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研究生(外文):Chang Wan Hwa
論文名稱(外文):Automated Negotiation in Electronic Commerce
指導教授(外文):Chang Jau Shien
外文關鍵詞:NegotiationBargainSoftware AgentElectronic CommerceInternet
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本論文針對雙邊多議題協商(Two-parties Multi-issues Negotiation)提出了一套以軟體代理人為基礎的自動化協商系統(Agent-based Automated Negotiation System)。為了獲得有效率且雙贏的協商結果,我們首先以預測對手喜好為目標,在互利原則與線性效用函數的假設下,利用窮舉法配合等式以逐步求出對手喜好的精確值或求其平均值。如此將可主導協商過程,並使結果落於效率前緣上。對於無法應用前述預測方法的協商,我們則提出了一種新的提案方式-集合式提案(Grouping Proposals)。此方法的特點在於:協商時只要雙方願意在每一回合將所有大於或等於我方目前效用的所有提案一次提供給對方,便可保證最終協商結果一定會落在效率前緣上,而且能消除對手在協商中可能產生的誤會。在讓步策略方面,本研究也提出了一種能由使用者設定期望效用的策略,其優點在於能根據協商者所設定的最後期望效用來設定讓步的幅度。為了驗證系統效能,我們設計了各種模擬實驗,實驗結果均顯示上述方法的有效性。

The thesis presents an agent-based Automated Negotiation System, ANS, for two-parties multi-issues negotiation. To obtain an efficient and win-win result, we first analyze the dynamics of the negotiation dance and identify the related problems. Then three special methods, Expected Utility Strategy, Grouping Proposals and Opponent Preference Prediction, are developed and combined into ANS. For expected utility strategy, a justification formula is used as the basis to calculate he concession amount in the next run. Because both the expected final utility of my own side and the opponent's concession are carefully concerned, thus a fair but expected negotiation results could be achieved. Besides, to prevent heartfelt concession from misunderstanding when the opponent’s preference is unknown, a new proposal method, grouping proposals, is proposed to avoid such a situation and further guarantee the negotiation result will locate on the efficient frontier. Finally, to actively guide the negotiation procedure, speculating the opponent’s preference is necessary and therefore a systematic prediction method is developed based on the assumption of linear utility functions and the principle of mutually benefit. By using the procedure, the opponent's preference usually can be successfully predicted in the early stage of negotiation. Elaborate experiments are performed and the simulation result clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of ANS.

第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景
1.2 文獻探討與研究動機
1.3 論文主旨
1.4 研究範圍
1.5 論文架構
第二章 自動協商之架構
第三章 協商策略與協商動線
3.2 讓步策略
第四章 有效率的協商
4.1 對手喜好預測
4.2 預測過程範例
4.3 集合式提案
第五章 實驗設計與結果分析
5.1 對手喜好預測實驗
5.2 期望效用策略有效性驗證
5.3 集合式提案有效性驗證
第六章 結論

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