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研究生(外文):Chan, Ya-Ting
論文名稱(外文):The Implementation and Evaluation for Web-Based and Project-Based Learning of Teacher Educational Program
指導教授(外文):Chang, Chi-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Project-Based LearninLearning CommunityConstructivist LearningJigsaw Cooperative LearningProblem-Solving Strategy
  • 被引用被引用:47
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There are some researches regarding project-based learning (PBL) on Web, whereas most are focused upon science learning. It is hence needed to try an effective approach to designing and implementing PBL on Web for assisting students of teacher preparation program in improving their learning outcomes and qualities. This study uses the World Wide Web to support students of teacher preparation program to do project-based learning. The results of this study expect the following: (1) developing the activities and strategies of project-based learning on Web for instruction media course of teacher preparation program;(2) discussing the situation and the related problems of implementing project-based learning on Web for instruction media course of teacher preparation program;(3) comprehending the responses of students who participate in project-based learning on Web for instruction media course of teacher preparation program;(4) discussing the difficulty and limitation of implementing the portfolio for project-based learning on Web, and using the portfolio to analyse the learning process and results of students.
第一章 緒 論.....................................1
第一節 研究背景與機...............................2
第二節 研究目的...................................5
第三節 研究重要性與貢獻...........................7
第四節 研究範圍與限制.............................8
第五節 重要名詞釋義...............................9
第二章 文獻探討..................................14
第一節 專題導向學習的意義與目的..................15
第二節 專題導向學習的功能與特性..................18
第三節 專題導向學習實施的考量....................21
第四節 專題導向學習的理論基礎....................22
第五節 專題導向學習的學習策略....................25
第六節 專題導向學習之教學運用策略................31
第七節 網路化專題導向學習的學習環境與功能機制....33
第八節 應用網路支援專題導向學習的相關研究........38
第三章 研究方法與設計............................49
第一節 研究架構..................................50
第二節 研究流程與步驟............................52
第三節 研究對象..................................56
第四節 研究方法..................................57
第五節 研究工具..................................60
第四章 研究過程與結果............................63
第一節 系統功能介紹..............................64
第二節 分析階段..................................75
第三節 設計階段..................................87
第四節 發展階段.................................113
第五節 實施階段.................................117
第六節 訪談與評量階段...........................159
第五章 研究結論與建議...........................185
第一節 結論.....................................186
第二節 建議.....................................192
第三節 對未來研究相關建議.......................195
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