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研究生(外文):Ching-Sheng Wang
論文名稱(外文):An Intelligent Content-based Image Retrieval System Based on Color, Shape and Spatial Relations
指導教授(外文):Prof. Timothy, K. Shih
外文關鍵詞:Content-based image retrievalImage databaseColorShapeSpatial relation
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內容式影像擷取(Content-based image retrieval)已成為現今設計影像資料庫(Image database)的趨勢。本論文提出了一套影像資料庫的智慧型影像擷取系統。本系統結合了顏色,形狀和空間關係等特徵來做圖形相似性的索引和測量。本論文比較了數種廣泛地應用在電腦繪圖上的顏色空間,以便做到顏色的簡化既顏色叢集(color clustering)。另外,根據顏色叢集的方法,本文提出一套自動產生圖形資料庫索引的機制,此索引機制可使圖形的過濾更有效率。

Content-based image retrieval has become more desirable for developing large image database. This thesis presents an intelligent method of retrieving images from an image database. This system combines color, shape and spatial features to index and measure similarity of images. Several color spaces that widely used in computer graphic were discussed and compared for color clustering. In addition, this dissertation propose a new automatic indexing scheme of image database according to our clustering method and color sensation, which could be used to retrieve image efficiently.
As a technical contribution, a Seed-Filling like algorithm that could extract the shape and spatial relationship feature of image is proposed. Due to the difficulty of determining how far objects are separated, this system uses qualitative spatial relations to analyze object similarity. Also, the system is incorporated with a visual interface and a set of tools, which allows the users to express the query by specify or sketch the images conveniently. Besides, the feedback learning mechanism enhances the precision of retrieval. The experience shows that the system is able to retrieve image information efficiently by the proposed approaches.

Chapter 1 Introduction1
1.1 Motivation1
1.2 Query by Image Content3
1.3 Overview8
Chapter 2 Related Work11
2.1 Color-based retrieval11
2.2 Shape-based retrieval13
2.3 Retrieval by spatial relations15
2.4 Index methods18
2.5 Systems for image retrieval19
Chapter 3 Color Space and Color Clustering27
3.1 Selection of The Color Space27
3.1.1 RGB Color Space27
3.1.2 CMY Color Space29
3.1.3 C.I.E. L*u*v* Color Space30
3.1.4 YUV, YIQ and YCbCr Color Space32
3.1.5 HSI, HSV and HLS Color Space33
3.2 Color Clustering and Normalization34
Chapter 4 Extraction of Features37
4.1 Color Feature Extraction37
4.2 Shape Feature Extraction38
4.2.1 Shape Extraction39
4.2.2 Edge Detection40
4.2.3 Shape Representation and Normalization41
4.3 Spatial Relation Feature Extraction44
Chapter 5 The Similarity Measure of Features46
5.1 The Similarity Measure of Colors46
5.1.1 The Similarity of two Colors46
5.1.2 The Color Similarity of two Images47
5.2 The Similarity Measure of Shape49
5.3 The Similarity Measure of Spatial relation50
Chapter 6 Management of Image Database56
6.1 The Architecture of Database58
6.2 The Indexing Scheme59
6.3 The Filter Mechanism61
Chapter 7 Procedure for Image Retrieval64
7.1 The Procedure of Online Query65
7.2 Query Interface66
7.3 Query Examples63
Chapter 8 Conclusion and Future Research74
8.1 Conclusion74
8.2 Future Research75
Appendix A. Publication List85
Journal Publications85
Conference Publications86
Appendix B. “An Intelligent Content-based Image Retrieval System based on Color, Shape and Spatial Relations,“ Proceedings of the National Science Council, R.O.C., Part A: Physical Science and Engineering.89
Appendix C. “Indexing and Retrieval Scheme of the Image Database Based on Color and Spatial Relations,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo 2000 (ICME’2000).90
List of Figures
1.1 Sketch of visual image retrieval system3
2.1 User interface of QBIC system23
2.2 User interface of Virage Search Engine24
2.3 User interface of Picasso system24
2.4 User interface of photobook system25
2.5 User interface of Netra system25
2.6 User interface of VisualSEEK system26
3.1 RGB color space28
3.2 The relation of RGB and CMYK30
3.3 Chromaticity diagram for CIE primary system31
3.4 HSI color space33
3.5 Procedure diagram for the color clustering and normalization35
3.6 The clustering 12*4*4 + 6 HSI color space36
4.1 Color histogram of image38
4.2 Example of a processed image. (a) Original image, (b) color clustering image, (c) shape extraction image, (d) refined image.40
4.3 An example image and the result after the edge detection process41
4.4 The turning angle representation of the object42
4.5 Use of orthogonal projection to find the centroid of the object43
4.6 The starting point of turning angle representation43
4.7 The 13 interval relations and 5 point-interval relations44
4.8 The orthogonal projection of the shape in X and Y coordinates45
6.1 The user interfaces and procedures of creating image database57
6.2 Structural diagram of the image database58
6.3 (a) Show an example of indexing an image (image ID: 1, the dominant colors of this image are 37 (00100101), 38 (00100110) and 154 (10011010) (b) Indexing another image (image ID: 2, the dominant colors of this image are 38 (00100110), 39 (00100111), 152(10011000) and 154(10011010)60
6.4 Show a filtering example of a query image (the dominant colors of this image are 37 (00100101), 38 (00100110), 39 (00100111), 152 (10011000) and 154 (10011010)62
7.1 Overview of the system architecture64
7.2 Query Interface67
7.3 Query by sketched image68
7.4 Query by modified image (cut a piece of image)68
7.5 Query by modified image (modify the query image)69
7.6 Query example based on color70
7.7 Query example based on shape70
7.8 Query by multiple query images71
7.9 Query example based on spatial relations72
List of Tables
3.1 YcbCr Color bars32
5.1 Starting and Ending Point Relations51
5.2 Point Relation Distance (PRD)52
5.3 The Extended Point-Interval Relation Distance53

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