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研究生(外文):Chih-Cheng Wu
論文名稱(外文):An individualized bookkeeping system for education system
指導教授(外文):Yih-Jia Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Distance Learningbookkeepingdatabase
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近幾年來,隨著資訊科技的不斷進步,網際網路(Internet)及全球資訊網(World Wide Web)已逐漸成為社會大眾生活的一部份。有鑑於此,在面對全球的高速競爭下,資訊教育實攸關我國未來的競爭力,是以現今國內已有許多虛擬學校、虛擬教室等遠距教學環境出現。綜觀目前現行網路教學環境中,主要利用網頁的製作及網站的建立,將所要公開學習的教材,以文字、圖形、聲音、影像及動畫等多種型態呈現於學習內容中,而學習者則透過瀏覽器的方式,上網學習,已達到學習的目的,或利用現有的應用軟體,如電子白板、電子郵件、視訊會議系統等,使授課者與學習者達到互動的關係,學習者利用群體合作的方式,一起學習或合作共同解決問題。
所以在本篇論文中,吾人建立一套個人化網路教學簿記環境,利用資料庫模組的方式,針對不同之系級及課程進行線上(On — line)之動態資料庫產生,而授課老師一旦進入此系統時即可點選其授課班級的學生成績,進行建構及編輯,而老師也可依系統所產生的學生成績分布圖,針對學生各種不同的考試及情況,進行動態的分配與調整,進而可針對學生的考試成績做出合理的學習效果評量(Assessment)。
For the past years, Internet, Intranet, and World Wide Web have taken a large share of our lives. Because of this trend, the education for information and technology is really crucial for our nation’s competitive advantages in the world. While observing the present Distance Learning environment, the users can easily acquire the content and reach the objectives of learning by using web browser; or simply utilize application software such as web board, e-mail, and videoconference systems to build good interactions between the instructor and the learner. Thus the user/learner can take advantages of online group cooperation network to participate in learning or solve problems together.
Internet technology has brought us much convenience in Distance Learning, but there are only a few professionals who are attentive on the studies of Distance Learning courses, materials development, and using different ways of teaching and instruction to each different individual’s learning ability and demands. I believe fulfilling these accomplishments can largely improve learning efficiency and enhance the learner’s motivation. Therefore, more and more education system have combined multimedia users interface to present information in non-linear format. The users can choose learning materials according to individual learning interest and order.
In this thesis, I will build an individualized bookkeeping system that utilize database to build online data files for different majors and course. The class instructor can use this system to search student’s academic record for further changes and adjustments. The system can also be used to sort each student’s test scores, precede stationary adjustment, and construct a student’s average record in chart, thus we can efficiently analyze learning ability assessment by examining each student’s academic records.
第一章 緒論
第二章 背景知識
第三章 個人化簿記教學環境
第四章 成績計算與分析評量
第五章 結論與未來展望
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