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指導教授(外文):Huei-Chu Liao
外文關鍵詞:bootstrappingrandom effectfixed effect
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余宗憲(2000)應用特徵價格模型來檢視國際原油價格之合理性,然而該研究由於資料以及技術上的限制,所得取之結果未臻完善。根據Efron(1979)所提出的拔靴模擬法,可利用插入原則(plug-in principle),利用經驗分配函數(empirical distribution)做為假想母體,以抽出放回(sample with replacement)的方式進行重覆隨機抽樣,在多次的電腦模擬下,產生抽樣分配(sampling distribution),如此便可評估參數估計值的不偏性與有效性。本文擬以拔靴法補正余宗憲研究上的缺失,以更確實的探討油價形成之要因

Oil companies, which have lost their competitive advantages they used to have due to the growing competition in the international oil market, must be committed to lowering their operating cost in order to survive. The international crude oil is so varied in properties that it can be distinctive in terms of specific gravity, viscosity and sulphur content. This paper is dedicated to finding out a rational pricing scenario based on the current international oil market, with a hope that companies can directly reduce their purchasing cost; hence boosting their competitive advantages.
In 2000, Mr. Tsung-Hsien Yu applied Characterized Pricing Model to examine the rationale of the international oil pricing. However the result of his research is not perfect because of the limitation in data and techniques. According to Professor Bradley Efron, who proposed Bootstrap Emulation Method in 1979, the plug-in principle can be applied to repeat random sampling with replacement from a hypothetical population of empirical distribution. Thanks to computer emulation, the sampling distribution produced this way is used to evaluate the deviation and validity of parameter estimates. This paper using bootstrap method makes up a deficiency in Mr. Tsung-Hsien Yu ‘s research, in order to confirm the factors in oil pricing.
With respect to characterized pricing function, this paper uses bootstrap method to select the optimal regression model, the result of which shows that the function of the reciprocal of logarithm best suits the validity concern and therefore can be used as a pragmatic model to assess the pricing rationale. To further validate the rationale of crude oil prices, this paper compares the estimated prices with 32 different oil prices and finds out that the two groups of prices as tested by ANOVA have obvious differences. It is safely to conclude that the international crude oil market might not be efficient.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法 2
第三節 研究流程 2
第四節 本文架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧5
第一節 原油價格相關文獻探討5
第二節 拔靴模擬法之相關文獻8
第三章 油價模型的建立及其模擬過程11
第一節 特徵價格模型11
第二節 實證模型之建立18
第三節 Panel Data之固定效果與隨機效果模型25
第四節 拔靴模擬過程30
第四章 實證與模擬結果分析35
第一節 各種油價公式之比較35
第二節 影響原油價格因素再探討64
第三節 國際原油價格合理性分析67
第五章 結論與建議69
第一節 結論69
第二節 研究建議70

二 英文部份
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