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研究生(外文):Yu-Mei Liu
論文名稱(外文):The Study of United Daily News Journalists'' Information Seeking Behavior on News Websites
指導教授(外文):Shih-Hsion Huang
外文關鍵詞:Information NeedsInformation Seeking BehaviorJournalistNews Website
  • 被引用被引用:21
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The information need of journalists always reflects the trend of society. Due to the development of various Web sites and mass media, the information is needed by journalists much more than before. The issue that how these journalists use news websites is worth investigating. The study of Information Seeking Behavior of United Daily News Journalists on News Web sites includes information need, the usage of news Web sites, the information seeking behavior on news Web sites, and their satisfaction.
The interview methodology was used in this study. Forty-five journalists from nine news departments of United Daily News were surveyed, which included departments of politics news, economics news, technology news, sports news, entertainment news, culture news, travel news, family news and city news. The interviews were conducted during April 2001. Data analysis was based on the interview records and other research papers. Conclusions and suggestions were proposed according to final results. The results of this research are:
1.The information need of the journalists in United Daily News mainly arose from their works, such as: reports writing, confirmation of the validity of news, and enhancement of their news sensitivity.
2.The sources of information mostly included the interpersonal communication, the information center of United Daily News, and the Internet resources.
3.The motivation of journalists for using news Web sites are caused, when they are: writing news, needing urgent information, not being able to interview by themselves, wanting to confirm the validity of news from other organizations, are writing the news about past events, and browsing daily news for updating.
4.Browsing the update news on news websites had become the journalists’ daily work. Journalists went to the news websites more than once a day.
5.The news websites that were usually used by journalists are China Times, UDN News, ET Today, UDN Data, Central News Agency, Yahoo! News, Kimo! News, CNN, TTimes, New York Times, cnYES.com, and Yam News.
6.When selecting the news Web sites, there were several factors affected the journalists’ decision, including the connecting and dealing speed of news websites, the quality, quantity, authority of the contents, the update frequency, the convenience of search interface, accuracy of search results, etc.
7.When using news websites, journalists often faced some difficulties, such as inexperienced searching and limited coverage of back issues. Sometimes the journalists even had to pay for contents.
8.The journalists’ information seeking behavior on news websites were browsing and searching. When they had to use news websites, they browsed the update news first, and then read the news, which related to their work. If there were some related links of news, they linked to the news for exploring novelties. When searching for certain news, the journalists typed one or two keywords in the search box. Few of them used the advanced search function.
9.The journalists believed that the updated news service from news Web sites was very helpful. However, they considered that the updated news were mostly repeated and not depth enough. Some of the news could be one-sided statement. The journalists suggested that news websites had better to provide more value-added functions, such as variety of resources, classification of news, etc. Further more, it is necessary to digitize the news materials.
10.News website was one of the information channels that the journalists used. They did not depend on the news provided by news websites. The journalists needed comprehensive and professional information to help their job, and gathering the events by themselves. In terms of information needs for updated news, the journalists were satisfied with the news websites. On the contrary, there were less satisfaction on their information needs of previous news.
目 次
謝 誌iv
圖 目 次xi
表 目 次xii
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題3
第三節 研究範圍與限制4
第四節 名詞定義與解釋5
第五節 預期貢獻 5
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 資訊尋求行為相關議題 6
第二節 新聞工作者資訊尋求行為之相關研究15
第三節 國內網路使用者資訊行為之相關研究24
第四節 國外網路使用者資訊行為之相關研究31
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究對象 37
第二節 研究設計與實施41
第四章 研究結果與分析
第一節 受訪者基本資料分析 44
第二節 各組受訪者訪談結果分析46
第三節 研究結果 96
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究結論 112
第二節 綜合討論 118
第三節 未來研究建議121
參考書目 123
附錄一 訪談問題表128
圖 目 次
圖2-1 1996年Wilson提出的資訊行為模式 14
圖2-2 新聞工作者基本的資訊蒐尋模式 18
表 目 次
表3-1 研究母群體、組別、總人數、取樣人數統計表40
表4-1 受訪者編號表 44
表4-2 受訪者基本資料分析表 45
表4-3 政治新聞組受訪者基本資料分析表 46
表4-4 經濟新聞組受訪者基本資料分析表 52
表4-5 科技生活新聞組受訪者基本資料分析表56
表4-6 體育新聞組受訪者基本資料分析表 65
表4-7 影劇組受訪者基本資料分析表 71
表4-8 文化組受訪者基本資料分析表 77
表4-9 家庭消費組受訪者基本資料分析表 81
表4-10 旅遊休閒組受訪者基本資料分析表86
表4-11 市政新聞中心受訪者基本資料分析表91
表4-12 受訪者使用新聞網站統計表 102
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