關文獻 ……………………………19
第三章 利率平價與遠期匯率不偏性之沿革
第一節、拋補利率平價 ……………………………24
第二節、未拋補利率平價和遠期匯率不偏性 ….30
第三節、遠期匯率:風險趨避和理性預期 ……..34
第四節、匯率和訊息 ………………………………38
第五節、披索問題和雜訊交易者 ………………...41
第四章 實證研究之設計
第一節、外匯風險補償的理論模型 ……………...46
第二節、相似無關迴歸模型 ……………………....52
第五章 實證分析
第一節、資料來源與處理 ………………………...55
第二節、遠期匯率不偏性探討 …………………...57
第三節、風險補償實證結果 ……………………...63
第六章 結論與建議
第一節、結論 ………………………………………66
第二節、建議 ………………………………………68
參考文獻 ……………………………………………….
附錄 匯率模型 ……………………………………73
圖1.1研究流程圖 …………………………………………4
圖3.1頭肩頂 ………………………………………………43
圖3.2收斂三角 ……………………………………………44
圖5.1即期匯率與遠期匯率(三個月):英鎊兌美元 ….57
圖5.2即期匯率與遠期匯率(三個月):美元兌日圓 ……58
圖5.3即期匯率與遠期匯率(三個月):美元兌新台幣 …58
圖5.4即期匯率(St)與遠期匯率(Ft):英鎊兌美元 ……...60
圖5.5即期匯率(St)與遠期匯率(Ft):美元兌日圓 ……...61
圖5.6即期匯率(St)與遠期匯率(Ft):美元兌新台幣 …...62
表2.1台灣實證文獻比較 ………………………………..23
表5.1FRU檢定結果 ……………………………….56
表5.2遠期匯率預測標準差(%) ………………………….57
表5.3標準風險補償之計量估計模型(OLS) ……..…….62
表5.4標準風險補償之計量估計模型(SUR) ……………63
表5.5PPP決定長期均衡匯率之計量估計模型(OLS) …64
表5.6PPP決定長期均衡匯率之計量估計模型(SUR) …65
一. 中文部份
1. 吳致寧(1995) 「貨幣學派之匯率決定模型與匯率預測-台灣之實證研究」,經濟論文,第二十三卷,第一期,頁159-187。
2. 沈中華(1992) 「用無拋補利率平價說解釋臺灣利率與對美元匯率的變動」,企銀季刊,第十六卷第一期,頁1-13。
3. 林昆英(1998) 「由無拋補利率平價說檢定資本移動性─台灣的實證研究」,國立政治大學經濟學研究所碩士論文。
4. 張豐榮(1993) 「臺灣地區無拋補利率平價說之研究」,台灣大學財務金融學研究所碩士論文。
5. 陳秀桂(1999) 「國際資本移動之衡量─臺灣之實證研究」,國立中興大學經濟學研究所碩士論文。
6. 陳莉珮(1994) 「購買力平價檢定暨匯率決定相關因素之探討」,私立淡江大學金融研究所碩士論文。
7. 黃淑卿(1995) 「資產組合平衡學派之匯率決定與預測」,國立中正大學國際經濟研究所碩士論文。
8. 黃德芬(1997) 「台灣地區風險利率平價說之驗證─解除外匯管制前後之比較」,台灣銀行台灣經濟金融月刊,第33卷第1期,20,頁14-27。
9. 廖原益(1996) 「台灣地區資本移動自由化之衡量與探討」,東華大學國際經濟研究所碩士論文。
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