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研究生(外文):Lin Yueh-Er
論文名稱(外文):The study of Jean Dubuffet''s art
外文關鍵詞:DubuffetanticultureArt brutHourloupe
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二次大戰後,巴黎新生代的藝術家大肆推動法國抽象藝術 (Abstract art),提倡繪畫是個人感情的直接表現,追尋沒有具體形象的繪畫研究,形成一股強勁的藝術潮流。傑昂‧杜比菲(Jean Dubuffet, 1901~1985)經歷兩次世界大戰,心理上和同時代藝術家沒有太遠離,但不同的是,他使用極富生命力的返古形象,既凜冽又詼諧地顛覆傳統,獨自發展出異於傳統藝術思考或流行藝術表現的方式。
杜比菲兼具了深厚的文化薰陶與極高的聰明才智,融合在藝術表現上是藝術家深刻的思索與自省,意識到西方中心文化不合常態的惡習。在「生率藝術」(Art brut)精神病患、未受教化者等文化邊緣的創作中,瘋狂、沈迷的熱情正好符合杜比菲尋求不經由教條而來的藝術。杜比菲的作品可以用兩個階段區分,探索人類的處境是第一段時期藝術創作關注的焦點,並以「厚塗」(Hautes Pâtes)技法取代傳統藝術媒材侷限,發展出非藝術材料運用的可能性,這種材料的應用方式延伸到後來變成保持材料原有特色,人物形象對杜比菲而言完全是伴隨當時的文化狀況而定。這種不定形的人像特質延伸到第二階段重材料試驗的拼組畫作或研究地形、肌理的油畫、以及《烏賀路普》(Hourloupe)系列作品,則轉化成流動與無常的形態繼續,就像生命中充滿流動的因子,所謂的固定、真實,只是無常現象的片段,持續實踐對抗文化中理想的清晰、明確。
杜比菲反文化的論述以及藝術表現,對日常生活平凡事物的描繪運用預示出後來的「廢物文化」(Junk culture)與「普普藝術」(Pop Art)的發展。因此,許多普普藝術家都有參閱杜比菲藝術而來的關連可尋,特別是英國因地緣與流行文化趨向,與杜比菲藝術關係更形密切。根據本論文對杜比菲漫長而多變的藝術生涯研究,剖析其獨特的藝術思想,探得杜比菲的藝術呈現的是藝術家慎思的哲學思想,在二十世紀藝壇中就像另類的法國文化,善於思辯,既不妥協世俗定論,又有能力去實踐自己的理念的戰後法國重要藝術家。
After the World War Ⅱ, the French Abstract art is greatly promoted by the artists of new era in Paris. It is advocated that painting is the direct expression of personal emotion. And, the research of painting with seeking abstract image has formed a powerful trend in the world of art. Jean Dubuffet (1901-1985), being through the World War Ⅰ and Ⅱ, did not have much difference psychologically from other contemporary artists. Yet, his image of reflecting on the old time with abundant vitality topples the tradition sternly and humorously, and he exploits the way of presentation different from the traditional way of thinking about art and from the fashionable art.
In addition, equipping with the profoundly cultural edifica-tion and great intelligence, he employs his talent into the thinking and reflection of being an artist, and is aware of the abnormally corrupt practices existing in the western culture. He was inspired by the ''Art brut’. The insane and indulging passion in the work of the culture-edged people corresponds with Dubuffet''s art; that is, art is sought without the doc-trine. Dubuffet''s work can be divided into two stages. The first one is focused on the exploration of the human-beings'' status. He replaced the limitation of traditional art materials with the use of ‘Hautes Pates’ technique. To Dubuffet, the human image is accompanied with the situation of the culture at the very time. This kind of unfixed feature of human image has been extended to his second stage of work. And the serial work of ‘Hourloupe’, this unfixed feature is transformed into the flowing capricious continuity of formation as the flowing factors in life. The so-called fixation, reality are only the segments of capriciousness which practice to contest the ideal clarity and exactness in the culture.
In Dubuffet''s anticulture expounding and art working, the depiction of daily life has foreseen the emergence of ‘Junk culture’ and ‘Pop Art’. In the light of the research of Dubuffet''s life-long and variable art career and the analysis of his unique thinking about art in this thesis, it is found that Dubuffet''s art presents the profoundly philosophical thought of artists. Meanwhile, in the field of the art of 20 century, it seems that Dubuffet''s art is the alternative French culture. As one great French artist after the war, he has his own thought and is good at debate, not only being uncompromis-ing with the convention, but also being able to make his own idea carried out.
緒論 …………………………………………………………………Ⅰ
第一章 杜比菲藝術的形成因素 ……………………………… 1
第一節 傳統學院的養成教育 ……………………………1
第二節 社會文化與藝術潮流 ………………………… 11
第三節 文學音樂的豐厚素養 ………………………… 20
第二章 杜比菲藝術的反文化理念 …………………………… 31
第一節 批判視覺習慣 ………………………………… 31
第二節 廢除美醜界說 ………………………………… 42
第三節 頌揚原始精神 ………………………………… 55
第四節 持續文化對抗 ………………………………… 65
第三章 杜比菲藝術的反文化意象 …………………………… 73
第一節 既有形式的突破 ……………………………… 73
第二節 童稚自在的態度 ……………………………… 86
第三節 塗鴉筆法的運用 ……………………………… 96
第四章 杜比菲作品的形質 …………………………………… 107
第一節 流動與無常 …………………………………… 107
第二節 集合與拼組 …………………………………… 113
第三節 肌理與現象 …………………………………… 118
第四節 烏賀路普 ……………………………………… 123
第五章 杜比菲與「生率藝術」………………………………… 131
第一節 「生率藝術」的創立 ………………………… 131
第二節 「生率藝術」與杜比菲藝術的關係 ………… 145
第六章 杜比菲藝術的影響與評價 …………………………… 157
第一節 杜比菲藝術的影響 …………………………… 157
第二節 杜比菲藝術的評價 …………………………… 166
結論 ……………………………………………………………… 175
傑昂‧杜比菲年表 ……………………………………………… 183
參考書目 ………………………………………………………… 199
人名索引 ………………………………………………………… 209
圖錄 ……………………………………………………………… 217
圖版 ……………………………………………………………… 227
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