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研究生(外文):Chun-Hsiung Lan
論文名稱(外文):Production Design and Control with Finite Resource Capacity
指導教授(外文):Miao-Sheng Chen
外文關鍵詞:Finite ResourceShortest Route MethodMaximal Flow MethodDeterministic DemandProbabilistic Demand
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The finite resource capacity for production scheduling is the major problem confronting manufacturing industry. The resources represent production related equipments, operational labors, raw materials and so on. Practically, the types of machines and the quantity of each type are the most concerned decision parameters in production design for the manufacturer. This research proposes two different models for designing single production line and multiple-production-line system in Chapter 3. In addition, the Shortest Route Method and Maximal Flow Method are applied to resolve the problems in these two models respectively. Moreover, the step-by-step algorithm to reach the optimal solution for each model is also proposed in Chapter 3.
To keep the higher competitive advantage, manufacturers keep not only in developing high technology but also reducing the unnecessary costs moderately, using the obtainable resources efficiently, and controlling the production rate appropriately. Besides, the elaboration and diversification of products are arising along the consumer’s demand. Therefore, the market demand becomes complicated and hard-solving for manufacturers. Thus, the consideration of production plan under probabilistic demand is becoming more important. However, the production decisions for products in probabilistic and deterministic demands are significantly different in this study. They are determined by maximum profit and minimum cost respectively. Hence, the optimal production plan for the single-stage manufactured product under limited working hours is then discussed in Chapter 4 of this study. In addition, the mathematical models for deterministic and probabilistic market demands to achieve the optimal functions of production rate are presented in this chapter. Moreover, the sensitivity analyses for optimal solution with different market demands are also fully provided.
Following the production control problems of the single-stage manufactured product, the multi-stage manufactured product under limited working hours is extended in Chapter 5. In addition, the mathematical models for deterministic and probabilistic market demands to reach the optimal functions of production rate are also provided and the sensitivity analyses for optimal solution with different market demands are comprehensively proposed in the same chapter.

1.1 問題背景
1.2 研究動機
1.3 本文架構
第二章 相關文獻探討
2.1 彈性生產
2.2 隨機與確定性市場需求
2.3 工作站速率控制
第三章 生產線及系統設計之模式
3.1 假設與符號說明
3.2 SPL 模式
3.2.1 模式發展與逐步演算法
3.2.2 數值範例
3.3 MPL 模式
3.3.1 模式發展與逐步演算法
3.3.2 最佳解的證明
3.3.3 數值範例
第四章 單階段製程生產速率控制模式
4.1 假設與符號說明
4.2 DPPD 模式
4.2.1 模式建立與最佳解
4.2.2 決策準則
4.2.3 敏感性分析
4.3 DPPP 模式
4.3.1 模式建立與最佳解
4.3.2 敏感性分析
第五章 多階段製程生產速率控制模式
5.1 假設與符號說明
5.2 MDPPD 模式
5.2.1 模式發展
5.2.2 最終最佳解之候選解
5.2.3 敏感性分析
5.3 MDPPP 模式
5.3.1 模式發展
5.3.2 最終最佳解之候選解
5.3.3 敏感性分析
第六章 結論
6.1 主要研究結果
6.2 未來研究方向

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