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研究生(外文):Bang-Xing Liao
論文名稱(外文):Simulation Study of Multiple Comparisons with the Average under Heteroscedasticity
指導教授(外文):Shu-Fei Wu
外文關鍵詞:two-stage proceduresingle-stage procedureMonte-Carlo techniquesanalysis of means(ANOM)
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本文中,當變異數未知且可能不相等時,我們採用了三種不同的方法來求取常態分配平均數與平均之聯立信賴區間,分別是傳統法、單階段和雙階段與平均之多重比較程序。並使用蒙地卡羅模擬法來模擬出傳統法,單階段和雙階段與平均之多重比較程序的信賴區間長度及信心水準。由模擬結果發現發現單階段和雙階段與平均之多重比較程序之模擬信心水準皆可達到名目信心水準。並舉一個生統的例子以示範單階段,雙階段與平均之多重比較程序。同時利用此同時信賴區間來做平均數分析(Analysis of Means(ANOM))以和陳順益(1998)之變異數分析做顯著水準和檢定力之差異比較。更廣義的加權平均也會在本研究中予以推廣。

In many experimental situations, the average treatment performance within its own group is used as a benchmark to be compared with each individual treatment. Our study propose is to identify better than the average, worse than the average and not much difference from the average subsets based on the simultaneous two-sided confidence interval of each normal mean away from its average. One can use this procedure to screen a great number of wheat varieties better than the average in an agricultural experiment, or to screen drugs with longer hours of pain-relief than the average in a clinical trial.
In this article, a simulation study of traditional, single-stage and two-stage multiple comparison procedures with the average for normal distribution under heteroscedasticity is investigated by the Monte-Carlo techniques. The length of simultaneous confidence interval and confidence coefficient for three procedures are simulated and it’s found that the simulated confidence coefficients can reach its nominal confidence coefficients for single-stage and two-stage multiple comparison procedures with the average while the traditional procedure fails to under heteroscedasticity. A biometrical example is given to illustrate the single-stage and two-stage procedures. These simultaneous confidence intervals are also used as an Analysis of Means(ANOM) to compared with the analysis of Variance proposed by 陳順益(1998) by their level of significance and their power. A generalized arithmetic mean as a benchmark is also considered.

第一章 緒論…………………………………………………2
第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………4
第三章 傳統法,單階段,雙階段與平均的多重比較程序
第一節 傳統法與平均的多重比較程序……………………6
第二節 雙階段與平均的多重比較程序……………………10
第三節 單階段與平均的多重比較程序……………………16
第四章 生統例子……………………………………………19
第五章 模擬比較……………………………………………23
第六章 加權平均數…………………………………………35
第七章 結論…………………………………………………40

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