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研究生(外文):Hui-Ju Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Effects of arginine supplementation on nutrient metabolism, antioxidant capacity and immune response in burned mice
指導教授(外文):Sung-Ling YehHuey-Fang Shang
外文關鍵詞:burnaigininecytokineantibodylipid peroxidation
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本研究之目的在探討飲食中添加Arg對燒傷老鼠營養素代謝、抗氧化狀態及免疫反應之影響,同時為深入暸解Arg對老鼠免疫反應之影響,我們亦探討給予綠膿桿菌疫苗後Arg之添加對燒傷後感染所造成之影響。實驗對象為雄性BALB/c小鼠,實驗共分成四個部分,實驗一將老鼠分成2組,每組各30隻:一組在飼料中添加佔總熱量2%的Arg,另一組以等氮量之Glycine (Gly)代之,兩組除添加之胺基酸組成不同外,其餘飼料成分均相同。飼料共餵食四週,於四週後以酒精引致體表30% 之燒傷,由於老鼠燒傷之後三天內是異化作用最嚴重的時期,故分別於燒傷後之1、2、3天各犧牲10隻以比較兩組在不同時間點營養素代謝及各器官遭受氧化傷害之情形。實驗二實驗動物之飼養、分組及燒傷方法同實驗一,為瞭解Arg對燒傷老鼠免疫細胞之影響,老鼠飼養四週之後引致燒傷,取出老鼠燒傷24小時後之腹腔巨噬細胞及脾臟細胞以不同濃度之mitogen:lipopolysaccharide (LPS)及phytohemagglutinin (PHA)刺激之,以測定其細胞激素的分泌量。實驗三實驗動物之飼養、分組及燒傷方法同實驗一,但在燒傷後於燒傷部位皮下接種綠膿桿菌以引致感染並觀察存活率之差異。實驗四同樣分成兩組,每組各10隻,飼料共餵食7週,在第0週時先採血做為基準值,並於皮下注射綠膿桿菌疫苗,接著於第4週時再追加一劑,在第7週結束時引致燒傷,於燒傷24小時後將老鼠犧牲,分析第0、4、7週及燒傷24小時後老鼠血中綠膿桿菌抗體產生量。實驗一之結果顯示,在glutathione peroxidase的活性方面,肝臟及肺臟在燒傷後第1天及第3天,腎臟在燒傷後第1、2天,Arg組顯著較Gly組為低。Superoxide dismutase活性方面,Arg組之肝臟在燒傷後第3天,肺臟在燒傷後第1、2天,腎臟在燒傷後第1、3天均顯著較Gly組為低。在過氧化物之生成量方面,肝臟在燒傷後第1天及第2天,腎臟則在燒傷後之第2天,Arg組過氧化物之生成量顯著較Gly組為低。實驗二之脾臟細胞以PHA刺激前及刺激後,Arg組的interleukin(IL)-10之分泌量顯著較Gly組為高, IL-4則兩組之間沒有差異,interferon-γ (IFN-γ)則以LPS 20ng及50ng刺激後Arg較Gly組為高。在巨噬細胞方面,我們偵測與發炎反應有關細胞激素TNF-的變化,結果Arg組與Gly組間無顯著差異。實驗三之燒傷老鼠被綠膿桿菌感染後存活率方面兩組之間無明顯差異。實驗四之結果顯示,隨著實驗週數的增加,抗體的生成量也會增加,且燒傷之後會使抗體的產生量減少,Arg組之抗體生成量在第4、7週及燒傷後,顯著較Gly組為高。此研究之結果顯示,飲食中添加Arg可顯著降低燒傷引致之器官過氧化物的產生,同時器官中抗氧化酵素之活性亦較低,推測Arg添加應可使器官因燒傷引致之氧化傷害降低,同時添加Arg可促進燒傷老鼠體內特異性抗體的產生,並使其脾臟細胞和巨噬細胞在部分細胞激素的分泌上有較佳之反應。

The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of arginine (Arg) supplementation on nutrients metabolism and immune response in burned mice. There were 4 experiments in this study. In Exp. one, sixty male BALB/c mice were assigned to two groups and fed with diets supplemented with either Arg (2% of total calorie) or an equivalent amount of nitrogen in the form of glycine (Gly). After 4 weeks, all mice were received 30% body surface area burn injury. Mice of each group were sacrificed on the 3 consecutive days after burn with 10 mice on each respective day. The antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation products in liver, lung and kidney were analyzed to compare the oxidative damage of the organs between the 2 groups. Mice grouping, feeding and burning procedures were the same in Exp. 2, 3, 4. In Exp. 2, mice were sacrificed 24 hours after burn, and the peritoneal macrophage and spleen cells were harvested and stimulated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) with different concentrations to investigate the secretion of cytokines. The purpose of Exp.3 was to compare the survival rate of burned mice after Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection between the 2 groups. Thirty mice were infected with P. aeruginosa after burn, and survival was recorded twice per day for 2 weeks. Mice in the Exp. 4 were fed experimental diets for 7 weeks. All mice were immunized with vaccine of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on the first day and boostered at week 4. Blood were withdrawn at week 0 for baseline measurement, and 1, 4, 7 weeks for analysis the titers of antibody specific for P. aeruginosa. The results showed that antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities in the tissues were tend to be lower in the Arg group than the Gly group on the different days after burn. Liver lipid peroxidation products were significantly lower in the Arg group at day 1 and 2 after burn than the Gly group. Also, lipid peroxidation products were lower in kidney homogenates in the Arg group than the Gly group. Results in Exp.2 demonstrated that interleukin (IL)-10 concentrations in PHA-stimulated splenocyte of the Arg group were significantly higher than the Gly group. Interferon- in LPS-stimulated splenocyte was also significantly higher in the Arg group than the Gly group. However, no differences in IL-2 and IL-4 concentrations were observed in splenocyte between the 2 groups. In addition, the concentration of proinflammatory factor TNF- secreted by LPS stimulated peritoneal macrophages was also no difference between these two groups. About the survival rate of burned mice after P. aeruginosa infection, there was no significant difference between the 2 groups in Exp. 3. Measurements in Exp.4 indicated that the antibody titer specific for P. aeruginosa was increased in accordance with the proceeding of the experiment, while the titer of antibody was significantly reduced after burn injury. The antibody titer at week 4 and 7 were significantly higher in the Arg group than the Gly group. In summary, the results in this study suggest that burned mice supplemented with Arg had lower oxidative stress than the Gly supplemented group. Besides, Arg supplementation enhances the production of specific antibody, and may also have beneficial effects on some cytokines secretion from stimulated splenocyte in vitro.

目 錄
中文摘要 …………………………………………………………….. I
英文摘要 …………………………………………………………….. IV
目錄 ..………………………………………………………………… V
表目錄 ……………………………………………………………….VIII
圖目錄 ………………………………………………………………..IX
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………….1
第一節 前言………………………………………………………...1
第二節 燒燙傷之臨床症狀及治療……………………….………..2
第三節 燒燙傷後的代謝變化……………………………...………4
第四節 燒燙傷後免疫能力及氧化狀態之變化………………...…5
第五節 燒燙傷後的感染及免疫療法…………………………...…7
第六節 研究目的……………………………………………….…..9
第二章 文獻回顧………………………………………………………11
第三章 材料與方法……………………………………………………17
第一節 實驗材料……………………………………………….…17
第二節 實驗方法………………………………………………….24
第三節 統計分析…………………………………………………45
第四章 結果……………………………………………………..…….46
第一節 【實驗一】…………………………………………….…46
第二節 【實驗二】…………………………………………….…50
第三節 【實驗三】…………………………………………….…51
第四節 【實驗四】………………………………………….……52
第五章 討論…………………………………………………..….…….84
第六章 結論……………………………………………………...…….97
Table 1. Composition of the experimental diet. (g/kg)…………….….55
Table 2. Interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-10 concentrations in PHA-stimulated splenic lymphocyte cultures in burned mice……………..……75
Table 3. Plasma lactate, non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA), glucose and albumin concentrations between the 2 groups after burn in Experiment 3……………………………………………..……78
Table 4. Blood CD4, CD8, CD3, CD19 cells and CD4/CD8 ratio between the 2 groups after burn in Experiment 4………………….……82
【實驗一】 頁數
Fig. 1-1 Plasma arginine, glutamine and alanine concentrations between the 2 groups after burn for 1, 2 and 3 days…………..…………56
Fig. 1-2 Plasma branched-chain amino acid (BCAA: valine, leucine, isoleucine) concentrations between the 2 groups after burn for 1, 2 and 3 days…………………………………………………….57
Fig. 1-3 Plasma urea concentrations between the 2 groups after burn for 1, 2 and 3 days…………………………………………………….58
Fig. 1-4 Plasma glucose concentrations between the 2 groups after burn for 2 and 3 days………………………………………….…..….59
Fig. 1-5 Plasma lactate concentrations between the 2 groups after burn for 2 and 3 days…………………………………………………….60
Fig. 1-6 Plasma non-esterified fatty acid concentrations between the 2 groups after thermal injury for 2 and 3 days…………………...61
Fig. 1-7 Plasma nitrate concentrations between the 2 groups after burn for 2 and 3 days…………………………………………………….62
Fig. 1-8 Plasma albumin concentrations between the 2 groups after burn for 2 and 3 days…………………………………………………63
Fig. 1-9 Liver glutathione peroxidase(GSHPx) activities between the 2 groups after burn for 1, 2 and 3 days…………………...………64
Fig. 1-10 Lung glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) activities between the 2 groups after burn for 1, 2 and 3 days………………………...…65
Fig. 1-11 Kidney glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) activities between the 2 groups after burn for 1, 2 and 3 days……………...………….66
Fig. 1-12 Liver superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities between the 2 groups after thermal injury for 1, 2 and 3 days…………………67
Fig. 1-13 Lung superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities between the 2 groups after burn for 1, 2 and 3 days………………………...…68
Fig. 1-14 Kidney superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities between the 2 groups after burn for 1, 2 and 3 days…………………...………69
Fig. 1-15 Liver malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations between the 2 groups after burn for 1, 2 and 3 days …………...……………...70
Fig. 1-16 Kidney malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations between the 2 groups after burnfor 1, 2 and 3 days……………………………71
Fig. 2-1 IFN-γ concentrations in LPS-stimulated peritoneal macrophage cultures from burned mice……………………………………...72
Fig. 2-2 TNF-α concentrations in LPS-stimulated peritoneal macrophage cultures from burned mice……………………………………...73
Fig. 2-3 IFN-γ concentrations in LPS-stimulated splenic lymphocyte cultures from burned mice……………………………….……..74
Fig. 3-1 Survival curves of the arginine and glycine groups after burn……………………………………………………………..76
Fig. 4-1 Survival curves of the arginine and glycine groups after burn… ………………………………………………………….77
Fig. 4-2 Tissue glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx)activities between the 2 groups after burn………………………….………………….…79
Fig. 4-3 Tissue superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities between the 2 groups after burn………….…………………………………….80
Fig. 4-4 Tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations between the 2 groups after thermal injury………….………………………….81
Fig. 4-5 Antibody titer of the mice at different feeding time and 24 hours after burn…………………………………………..……………83

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1. 28. 張國聖,「鄧小平理論與中共官方意識型態的重建」,共黨問題研究,第23卷第12期,台北,民86年12月。
2. 26. 陳泓達:「對馬克斯主義中國化的理解」,東亞季刊,第三十卷第四期,台北,民88年12月。
3. 25. 陳墇津,「中共的權力機制」,中國大陸研究,第36卷第5期,台北,民86年5月。
4. 23. 祖光,「論江澤民政權的合法性」,東亞季刊,第28卷第3期,台北,民86年6月。
5. 22. 吳仁傑,「對中共開展「三講」教育有關情況之述析」,共黨問題研究,第25卷第8期,台北,民88年8月。
6. 21. 吳安家,「中共統治五十年的理論與實際:黨的領導」,中國大陸研究,第42卷第9期,台北,民88年9月。
7. 19. 姜新立,「中共意識型態的演變與發展(下)」,中共研究,34卷5期,台北,2000年5月。
8. 18. 姜新立,「中共意識型態的演變與發展(上)」,中共研究,34卷4期,台北,2000年4月。
9. 17. 姜新立,「後社會主義中國發展轉型論」,東亞季刊,第30卷第2期,台北,民88年4月。
10. 16. 姜新立,「論「中國特色社會主義」及其在後共產主義中的角色意義」,國立中山大學社會科學季刊(高雄),第1卷第2期,台北,民86年夏。
11. 14. 林琳文「後社會主義的中國大陸:國家與社會」,中國大陸研究,(第38卷第8期,民84年。
12. 13. 李英明,「發揚以『民族文化』為本位的民族主義---兼評中共所標榜的『愛國主義』」,共黨問題研究,第12卷第5期,75年5月。
13. 12. 宋國誠,「後殖民理論在中國-理論旅行及其中國化」,中國大陸研究,43卷10期,台北,民89年10月。
14. 11. 克思明,「由『解放思想』到『思想解放』:中共改革思想的緣起與發展(一九七八~一九八七)」,共黨問題研究,第23卷第3期,台北,民86年3月。
15. 10. 邱坤玄,「霸權穩定論與冷戰後中(共)美權力關係」,東亞季刊,第31卷第3期,民89年7月。