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研究生(外文):Kai-Ting, Chung
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Exercise Intervention on Physical Fitness and Related Variables of College Students
指導教授(外文):Ruey-Yu Chen, Ph.D.
外文關鍵詞:Community Intervention StraregyPhysical FitnessAerobic ExerciseSerum Lipid
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摘 要
一、活動介入後,參與者運動態度顯著較介入前更正向(P < 0.05);運動頻率、時間及強度,介入後亦明顯增加(P < 0.05)。但運動認知上,前後無明顯差異。
二、介入後,女性參與者之體脂肪、身體質量指數、腰臀比及800公尺跑走,顯著改善(P < 0.05);一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐及坐姿體前彎,雖有些許改善,但未達顯著差異。
三、介入後,女性參與者總膽固醇及高密度脂蛋白膽固醇有顯著減少(P < 0.05),三酸干油脂及低密度脂蛋白膽固醇則無顯著差異。
The purpose of this study was investigate the effects of exercise intervention strategy on the health-related physical fitness and related variables toward exercise in the college. There were 70 voluntary students and recruited as the subjects (7male, 63 female). We utilized the strategy of community intervention and the study lasted for 12 weeks. Meanwhile, the subjects exercised 2times a week, 60min, each. Additionally, the program contained a series of activities, including lectures, skill demonstration and cards of physical fitness delivering.
The data were collected and included two questionnaires, the health-related physical fitness and the clinical physiology tests. The questionnaire content included the knowledge, attitude, frequency, duration and intensity of toward exercise. The health-related physical fitness included body mass index, waist and hip ratio, body fat, handing ability, sit-ups, sit-and-reach and 800-m/1600m run. The clinical physiology tests included blood pressure, resting heart rate, total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-C and LDL-C. All tests of the subjects were compared before and after 12-weeks. The paired t-Test was used for data analysis and the results were followed:
1.The attitude, frequency, duration and intensity toward exercise of subjects increased significantly (P < 0.05). The knowledge toward exercise increased but was not significant after intervention program.
2.The body fat, body mass index, waist and hip ratio, 800-m run of female subjects were significantly (P < 0.05) improved after 12-weeks intervention program. Sit-ups and sit-and-reach were not significant.
3.In the blood biochemical readings, TC and HDL-C readings decreased significantly (P < 0.05). TG and LDL-C were not significant after training.
Key wards:Community Intervention Straregy, Physical Fitness, Aerobic Exercise, Serum Lipid
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景1
第二節 研究目的3
第三節 名詞解釋4
第二章 文獻探討6
第一節 體適能6
第二節 運動介入與體適能各項組成因子之探討9
第三節 運動介入與臨床檢查之探討12
第四節 社區介入策略之理論架構14
第五節 社區介入策略之實證研究16
第六節 學校體適能計畫策略21
第三章 研究方法23
第一節 研究架構23
第二節 研究對象24
第三節 測試項目24
第四節 測試方法26
第五節 「健康體適能成長營」課程設計41
第六節 資料分析方法45
第四章 結果46
第一節 研究對象基本資料46
第二節 運動認知、態度及運動情形47
第三節 運動介入對體適能之影響54
第四節 臨床生理學測試項目62
第五節 綜合比較66
第六節 活動介入的評價68
第五章 討論71
第一節 介入活動對運動認知、態度及運動情形之影響71
第二節 介入活動對體適能之改善成果72
第三節 介入活動對臨床生理學之影響74
第四節 研究限制78
第六章 結論與建議81
第一節 結論81
第二節 建議82
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