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研究生(外文):Wang Chia-hui
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Exercise Training on Walking Function and Percetion of Health Status in Elderly Patients with Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease
指導教授(外文):Jen-Chen Tsai
外文關鍵詞:patients with peripheral arterial occlusive diseaseperceived walking functionactual walking functionperception of health statusexercise training
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本研究採類實驗設計法選取台北市北區某醫學中心,經由心臟血管外科專科醫師轉介周邊動脈阻塞病患為研究對象,依隨機方式將個案分為運動組及對照組,共有22位個案完成此研究,其中運動組10人,對照組12人。運動組參與為期八週的跑步機運動訓練,對照組則保持其原本生活方式,八週前後經結構式問卷、六分鐘行走測試與跑步機運動測試進行資料收集。資料分析採百分比、平均值、標準差、Spearman correction、Mann-Whitney U test、 及Wilcoxon Sign-Rank test,以探討跑步機運動訓練對周邊動脈阻塞病患對其自覺、實際行走功能與自覺健康狀態之成效。
There are great impact on the walking function and perception of health status due to limited arterial blood supply to lower extremities and intermittent claudication among patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease. However, studies regarding the effects of exercise training on the patients'' walking function and perception of health status are very rare in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of exercise training on the walking function and perception of health status in elderly patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease.
A quasi-experimental design was used to guide the study. Subjects who met the criteria were referred by a cardiovascular surgeon at a medical center in Taipei. Twenty two patients enrolled in our study who were randomly assigned into either exercise or conrtrol group. The exercise group was assigned to join an 8-week treadmill exercise program. The control group remained their living pattern. Data were collected by the structural questionnaires, 6-minute walking test and treadmill exercise test. Percentage, mean, standard deviation, Spearman correlation, Mann-Whitney U test and Wilcoxon Sign-Rank test were used for the data analysis.
Research results were shown as follows: (1) Patients perceived moderate degree of health status and reported lower scores in physical function dimension than in psychological dimension. (2) Age was negatively correlated with 6-minute walking distance. Systolic blood pressure was negatively correlated with perceived walking function. (3) The perception of health status of patients was improved by 20%~178% after exercise training program. The physical function dimension of perceived of health status improved more significant than the psychological dimension. (4) Patients perceived better of walking function by 17%~36% after exercise training program. (5) The actual walking function by 168.9% to 157.5% of the patients was increased after exercise training.
Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that there was a great impact on patients'' perception of health status due to their limited walking function. After paticipating in an 8-week treadmill exercise training program, the patients indeed improved their perception of health status and walking function.
目 錄
頁 數
致 謝 ………………………………………………………………….Ⅰ
中文摘要 ………………………………………………………………….Ⅱ
英文摘要 ………………………………………………………………….Ⅳ
目 錄 ………………………………………………………………….Ⅵ
表 目 次 ………………………………………………………………….Ⅸ
圖 目 次 …….……………………………………………………………Ⅹ
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機與重要性2
第二節 研究目的4
第三節 研究假設4
第四節 名詞界定5
第二章 文獻查證6
第一節 周邊動脈阻塞疾病6
第二節 周邊動脈阻塞疾病對病患之影響14
第三節 運動訓練對周邊動脈阻塞疾病之影響17
第四節 研究架構24
第三章 研究方法25
第一節 研究設計25
第二節 研究對象及場所26
第三節 研究工具27
第四節 運動訓練計畫32
第五節 資料收集過程35
第六節 資料統計分析37
第四章 研究結果38
第一節 周邊動脈阻塞病患描述性統計38
第二節 運動訓練前周邊動脈阻塞病患自覺健康狀態44
第三節 周邊動脈阻塞病患自覺行走功能47
第四節 周邊動脈阻塞病患實際行走功能47
第五節 基本屬性對病患自覺健康狀態影響50
第六節 基本屬性對病患自覺與實際行走功能影響50
第七節 運動訓練對周邊動脈阻塞病患自覺健康狀態成效55
第八節 運動訓練對病患自覺與實際行走功能成效61
第伍章 討論69
第一節 基本屬性對病患自覺健康狀態與行走功能影響69
第二節 運動訓練對病患自覺健康狀態成效72
第三節 運動訓練對病患自覺行走功能成效75
第四節 運動訓練對病患實際行走功能成效77
第六章 結論與建議79
第一節 結論79
第二節 研究限制81
第三節 應用與建議82
參考資料 85
中文部分 85
英文部分 86
附錄一 參與研究計畫同意書 92
附錄二 運動測試記錄表 93
附錄三 運動訓練記錄表 94
附錄四 周邊動脈阻塞病患個人基本資料 95
附錄五 自覺健康狀態量表說明 96
附錄六 醫療成果研究量表 98
附錄七 行走功能損傷量表 103
附錄八 行走損傷量表使用同意書 106
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