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研究生(外文):Sheng-En Yeh
論文名稱(外文):A Lecture-on-Demand Supporting System based onMulti-Stream Media Synchronization Control
指導教授(外文):Hwei-Jen Lin
外文關鍵詞:Distance Learningsynchronizedlecture-on-demandmultimedia presentations
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近年來國內外多媒體及網路的應用普及,學習內涵將因科技的進步變為多采多姿,學習方式當然也因應而生為多原化。清楚可見,網路豐富了學習資源也增加了學習的機會。所以利用網路與多媒體為教學的工具也更為大家所接受,而本系統同樣地也提供了一些有助於提高彼此之間的互動性的通訊工具,像是即時隨選視訊(Video-on-Demand)和註解工具(Annotation Tools) ,並將這兩個功能也納入此多媒體同步簡報系統中。在國內外目前大多數的大專院校有遠距教學的經驗者,均熱衷發展眾多可以在網路及多媒體教學中派上用場的通訊工具之研究,在發展多媒體同步的過程中,有一個常被討論與研究的重點,就是如何讓不同資料型態的多媒體在不同的工作平台上做同步的播放。當我們錄製一段簡報時會遇到幾個常見的問題,使用者可能想動態處理他的簡報排程(Presentation Schedule),所以本系統的目的也在於讓使用者可即時的自己錄製自己的簡報更發揮出其教學的功能。在網際網路使用的普及與發展之下,便利了許許多多資訊的拮取,也是日常生活中一項常用的媒體吸收工具,一般的教材或課程內容,並不見得適合所有的學習者,學習習慣及學習速度並不能視學習者的個人狀況做彈性調整,希望此系統所提供的方式能成為一種新的教學媒體,在未來透過網路的教學活動能貢獻一份心力。
Distance Learning/Virtual University system is one of the most important application of multimedia communication. In a distance learning environment, video clips (pre-recorded) can be integrated with slide presentations. It is very important to synchronize video with slide changes. Otherwise, the slide presentation will be senseless. We have developed a tool, which allows the coursed designer or the instructor to record synchronized lecture-on-demand presentations. While the presenter is using a digital video camera to record his presentation, the use of PowerPoint slides can be recorded. The integration relies on the Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) solution provided by Microsoft. While saved as an ASF file, the lecture-on-demand record can be broadcasted to students. Figure 6 illustrates such a system. The system can let users to select video and audio configuration to meet different devices and network infrastructures available to the user. From the perspective of students, we also provide some tools. One of the successful examples is the electronic notebook tool shown in figure 7, which allows students to cut and paste Web objects, including test paragraphs and pictures, to be saved as HTML files. The system is integrated with the annotation tool, as well as some video and audio communication tools. It is the hope that, the system can provide a computer supported collaborative environment for students to discuss homework, and to write a team report. The electronic notebook is also integrated with the personal mobile agent. We believe that, the integrated environment will be very easy for students to use, as well as for the instructors to supervise the whole distance learning process.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究動機與目的1-1
1.3 論文架構簡介1-4
第二章 相關研究2-1
2.1 相關論文研究2-1
2.2 相關實作技術2-4
第三章 多媒體同步簡報
3.1 派翠網路(Petri Nets)3-2
3.2 OCPN Model3-5
3.3 XOCPN Model3-5
3.4 DOCPN Model3-6
第四章 系統架構
第五章 多媒體資料流同步簡報系統實作
5.1 支援技術
5.2 系統使用者介面5-10
第六章 結論及未來研究方向6-1
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