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研究生(外文):Hui-Ying Yang
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of the Types of Graphic References on Design Creativity in Visual Analogy
指導教授(外文):Wen-Dih Yeh
外文關鍵詞:designgraphicsvisual analogyexpertsnovicescreativityretrospective interview
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本研究著眼於一般設計師在設計流程中最易產生瓶頸之階段〝構想之產生與轉換〞,針對其創造力需求之本質,探討運用水平思考中之視覺類比法 (visual analogy) 時,不同的參考訊息類型 (與設計任務目標相關或不相關之圖像)對設計創造力之影響。研究中以實驗法來進行設計任務 (design task) 中之構想展開,並採用回溯訪談 (retrospective interview) 解析設計師之設計思考 (design thinking) 與構想草圖 (sketches) 之互動關係,以了解在運用視覺類比法時,不同參考圖像訊息對設計師創造力之激發的影響,並進一步比較此影響在專家與生手間之差異。
One of the purposes of design education is to instruct designers to utilize their previous knowledge and experiences to solve design problems efficiently. The aim of applying design methods to solve design problems is to improve designers’ abilities by adopting the explicit design learning methods.
This research focuses on the creative nature of the design stage of idea generation and transformation at which is the stage that designers may feel blocked most frequently, and aims at exploring the influences of different visual references on design creativity while applying the design method of visual analogy. This study adopts a design task experiment to observe designers’ concept development activities and a retrospective interview to dissect the interactions between sketches and designers’ thinking. Furthermore, the effects that the graphic references on experts’ and novices’ creativities while they are applying visual analogy to design are compared.
The research results indicate that there is no significant effect of the types of graphic references on the fluency and the originality of design creativity while applying visual analogy. In addition, the performances of experts and novices are not significantly different on concept fluency. But, the experts perform better on concept originality than the novices. The ANOVA result shows that, while applying visual analogy to concept development, there is no interaction of experts/novices and graphic references on originality. However, it is found that design experiences are a critical factor in controlling the design processes and solving design problems. It is suggested that teaching design students to use different image information based on their design experiences as the cues for creative thinking may increase the effectiveness of design education.
摘 要I
謝 誌III
目 錄IV
第一章 緒論1
1-1 研究背景動機1
1-2 研究目標與重要性2
1-3 研究問題與方法2
1-4 研究架構4
1-6 研究範圍與限制6
第二章 文獻探討8
2-1 設計行為8
2-1-1 構想草圖在設計所扮演之角色8
2-2 創造力9
2-2-3 小結13
2-3 視覺思考14
2-4 視覺類比15
2-5 語碼分析與語碼基模16
2-5-1 語碼分析法及其分析資料取得16
2-5-2 設計行為中之語碼基模18
第三章 研究方法20
3-1 實驗設計之本質與目的21
3-2 先期實驗21
3-2-1 實驗任務與視覺類比圖片選擇21
3-2-2 受測樣本選取22
3-2-3 實驗步驟22
3-2-4 先期實驗研究結果分析23
3-2-4-1 設計任務整體時間方面23
3-2-4-2 專家與生手設計之燈具創意評分之比較23
3-2-4-3 不同圖像訊息象對產品設計行為之影響24
3-3-1 抽樣方法26
3-3-2 實驗之設計任務26
3-3-3 視覺類比之參考圖片27
3-3-4 受測者與實驗分組28
3-3-5 實驗環境29
3-3-6 實驗步驟及流程29
3-4 回溯訪談30
3-5 資料收集與分析31
第四章 研究結果與分析33
4-1 受測者基本資料33
4-2 個別行為模式分析35
4-2-1 不同圖像參考訊息之設計行為現象35
4-2-1 專家之設計行為35
4-2-2 生手之設計行為37
4-3 設計行為模式比較44
4-4 設計過程中使用使用視覺類比法之分析47
4-5 視覺類比法之使用參考圖像分析48
4-6 過去經驗對設計過程之影響52
4-7 設計方案之自我評估分析53
4-8 創造力展現分析54
4-8-1 創意流暢性分析54
4-8-2 創意獨創性分析56
第五章 結論與建議59
5-1 研究發現59
5-1-1 圖像參考訊息對設計創造力之影響69
5-1-2 圖像參考訊息對設計行為之影響60
5-1-3 專家與生手之創造力60
5-1-4 專家與生手的設計行為60
5-2 結果討論62
5-3 建議與未來研究方向63
附錄1 設計任務相關參考圖片70
附錄2 與設計任務不相關圖片資料來源72
附錄3 設計任務不相關參考圖片73
附錄4 受測者基本能力評估問卷75
附錄5 事後回溯問卷76
附錄6 語碼分析表77
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