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研究生(外文):Hung-Jin Chen
論文名稱(外文):The design and applications of extenics-based fuzzy model
指導教授(外文):Yo-Ping Huang
外文關鍵詞:Grey relational analysisExtended relational functionExtenicsMatter elementFuzzy modelingGradient descent method
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為了在不影響模型精確度的條件下建立模型,本研究利用灰色理論之灰關聯分析技術,計算對系統有影響之所有輸入變數與輸出變數之灰關聯度,再依其灰關聯度大小加以排序,以決定輸入與輸出變數的關係,據以選擇較重要的變數,以簡化所設計模型之複雜度。此外,更將此應用於彙整式搜尋引擎(meta-search engine)上,用以傳回排序過之網址,並改良灰關聯度為區間式灰關聯度,以提供較相關聯之關鍵字,預作個人化網頁或資訊搜尋之前置處理。
最後,本文除了將以數個常用案例模擬的結果來驗證低輸出誤差外,更以同等之平均平方誤差(mean squared error)來測試所需之迭代(iteration)次數,結果顯示,所提之可拓模糊推論機制優於其他傳統方法。
How to design an inferred system with low complexity, fast modeling, and low output error is an important issue for both the academy and industry. The identification of a fuzzy model includes both the structure and parameter identifications. The purposes of the structure identification are to select such as the system variables and to establish the fuzzy rule base. After identifying the structure, how to optimize the membership functions and to adjust some other related parameters belong to the job of parameter identification.
In order to maintain the requirement of good performance and possess the fast inference characteristics, the grey relational analysis of grey theory to calculate the grey relational degrees between the effective inputs and output variables is utilized by this dissertation. Then, we can order the degrees to determine the relative importance of the prospective factors to the main factor to simplify the structure identification. Besides, based on the grey relational method, the new orders of websites which returned from a meta-search engine is implemented. Furthermore, we improve the grey relational degree to regional relational degree to supply more related keywords for personal websites or preprocess of information searching.
During parameter identifications, dynamically adjusting the membership functions to satisfy one pattern may deteriorate the inference outcomes of the others. This may take many refining iterations or complicated method to achieve a satisfactory result. Thus, a novel extenics-based fuzzy inference mechanism, integrating the extended transformation method of extenics into the fuzzy inference model, is proposed in this dissertation. With the classic region being extended to extended region and membership function being extended to extended relational function, the inference speed will be improved and the output error will be reduced by dynamically considering the mutual effect of different zones of membership functions simultaneously. We will investigate how to define the extended relational functions and how to refine the roughly designed model. Besides, those equations will be systemically derived step by step to meet the system requirement.
Finally, not only some of commonly used cases will be evaluated for the low error outputs but also the iterations taken while given the same mean squared error will be counted. Simulation results from both single-input-single-output and double-input-single-output systems verified that the proposed extenics-based fuzzy inference model has better performance than the conventional methods.
List of Tables
List of Figures
Glossary of Symbols
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.2 The convertional approaches
1.3 Summary
Chapter 2 Fuzzy System
2.1 Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic
2.2 Fuzzy sets operations
2.3 The construction of fuzzy model
2.4 The fuzzy reasoning types
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Grey Relational Analysis
3.1 Grey Relational degree
3.2 Examples
3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 The Extension Set and Incompatible Problem
4.1 The definition of matter elements
4.2 The expansion ability of matter element
4.3 The evaluation of matter element expansion
4.4 The rhombus thinking method
4.5 The extension set
4.6 The extended relational function
4.7 The distance between a datum and an interval
4.8 The positional distance between a datum and two intervals
4.9 Summary
Chapter 5 The Proposed Extenics-Based Fuzzy Model
5.1 The single-input-single-output system
5.2 The double-input-single-output system
5.3 The data transformation methodology
5.4 Summary
Chapter 6 Simulation Results
6.1 Single-input-single-output case
6.2 Double-input-single-output case
6.3 The required iterations under different MSEs
6.4 SISO and DISO by transfornation methodology
6.5 Summary
Chapter 7 Conclusions
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